Don't Make This Mistake With Your Calisthenics Training

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One of the biggest issues in many body weight training programs is the lack of attention to building a foundation. Many people want to rush right into skill and strength work without ever spending time developing their muscles and joints. This is particularly problematic because it generally yields very slow results. Strength/skill work is best developed on a foundation of muscle mass. All things being equal, bigger muscles are stronger muscles, and have the potential for developing more force. By prioritizing the basics, you can better develop muscle mass that you can then use for skill or strength work, if that's your ultimate goal. Max strength and skill work are definitely not for everyone, and they aren't required to build a fit, strong, and athletic physique. However, if you want to maximize your strength in a movement, or build a strength-based skill, dedicated practice is very important, but prioritizing muscle mass and good body composition are still the foundation.
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Just wanted to say a massive thank you for the content you put out. Your method of training really resonates with me. Thanks once again.


I’ve just been following you for about a week now, and you’ve instantly become my favorite fitness guru, Kyle. Being 60, I have had to learn to make adjustments to my training to avoid injury and lengthy recovery. In a sense, I have come full circle as I started out serious training with special forces units while I was in the service. All of the programs were calisthenics-based. Your straightforward, common-sense approach has underscored my need to increase my calisthenics over weightlifting in my daily routine. Immensely helpful. Keep up the great work!


I’m so glad I found this channel. Info is always top notch and i think the channel’s gonna blow up real soon. Great work man!


Man this video is spot on. I made this exact mistake when covid started and I started calisthenics. Except I had a muscular base from 10+ years of lifting. So I ended up trying to do all my volume with more advanced strength progression movements that I had the base strength for, but my joints and mobility weren't used to those movements. Ended up with nagging injuries and losing gains a bit because I was spinning my wheels like you described. Getting intensity that stresses the joints but not enough volume to stress the muscles.

I've found with calisthenics that gym lifting, numbers focused mindset isn't really compatible. At least not at this point in my life at 32. Maybe if you're 19 just starting out with calisthenics you could get away with it more.


Another truly excellent and knowledge-packed video. This channel is pure gold.


I am a chiropractor and I find this channel to be the best training channel on YouTube


perfectly explained as always.!!!! basics are ageless. i mean i see you doing nothing but basics and you already have my dream body.... :)


I really love your crystal clear way of explaining concepts like this, and you seem to have a genuine desire to help people progress from whatever stage they're at. Keep at it!


I am so happy I stumbled upon your channel early in my journey! I am building a muscular base for the first time. In the past I would rush into movements with impatient abandon and inevitably end up injured. This time it’s a long game, and a couple months in I already feel stronger like never before. Thank you for your no nonsense approach!


Been watching your content for a year now. This background always fascinates me.


Man. Your videos are right up my alley, and things I have wished to see from other workout channels. I'm still a beginner, but the biggest thing I have learned is take the time to perfect movements and advance slowly. This is lifelong. A good idea for some more videos is to show beginners how to start out from scratch with modified techniques. Like doing pushups starting at countertop level. I'm not even sure where to begin with pullups. I think they are called Australian pullups. Thank you very much for your great content. Really enjoying your videos.


Even though I'm not interested in skills, you still delivered a valuable information in this video, thanks!


Great video. This is a good reminder to always master the fundamentals of calisthenics 💪


Excellent post. A good example of this is people trying to work a few reps of really hard dips when they have yet to build the supporting muscle mass and strength that comes from mastering high rep sets of proper, well controlled pushups.


thanks for covering all these variables with patience & sincerity!! 🤙🏾🕉


This is one of the best videos regarding training methods I have seen


i love the hardware vs software upgrade analogy! and thank you for another very informative video.


The thing about you that stands out to me.... among many other amazing things...

Is that you have an amazing body, which most teenagers will KILL to have, natty training wise... but that ain't it....

It's the fact that you, preach calisthenics with great confidence and belief, an experience you have gained from years of actual natty training.

You do know and understand, what contribution the proper execution technique of a rep, be it with just bodyweight or external resistance, would have on your muscle growth results.

And brother, I really do respect that. You have the mind of a true sports scientist.

Who doesn't just look at scientific studies, or just at anecdotal experiences. But combines both, in the most logical and scientifically approved method.

I dearly wish to God that more people come in touch with your amazing channel and contents.

I would like if I may to keep asking you some fundamental training questions, from time to time.


well explained and understood - although I was waiting to the 'how to/execution" component, which never came!


High rep high volume bw lunges are the bomb, really really good stuff
