What Does the Bible Say About Speaking in Tongues part 2

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Many have denied the gift of the Holy Spirit. We need the power to serve the Lord. Thank you, Tiff Shuttlesworth, for emphasizing this from the Word. God bless you, and your ministry!


I finally understand the baptism in the holy spirit! Thank you. God Bless you!


Wow! Thank you Pastor Tiff! How awesome is Acts 19:5-7??! You can never receive from God what you don't have (scriptural) teaching on!! I love God and I love you too Pastor Tiff. I've never had such powerful teachings of God's word before! Praise God I've found a pastor filled with the Holy Spirit!! God's Word Is Alive!!😀


Thank you Bro tiff for this message always a blessing to hear one of your sermons. You are always a blessing when you speak to us about any sermon from the Bible.


Thank You Brother Tiff Shuttleworth. I appreciate your teaching and will listen more and support your ministry. 😊


From the Phil. My husband and i listen to your preachings and Bible studies.God bless your great ministry Sir


I was slain in the Spirit immediately after receiving Jesus as my Lord and Saviour..wow what a touch of God. I do speak in tongues tho I had no teaching on this…or being Slain in the Spirit at the time…🙏🏼🤗


Thank you Evangelist Tiff, this to me was as clear as it could be, God bless you.


This has been very beneficial for me as I have been confused about spiritual gifts but I do appreciate you breaking it down with all the scriptures to back it up. Thank you


What a timely message for this season in my life. Thank you to you and to Lost Lamb Association for being a blessing in my studies.


Thank you brother for your careful approach to the Word of God.
May those who believe in Jesus Christ, receive all that God has provided for them, us, through the Life, death, burial and resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, without doubting.


Thank you so much for all your teachings such a great place to go and feed from❤❤❤❤❤❤


"What Does the Bible Say About Speaking in Tongues"

Good question Tiff, kind Sir...

For this subject has been debated for probably centuries. But never more than when the "Pentecostal" church (and it's spin off churches) were created in 'circa 1906, in Sacramento, CA. Who believed: that the "Holy Spirit" comes down on them; and then they begin "talking in tongues". IE:

Yet there are MANY more denominations that have never done that. And most of them blast the Pentecostals and their spin off churches. With no uncertain terms; calling them bad names. Espousing that the bible never meant that! But the debate and arguments never stop to this day. And that denomination IS the fastest growing church in the world.

My take on that "phrase" in Acts and other books; in the NT is this: When Jesus told his disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel; that caused a MAJOR problem. And that is: how were they going to communicate with a myriad number of different languages (AKA: often called "Speaking in tongues" in the bible).

Well "no worries" folks! Jesus created a miracle; so that when the disciples preached...EVERY person that would not normally have understand their "tongue"; the Holy Spirit caused the listener to hear the disciples; in their own tongue. And vice versa; when they would speak in their own tongue; the disciples heard them in their own tongue. Awesome mystery.

This went on for about a 100 yrs; until the "Christian Gospel: had grown to such a huge massive "Christian world" (at that time); there was NO reason for "Speaking in Tongues" any more. So it died off, of course.

But sadder: their are people, that believe "Ghostly, Superstitious; and Demoniacal" scenarios. And the rest is History. Sad, but very true. And end of story. May Jesus have mercy...

...In any case kind Sir and Brethren, Please Pray OFTEN and Praise Jesus OFTEN; for He is the ONLY true "God Almighty"; there will ever have been. And may Jesus bless you and yours always. AMEN!


So glad I found your teachings God bless you


Thanks for your Coolbeans my friend and sweet truths


God bless you dear servant of God gor this mesdage6. Gid bless continually


Thank u sir shuttlesworth this wonderful teaching.Godbless u all


Great Blessing and joypul pracher and true freedom


This is the only thing I have disagreed with you, if I did that as some I would feel I was possessed by demons but if it was a human language would love to speak any earthly language that God gave the people at Babel. I well felt the difference when the Holy Spirit entered with my spirit when I became born again and boldness came. 🇨🇦


There are gifts of the Spirit, and they are to be used for the Glory of God. However, the gifts of "speaking in tongues" and prophecy, and healing, were gifts given ONLY the original Apostles to aid them in winning converts to the new religion. BTW, speaking in tongues did NOT mean speaking gibberish. It meant that the Apostles had the gift to speak and understand ALL languages. Those gifts died with the last original Apostle. We Disciples, are given gifts like discernment, and the ability to comfort, and the desire to live as an example to humanity as Jesus taught us in the Sermon on the Mount.
