Don’t Make This Mistake When You Spend the Night

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59 Secret Scripts to Melt His Heart, Unlock What He’s Thinking, And Make Him Want to Be With You Forever”


You had an amazing date with your new guy. The candlelit restaurant was so romantic, you

talked for hours about everything, the wine was flowing, you could barely keep your hands off each other in the cab and, before you knew it, you were waking up the next morning at his place.

As you were about to leave his apartment, though, that blissful feeling suddenly gave way to

sheer panic –

Will he think about you after you’re gone?

Will he call?

Will he want to see you again?

Maybe there is something you can do to guarantee he sees you again, you think…

But wait –Before you “accidentally” leave that necklace behind on his nightstand, heed my warning:

Don’t Make THIS Mistake When You Spend the Night

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Also Cinderella didn't ask for her glass shoe back.


I buy H&M rings in bulk specifically for this purpose.


"He didn't have Cinderella's number" Love it!


I actually have a super easy way to avoid this problem: If I'm in any way feeling insecure enough about a guy that I'd even be tempted to do this: I DON'T sleep with him! Or sleep over with him or any permutation thereof, until I'm feeling secure that he's hooked (aka invested) to the degree that *i've* decided I need to feel good. LADIES! If you're not sure that's he's super into you--if you're not sure he's even gonna want to SEE you again--why are you giving him the cookie?? Don't give him the cookie till you're happy with the situation, whatever that might be for you.


here's a tip for guys! Don't put your dirty laundry in MY pile of dirty laundry. Take your shit home and wash it at your own house!


Not going to lie, sometimes things are left as a bread crumb for other women. I appreciate finding an earring on the floor, bobby pin in the bathroom... ect. Helps me gauge who I'm interacting with, let alone choosing to be intimate with.


I think if your stuff is not welcome then you should consider yourself equally unwelcome.


The note idea is so golden, I’ve never tried it before but I will. I can just see the woman smiling ear to ear reading it, especially with thoughtful words. It’s a universal rule that men and women can apply.


My ex still finds long hair laying around in his house. It's been a year. No need for buying rings xp


These white hands and tanned arms though.


He reminds me of Daniel Radcliffe, dare I say.


you cant make someone like you but you can make them stop liking you


So if I spent the night at your house and left you some Girl Scout cookies with a note saying "there's more where that came from"... hahaha


Hey Matt, I’m glad you mentioned scent as a subtle way to remind him of me. So as a suggestion to the ladies and gents; if you’re gonna do that, wear good, expensive fragrance, not those cheap generic crap. And, don’t overspray! Give him a heartache, not a headache lol!


A guy did this to me twice, the first time I thought it wasn't conscious, the second time I got suspicious when he said "Oh, I forgot this and this and that at your place" 10 minutes after he left. So annoying!


You have changed so much. This line of work has definitely proven beneficial for you on many levels. It’s so cool to get to see how much you’ve matured and your message has only gotten stronger with more time. I think you should revamp and 2.0 this video and combine what not to leave and when to start having a reason to be concerned if you should be leaving something or not and what it should be… when to leave the toothbrush and when to have a need to carry your toothbrush with you and what kind of toothbrush that nest conveys who you truly are in the form of a toothbrush and how to not be too obstructive or confrontational with a possibly politically loaded choice of toothpaste… or to just get it over and done with about the fluoride issue the moment the toothbrush enters the scene and didn’t hang back until you got home…


I've had this happen to me and it totally worked. Just saying. I'm really awkward in the early stages of dating and it was a nice excuse to segue into the sober daylight phase of courtship. I might not have called her out of my own fear of rejection and awkwardness, but leaving the item let me know she wanted to see me again. They were gloves, so there's no way it wasn't intentional. Even if you really forget that at first, you remember as soon as you step outside and open the frozen car door with your bare hands, right?


I actually totally agree with this! I find it completely manipulative to leave stuff there. If a person has to do that, maybe just don't spend the night.


what if you left something accidentally and you don't want to see him again?


it's the first time where i get the feeling that you made this video for the guys. Like, "don't pretend you're more than a one night stand, it will scare them, don't be a hassle leaving stuff to their place". Honestly i think i would never leave something behind after the first night at his place, but seriously if i did, and i realised that made him uncomfortable, i think it would be worth it. Who wants to get further in a relationship with a guy who's feeling forced to call you and see you again because you left something behind?? Hope this makes sense, english is not my first language.  xx
