Don't Make This Mistake When Food-Plotting in a Drought

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Great information, the results of that rain really came through for you congratulations


"Don't give up, Don't ever give up" Great video.


Very nice plot & I like the u-shape it has. Last year we had that drought all summer in central MN. Last fall I have to plant my tonnage food plot a little early. The ground was bare but I seeded & dragged hours b4 a good rain which was followed by a great rain 2 days later. I really like the kale & especially the kale/rape hybrid. Always used the smaller rape when planting clover in the spring but these annual fall plots r about big stuff & big appetites. Late October last year I had Kale that was waist high with huge leaves. This year I planted August 15th & we've had enough rain but 1 week of dry heat a couple of weeks ago was pretty scary. This heat now followed by rain in the next couple of days is really going to set us up for a bumper crop. Next year I'm planting in the spring with a cover crop of Buckwheat that I'm going to knock down after I spread seed. @ that point I won't have to be infested with weeds cuz the 2 out of 3 previous years of Buckwheat have done the job better than rye which is tough to knock down. That Buckwheat which germinates early May is just begging to be knocked down a couple of weeks b4 we start meteorology fall. Please post what's going on if 2022 if u can. Take care.


This year I planted right before a rain. It rained twice, and then nothing for over a week. Got good germination, but if it doesn't rain soon, I doubt the little plants have deep enough roots to make it. I have some rye seeds if I need it and will wait for Labor Day and see how things shake out.


Great video with the excellent before and after shots. Last year I panicked and double planted and the results were disastrous. thanks, Bob SW WI


Great advice. Don't panic. You always have rye in your back pocket.


EDIT: after reading a couple comments I am not going to re seed…. Gonna let it go and pray!

How long will the seed stay viable in heat and drought? I broadcast my brassica 2 weeks ago on a forecasted rain. Wanted take advantage of that. Anyway so far I had roughly 1/2 of it germinate and it’s looking good. But I have another 50% of the plot that bare dirt like what you see in this video. We have heavy rain coming this weekend around Kato.
