How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome

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You truly can fully overcome imposter syndrome! This video walks you through the three things it is critical to understand about imposter syndrome, 5 tips to over come imposter syndrome, and the ways to approach the deeper healing work necessary.


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This video was created by Barbara Heffernan, LCSW for educational purposes only. These videos are not diagnostic and provide no individual consultation. Consumption of these materials is for your own education and any medical, psychological, or professional care decisions should be made between you and your primary care doctor or another provider that you are engaged with. Barbara Heffernan is not available for individual consultation via YouTube, social media, or email, and provides services only in the manner mentioned above.
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My colleague at work that's originally from China told me that whenever I talk about myself, I sound like an Asian parent. I also tend to receive criticism, not as an opportunity to grow, but rather a reconfirmation of what I assumed about myself all along. It's a very vicious cycle


Love the "brag file" concept. I tend to dwell on the negative work experiences and brushing off the positive ones. I need to flip it around. Ty


I really appreciate the way you've explained everything.


Sometime I take a compliment way too deep and get too happy. Then comes my biggest fear, I start slacking off thinking I'm good. Then I start making mistakes. Those mistakes will humble me down and make hate myself even for making mistakes. Then I'm back to exactly where I was. It's a vicious cycle.


Barbara, I love the way you break down the definition of imposter syndrome and share practical tips we can use. Great video!


Ty! I’m excited to give these exercises a true attempt. I’m going to break it down to every 3 days and check in with myself. Then increase to a week, then 2, 3, 4 weeks then move into months. 30 solid days feels overwhelming and a bit intimidating especially when a person has absolutely no motivation, desires, energy etc from being shattered for years without any sort of relief or healing on my own and with talk/EMDR therapy. So very small goals, baby steps so I don’t set myself up for failure. The questions/exercises look reasonable to work with. I will attempt to begin with a situation that’s less traumatic to get me started.

Thank you for taking the time to make this video and exercises. I hope many can begin to heal using this technique and exercises.


In most spiritual traditions sensing you are a imposter, fake is a positive piece of evidence that you are moving towards a higher level of consciousness and shedding a socially and personal skin for the next phase.🐇


The idea that one judges oneself by our internal dialogue compared to others' outer "dialogue"/body language is so true. Never thought of it that way. Will try to pay attention to that one. Ty


Marvelous video. I think this will have helped people in many different jobs and situations. Especially for us women having this sort of advice in such a friendly and professional way is a great boost to confidence with practical actionable ideas. Thank you very much.


When I was in train for a medical vet and my college was in co-vegetarian vet and the vet who teaches her and she didn’t know the answer…I by accident gave the conclusion …I have the right answer…as she didn’t know what was wrong with the kitten(atelectase). I got bitched by her ….after a few months I lost my job by her. Just because I over ruled “a becoming vet” …Yes I’m good in thinking over pathologie with animals…. But it made me feel so insecure that I know so much in my knowledge in animal care.
I’m now unemployed but don’t dare to let my knowledge now knowing…as I am hurt by my over ruling what I did before …”over ruling a vet in practice” as a technical vet…. It hurts so much…and I have a real problem to get a new job as being a technical vet (the Netherlands). “Vets should know more than me”..????


This is the best video I’ve watched about imposter syndrome!


Thank you so much for this video. You have presented this in a way that really connects with me. You are appreciated.


This gave me so much insight! Thank you❤


Can you speak on imposter syndrome in relation to narcissists abuse encountered in childhood or relationship.. Because it doesn't stem from work places but it really engraved by things the inner child has been hearing and emotional turmoil of abuse, i don't think taking compliments is a right fit for it or any because it pushes people to be codependent, instead of self compassion towards themselves.. Most people who suffer from it truly comes from the societal indoctrination, i honestly beileve we live in a world of energy, the ones who colonized the world with patriarchy had imposter syndrome that stems from fear of feminine energy and it powers, feminine energy not being based on assigned bodies or genitals, so they projected the world within themselves, with everything being energy they succeeded at gaslighting people to self doubt, remember narcissists have fears, they just are good at masking it..


Barbara what do I do I have a depression in the moment, I have seen a lot of the youtube videos including some of yours about the issue, But they are all about treating depression in the long term what do you I do when the low mood hits me here and now, lack of motivation, and also I feel totally drained for energy and joy. Impossible to do my college studies in such a mood and mental state. Is there something in the moment I can do in my room that will change the mood. Oh God depression is nasty there is no words to describe it one has to experience it


This doesn’t address how to overcome imposter syndrome when you have recently worked in a team that would not see a good thing in anything you do. They either water down or fail to acknowledge your successes.
