What Happens As We Are Dying - Yvonne Jones

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Yvonne Jones has spent more than 30 years as an end of life nurse, and has personally witnessed hundreds of people take their final breath as human beings on this earth. What she shares about what she’s seen as people are dying might surprise you, and will likely give you a different perspective on something that, unless Jesus returns in your lifetime, you are guaranteed to experience.



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I had a friend that passed away last year. His last wish was, he wanted to go to church one last time. He was too weak to go so the pastor and members went to have church at his house! He sang every praise and worship song, when the last song finished, he took his last breath and died. What a way to go! Praising God on your last breath. It was so wonderful.


I'm dying of pancreatic cancer. The doctors say I have 6 months to live. I have 3 things I must see God do his miracles in threw his son Jesus Christ. 1 my son to come back to Jesus, 2 my son-in-law saved, my sons wife saved. I do believe in my heart that he will save them. I've spoken to them all about salvation, so the seed is planted. God will water it. Please pray for them. Their names are Lee, Alley, and Bobby. God bless.


My dad was a Vietnam veteran and loved the lord!! He went home to be with the lord March of 2022 I was in the room with him that morning. I had not been living my life for Jesus up to that point. My dad was talking with me as I held his hand and he said the room was full of angels and then he asked me if I could see that light he started to reach up like he was reaching for someone as he was talking with them! He told me he could see the lord! This went on for a hour and a half. I felt the presence of God that morning! Jesus is the only way folks🙏🏻


I am also a retired Hospice nurse and a Christian. My most vivid experience was being with my late husband Paul as he was dying from cancer. He was only 55 and wanted more life here. I was attempting to ease his pain and make it easier for him. He was struggling and i cried out " Lord he has been through so much make this easier for him." He then looked up and with all the emotion in his voice, "said beautiful, pretty." I said Paul go for the love and light of Jesus. The children and i will be fine and we will be with you soon. He squeezed my hand, fell in a deep peaceful sleep and his pulse ebbed away 45 minutes later. I became a Hospice nurse due to Jesus allowing me to witness this. Best nursing of my career. Thank you Jesus.


My family was with my Mama as she passed from stage 4 lung cancer. It was the most beautiful most miraculous thing we have ever witnessed. On the evening she passed we had all gathered in her room because we knew her time was drawing close. It was time to give her medication and for whatever reason we all circled around her bed. Nothing had changed. She wasn't showing signs of distress nothing had changed as far as her breathing or anything, it was simply time for her medication, but we must have felt in our spirits Mama was about to leave. For about an hour we gathered around her bed we sang to her and prayed. I sat on one side of her bed and was holding her hand my other sister was on the other side holding her hand and my other sister was standing at the head of bed with her arms wrapped around her shoulders. The rest of the family was standing in a circle around the foot of her bed. I had my head down praying when Mama did something, maybe she shifted I'm not sure, but she did something that got my attention and I lifted my head and looked up at her. Mama's eyes had been half closed with a dull glazed over unfocused dead look for several hours. But when I looked up at her she had lifted her eyes up to the heavens and the most beautiful light filled her eyes! Gone was the dull dead look, her eyes were filled with light and a look JOY and AWE and RAPTURE filled her eyes for just a few seconds and then she was gone... We ALL saw it and I can't tell you how much peace that gave all of us. We watched Mama walk into Glory and we got a glimpse of Heavens Light through Mama's eyes.


My Mom when she was battling cancer one day she woke up in the morning saying she was somewhere with other people and they were burning! She asked my father to forgive her and my father not only told her he had nothing against her but he also led her through the sinner's prayer. Months later I dreamt seeing her in heaven and she looked like she was 30 years old yet she died at the age of 59. I am grateful to God for saving her soul ❤🙏


My father-in-law had bone cancer. It was a painful 2 years for him. A few hours before he passed, his sons pulled him back up in his hospital bed. He was sitting up talking to everyone and had slid down his bed. When they pulled him back up, we could hear his body popping. Like when someone pops their fingers. He didn’t cry out like he usually did. We were standing around his bed. Suddenly, he pointed to the corner of his room and said Jesus was standing there. He asked us if we could see him. He did that several times. Each time he said it, he would sit up in his bed. He said it with so much excitement in his voice and on his face. I was 22 and had been afraid of death. When I witnessed him saying those things and watched him pass so peacefully, I wasn’t afraid anymore. That was 1989. I gave my life to Jesus when I was 16. I’m looking forward to seeing Jesus. He’s the only way.


Ive been battling IV addiction for the past 10 years and God surely sent this to me this morning. Addiction is pure evil but God saves, pray for us addicts.🙏


I am Christian i have a relationship with my Savior Jesus CHRIST
2001 Dr.told me i had 18 months to live because colon rectal cancer had spread to liver
I had Radiation and chemotherapy in surgery.
I had been home a couple of weeks
I became very homesick for heaven i begin to cry i was taking to the lord i had my hands in the air Worshipping, God.
I was so homesick for heaven i couldn't stand it
Then GOD showed me the Gate of heaven. It was one giant pearl and after he showed me the gate of heaven, I became very peaceful and that homesick for heaven went away.


I recall a time when my husband and I lived in a beautiful apartment. During that period, we were smoking weed and not living a Godly life. One night, while we were both high, I remember our apartment feeling very cold, and we heard a rolling noise above us. My husband thought nothing of it, but I strongly felt the presence of something evil.

Months later, I rededicated my life to Jesus. When the pandemic hit, I prayed to God, expressing my fear of falling into a deep, dark hole and forgetting who He is. Suddenly, God turned my life around completely, answering my prayer and showing me His immense love. It was an amazing experience and a testament to His care for me.


My husband passed away at age 32. He had a long history of drug and alcohol abuse. His brother told me he was fighting demons on his deathbed. We were separated at the time. Jesus is the only way to heaven! If you haven't repented Please do it now! Tomorrow is not promised!


I am an RN who worked hopice in my career. When my mom went on hopice care, she lived with me. I was prepared for her to pass peacefully . I longed to see her call out to her mom or dad or say Jesus so i would be assured she was going to be with the Lord. She went into a coma for 11 days, with no food or drink. She was not in any discomfort. I prayed she would pass peacefully . I told a friend i wish she would open her eyes one more time. I was monitoring her pulse and knew her passing would be soon. On her last night we were listening to music. I told her that was a beautiful song and i liked the song. Then she opened her eyes and looked at me with a look of admiration. I was sho ked when i saw her look at me. I told her that i was glad she opened her eyes so we could see each other one last time. Her eyes were clear with no hazy film that can cover the eyes in the dying process. I then said out loud thank you Lord for letting her open her eyes. The her gaze was nolonger looking at me but looking out and it went to a gaze of aww has i looked at her eyes i felt like i was drowning in pools of love. I felt a warmth around like sunlight, but the room was dimly lit. I felt JESUS I felt love in the air and peace. I told her, "You see Jesus, you are looking at Jesus. She then closed her eyes. She passed a few hours later. I am thankful to my lord and savior that her passing was peaceful and she opened her eyes one last time and I knew that she was with Jesus because I was allowed to feel his presence when he came for her.


😢😢😢😢I'm 64 years old and live each day with a intest fear of death.I am hearing this from a fellow nurse and I have been with many people who are dying. Some see lights in the room with them. I see myself dying and going to Hell. I am now trying to make a decision to follow Christ and ask forgiveness for my sins daily. God Bless you Yvonne.


All I would want is to see Jesus waiting for me.


When my dad was passing, he took off his oxygen, and he said it’s time, and he closed his eyes and a short time later open his eyes real wide and said “I see them” and then he closed his eyes and that was his last breath 😇🙌


In 2001 my brother (53 yrs) had luekemia and had been hospitalised for about 6 weeks. The nurse phoned and said that my brother should have died hours ago but has been waiting to see me and his mother.
We rushed to the hospital and I could see he was struggling to breathe. I prayed for him and held his hand. While talking to him I took time to trim his beard as it was messy and over grown. I was believing that he could hear my conversation but also trimming his beard was helping me to deal with the situation.
When I had finished I prayed for every demon in the room to leave.
I then asked Jesus to send angels to fill the room. Within seconds he sat up with eyes wide open and head moving side to side like he could see something glorious. He then laid back and gave his last breath.
When the nurse came back into the room she was amazed at how peaceful he looked. She went on to say they don't normally look like that. We could also feel love & peace in the room. I couldn't see anything but knew that the angels had come to take him home.
I thought months later that I trimmed my brother's beard to prepare him to see his Lord & Saviour.


My mother at 68 had renal failure and we opted for hospice at home, she was awake for a day and half talking, smiling, crying, she had received Jesus about 10 years before this. She did not fear death, the last morning that she woke up she asked me “is this what it feels like?” and so I asked is what? And she looked at me and asked if she was dying? I was holding her hand and I said “yes mom I believe that this is what it must feel like when your dying” and she nodded and asked for all her grandchildren to come to her, she had at least 6 out of 12 came to her bedside, about 40 min later she fell into a deep sleep, I know she was listening her eyes were moving under her eyelids, 3 days later she passed. There was a sweet smell of roses in the room yet no flowers were present.


My sister passed away of kidney failure last June. She was 56 years old. I had many conversations with her about heaven and Jesus months before she passed. She often said she had her own spirituality. I told her the Bible tells us there’s only one way to God through Jesus Christ. Days before she died she said to me, I repented Barb! My sister was in ICU and the family was there to say goodbye as she took her last breath. I asked the Lord if he would show me a sign that she was going to heaven because she couldn’t move or even blink her eyes when I asked her to do so, just so I knew that she knew I was there. It was two hours of us being there before she left us. I saw a quick smile and one tear roll down her cheek.
I felt those were the signs from God that she made it to heaven! This hospice nurse said toward the end of the video that you sometimes see a smile. Another Christian hospice nurse said she calls a tear, “The Jesus Tear.” So glad my sister made it!❤😊❤😊


In 2018 my bile duct became blocked, lacerated and ultimately burst. I lost consciousness and was taken into emergency surgery. I was septic and was in a coma for 12 days. All during that time the only thing that I was aware of was the presence of Jesus with me. I remember wonderful fellowship although I cannot recall any of the conversations that passed between us. During the entire time I felt peace and confidence in the sufficiency of Jesus to save me. I've been walking with Jesus for 53 years. He has been faithful to me in all things. His grace not only covers my sin, but it calls me out of my sins. His presence in my life continuously changes me day-by-day into His likeness. Glory to His holy name!


My favorite story is Jesus saving the good thief only moments before his death. All it took was “I’m sorry Lord”. It’s NEVER too late.
