@joji - Glimpse of Us (SONG & VIDEO MEANING)

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Joji just released one of my favorite songs " Glimpse of Us". This song hit the feels hard paired with a meaningful video that feels like the complete opposite of the song but very well complements it.
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The meaning changes when you acknowledged his past of filthy frank along with the video


I’ve found the song has two meanings. One where “she” is Joji’s ex. And the other where “she” is the embodiment of a fast and free lifestyle. This song is about growing up trying to live more in line with what’s needed as opposed to what’s wanted and at the same time, feeling pain over having to leave behind that innocent perfect joyride called living to the fullest. That sentence above encompasses both perspectives, aching for an ex and the hold my beer attitude. I think I have a full picture but if you think I’m missing something or missing it entirely call me out.


So basically it’s a glimpse of Filthy Frank


Ex? Especially with the video, it feels more like letting go of bad habits, addiction, and living a more normal stable life. Then you think back to all the fun parties and how great it was, but it wasn't working. Your addiction hopes you'll slip slowly back and find it again, but it's out of sight in your mind and you've moved on and overcome. Yet every day in everything you do you find a glimpse of that old life, yearning to have you back, to destroy you, but you just know you can't. It's not the same. It's not what you thought it was and you're a better person for it, regrets and all, mistakes and all.


I love joji but the timing with this song couldn't be worse. I was very slowly getting better after messing up my relationship and then he drops this song and it all comes up again.


I personally gathered this from what I saw:

The video starts with a young protagonist in a disheveled house with some friends and sets the pace for the rest of the narrative at a glance, or so you'd think.

Some of the overarching themes seem to be along the lines of a lack of a sense of belonging/love, loneliness and isolation.
The beautiful somber ballad juxtaposes the chaotic mess that is the music video, yet, amidst all the chaos and disorder, you realize an intertwining of the two mediums begins to form as you look at the bigger picture.

It seems that although the main protagonist has such an active life surrounded by people who are living in the same way. There is a sense of immense loneliness amongst it all.
The balaclava's worn by the characters unifies them in a shared experience of anguish and abandonment, one of a creature lost trying so desperately to form a genuine bond, to feel wanted.

Some symbols in the video which stood out to me are:

1. Animals: a symbol of unconditional love. Despite the characters being portrayed as outcasts leading destructive lives, an animal is pure and void of the judgements and conditions required to maintain human connection and therefore, their presence emphasizes a deep desire to feel loved.

2. The family: the family walking through the park, met with a distasteful gesture by one of the main protagonists. This action alludes to the resentment felt as a symptom of frustration. All the attempts to simulate a family bond by the characters in this video clip fall short of doing so, leaving them all feeling empty and lonely again despite their greatest efforts.

3. The women in the lyrics: The supposed "ex" appears to be a metaphor for the life one cannot obtain, the stability and love of family which appears to be only a fantasy in the eyes of the protagonists. The current woman being a metaphor of the realization that the life led by the individual yields no sense of fulfillment.

4. The violence and destruction: an external reflection of the tragedy faced by someone so lost in a world, not knowing how to escape. Destroying the world in which they exist as the externalization of the challenges they face from the internal turmoil and anguish. This idea is highlighted more as the scenes depict the protagonist with their head in their hands, immobile and overwhelmed by their misery.

I'm sure there may be a lot more (or a lot less) to it, but all I know is that this video and song work in so many ways and it moved me tremendously taking my own subjective thoughts away after watching it. Absolutely loved it. Keen to hear everyone else's take on it.


Absolutely gorgeous video man. The footage shown is incredibly depressing and upsetting to see, I just hope people who live that way can power through and become champions.


I definitely think that the music video talks about how some people use reckless behavior to hide from the problems and emotions they don't wanna tackle. They try to numb the pain but at the end of the day we all face our demons in one way or another, whether we like it or not, we can only run for so long until we need to take care of our situation or at least acknowledge the situation. And then we either let the feeling destroy us, or we come back stronger from this experience.

Now the music I think is pretty clear: You try to convince that one person (in this case, your ex, but i think the concept can be applied in any sort of relationship) that you already forgot about them, when in reality EVERYTHING reminds you of them and you just wish you could get back to those days with them... and you know it's not gonna happen.


its just joji telling us that he misses frank


It's literally about frank and the bois covered up in a love song. The head shaving, the pink light at the end. C'mon.


Bro please tell me your camera set up, this looks so good


its not like every person would behave like that after a break up. The main protagonist porbably have alot of mental health problems and they need help or else they literally gonna die


dont care what anyone says, glimpse of us is about whenever joji looks into the mirror and misses the good times of being filthy frank. the self destructive behaviour is pink guys side trying to get out.


joji also said that it's the mirror of slow dancing in the dark


"Cuz sometimes i look in her eyes and that's where I find a glimpse of us " the meaning of this line after this video is giving me chills 🥺


For me it’s more of a remembrance of teenage years, where you would feel like you could take on the world…but then it all goes away, it fades and for some maturity hits, for others there’s an endless struggle to keep things the way they were


Your mistake was saying it was a story about joji


"..a relationship, missing your ex...That's something anyone can relate to"



People when break up:😭😭😭
Joji:it crimin time


It was relatable to the Boys and I because the ex portrayed in the song was seen to us a Filthy frank and the crew (Max, Chad, Ian, HowToBasic ect.) It was a feeling that we must move on from the past, and grow our separate ways.
