Increase Protein Synthesis 4X Using this Tip

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Questions that will be answered within this video:
- What are essential amino acids (EAAs)?
- How do EAAs affect muscle growth?
- What happens when you combine protein with EAAs post workout?


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Added 3g of Lucine post workout with a 50g whey. Huge gain in strength and recovery. Vs 50g with no lucine.


I started to take leucine with protein isolate in the morning 2 weeks ago and it has helped heal my elbow tendon pain and also gives me a boost so much I don't drink all my coffee. No joke. Thanks Thomas.


It's funny you mention this. I've been experimenting mixing eaas with a protein shake and having them post workout, after suffering extensive muscle loss due to an illness. After unsuccessfully trying different things, this is a real game changer. I'm already feeling stronger and noticing more tone on my body. Couldn't have turned things around without your knowledge and info. Thank you so much x


Basically they added free amino acids (3.2g) to whey protein (2.4g) and this caused a higher amino acid peak in blood than a higher dose of just protein, because the free amino acids are already digested and enter the blood stream readily. At later stage the whey protein gets digested into free amino acids and continues the process. The amino acid profile of the "proprietary formulation" of free amino acids plus whey protein mixture is not very different from the amino acid profile of the hydrolized protein-only. Bottom line: combine a hydrolized protein with unhydrolized whey protein instead of 'proprietary formulations'. Also, studies of "proprietary formulations" may be biased in favor of the manufacture and I would not be surprised if some or all of the researchers work for the manufacturer or got some kind of financial incentive. The article does not have a conflict of interest statement which makes it suspicious.


🔴 Esp for " ENDURANCE athletes" ( I play basketball for 2 hours in the sun / eq. to 12 miles) and sipping EAAs during the last 30 mins have DRAMATICALLY helped my post workout fatigue go away.


Hello Thomas, I’m a new subscriber to your channel and I think it’s great! I’m 62 and I’m relatively new to the low carb/Keto diet. I’ve been on keto for about 4 months and I lost 38 pounds so far. I have about 40 to go. I’m also new to working out at the gym but I haven’t seen very many videos about working out at the gym to build muscle and get in shape while on the Keto diet. I could use a good routine to build muscle plus nutritional advice. You look to be in great shape and I would like to see what kind of routine you recommend while doing a low carb diet. Thank You, Ron


But what if a lot of proteins contain leucin already?? Should I put more or what is fine amount of it?

For example my protein containts 2g leucin for 1 scoop (25g) of protein


Should we take Eaa's or just leucine?


No problems spiking insulin with carbs straight after a strenuous workout, if you're going to have any carbs, that's the best time. Having carbs post workout also switches on your parasympathetic nervous system which is important because your sympathetic will be in overdrive from the workout.


"Leucine" specifically is the key! It's the one that actually activates MTOR!


Protein Powder - Check
Leucine - Check

Trenbaloni sandwiches - check


Part of my daily dose of Sanity,
Thanks again


Thomas is brilliant here, as always. Best in the game and an American icon. 🤘🏽


He said add EAAs "not BCAAs" to trigger mTOR.

That makes no sense because mTOR spiking leucine + valine etc are BCAAs.. adding BCAAs (or even just leucine, a single BCAA) to your protein will totally spike mTOR


The video seems to imply the affects of the study would apply to resistance training, but the studies refer to cardio.


EAAs or Leucine? In the start you said Leucine and after you converted to EAAs ? 🤔


Thomas thanks for this info. I now know why I was skinny fat. Was taking EAAs all day instead of post workout.


Spiking insulin in the absence of fat or carbohydrates will not actually cause you to store body fat; it lowers blood glucose, which in turn increases fat burning. Leucine is considered ketogenic as well as anabolic.


"We have determined the acute response of protein kinetics to one or two servings (6.3 g and 12.6 g) of a proprietary composition containing free-form essential amino acids (EAA) (3.2 g EAA per serving) and whey protein (2.4 g per serving), as well as the response to consumption of a popular whey-based protein supplement (Gatorade Recover) (17 g; 12.6 g protein)."

So they added some EAA'S to a tiny amount of protein? and found it was better than just the tiny amount of protein alone?
imagine my shock.


You need to hit a threshold amount of leucine, roughly 3-5 grams depending on your bodyweight.
Walmart brand, body fortress whey protein has 3.1mg per scoop. I'll start doing 2 scoops after the gym. Thanks for the heads up!
Eating 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight 7 days a week is a hard workout in its self..
Diet Bros! Calories in, Calories out. anything else is BS.
