'This Is Not Real Food!' - How The Food We Eat Is Poisoning Us | Dr. Robert Lustig

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My mom used to tell me to read the labels. And if it has more than 3 ingredients in it, has sugar in it, can’t pronounce or spell it… then put it back… it’s not real food. 😊


How amazing that in the 21st Century we would be discussing what real food is, or what a woman is! Crazy.


I started reading labels at 17yo and I'm 65yo now. When I changed my diet back in my early 20s, I stopped getting sick all the time. Tastebuds change and you then can really taste the chemicals in processed food.


''I 'm a cart watcher, ....I'm a cart watcher, ....here comes one now''. I must admit when I go to the grocery store I can not believe the amount of crap/garbage food that is piled mountain high in most peoples carts. I have to refrain from laughing, ....or crying.


I worry most about the inflammatory crappy oils which are in EVERYTHING


Eat fresh foods, cook your own... plant/ grow your food..


When i was a OTR truck driver back in and thru the 90's, I hauled chemicals from chemical plants straight to the food production plants. Any processed food has chemicals in it, chemicals with 10 or more lettered names that you can't even pronounce, and it's not just in the food it's also in beverages. I tried pronouncing those names on the bill of lading and i couldn't even come close. No way all these chemicals are in the ingredient labels much of it is left out. We're being poisoned to live short lives and support health care cost which then you're forced to buy health insurance for. It comes down to two things, money and population control. They don't just want you dead, they want your money on your way out before you go.


My food choices are getting less every day. They have contaminated most all our food supply and drinks too. We really have no control over anything. This food thing proves it.


I have one treat a day, cheese puffs. Rest of the day, healthy foods. I'm old and going to enjoy my puffs.


They have poisoned our food chain, poisoned our water, and we have helped them, we are all responsible… Soylent green, a charlton Heston movie 50’s ago basically told us our future..


My motto is check the ingredients and “ If you can’t read it, Don’t eat it”.


When you go to the grocery store shop the perimeter and not the aisles. Im not saying that everything on the perimeter is good (most of it is) and everything in the aisle is bad (most of it is), but it is a good way to start. As for the aisles, i look for products with only natural ingredients and avoid seed oils, to include soy.


I've been alive for 75 yrs and I've made mistakes with all sorts of behaviors. Learning from those mistakes has been hit or miss. Lately, as my health has returned from a devastating colon blockage resulting from extensive diverticulosis, I have begun to re-establish a healthy diet by: 1. eliminating as much processed 'food' as I possibly can.
2. minimizing simple carbs
3. minimizing meat consumption
4. snacking on whole fruits, nuts or ground nuts.
I think preservatives and sugar are poisoning and addicting us to themselves for profit. Thanks FDA!


How is it that people on the carnivore diet reduce their inflammation, migraines, ibs, lose weight, heal joints, lower blood pressure, and improve sleep? I don’t think it’s the actual vegetables and fruits that are causing issues, it’s the man made chemicals that are in those foods.


This is a great video. I started a journey in 2020 to REALLY figure out why I had been overweight for 40 years. I created my own sort of system where I try to keep my food within 3 degrees of separation from myself. So farmer to butcher, one degree. Butcher to me, 2 degrees. I also cut out seed oils (except evo), sugar of all types, and preservatives. This means 99% of the grocery store is not edible for me. I call it my grandmother's mother's diet. To date, I have lost 130 pounds and I've kept it off...still losing. You have to shift your mentality about food. My husband and I call any processed food poison or food flavored filler. Its not easy. We are inundated with pro poison propaganda and convenient death treats but it is possible! I'm buying this book. Very glad I happened into this video. Thank you!!!


Just sharing my experience, my carnivore experiment lasted 14 days, afterwards I had no inflammation, no arthritis, no soreness in joints, no skin issues, significantly improved sleep and significantly improved late day energy. Previously, I had eaten salads, fruits and nuts, almonds. In my estimation, it was the elimination of the pesticides and herbicides that allowed my body to heal itself. Just my experience


Food is what comes out of the ground or what animals eat that comes out of the ground. I like that and I would also add that what to drink comes out of the sky.


I got sick in Morocco, stomach ache terrible diarrhea.I returned to Spain and went to the pharmacy and they gave me big fat capsules of lactobacillus acidophilus.Overnight I was 99% improved.Also had the same experience in Dominican Republic with dynamic result.


The only way to shop properly in the grocery store is mainly stick to the fruits/vegetables & meat section. Rarely go down the main isles and when you do, you better read that label to see what crap chemicals it’s chocked full of and simply put it back. After I got hypothyroidism I had to completely and radically change my diet, now my tastebuds are so used to ‘real’ food, I can’t eat processed foods and even most restaurants. Last week I tried to eat a snicker bar for the first time in years, I got three bites down and stopped, it tasted like wax mostly and other things that repulsed me—later I got bathroom issues. Eating the right food is serious business…your literal life depends on it. Good luck to all.


I had been dealing with very painful inflammation for about 2 years (early 21 to early 23). Doctors kept switching meds. Nothing worked. I finally figured out that if I doubled down on eating meat, and limiting sugar as much as possible it slowly goes away.
