What Really Happens when we DIE? Scientific & Yogic Explanation

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What Really Happens when we DIE? Scientific & Yogic Explanation

00:00 Introduction
00:54 Why do we have Fear of Death?
03:14 Panch-Vayus Explanation
05:39 Spiritually what happens to the Body?
06:21 What is an Astral Cord?
08:19 How does Karma decide your next Birth?
09:32 How does one Leave the Body at the time of Death?
11:32 What is a Karmic Board?

Death - an inevitable part of the human experience, that often leaves us yearning for a deeper understanding of this profound concept. Our ancient texts have generously given us powerful insights into death, the afterlife, and what lies beyond the physical realm.

"In Sanatana Dharma, life and death are not opposites, Birth and death are opposites because life always goes on"

Bhavesh’s journey into the world of yoga and philosophy began at an early age, with his immense thirst to know more about the unknown. His curious nature led him to imbibe all the ancient wisdom of our culture and he dedicated himself to this path of learning and practice. Equipped with the profound knowledge of the sacred texts, he knew exactly the road that he had to take ahead.

Today, he is settled in Rishikesh, better known as the yoga capital of the world where he has devoted himself to spreading the knowledge of the Rishis and reviving the Sanatan Dharma. The popularity of his deeply transformative online and offline courses are a testament to his mastery of yoga and philosophy.
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If you are interested in a detail course of what happens after Death with Bhavesh,


My mother passed away during 2nd wave of covid. She was all alone in the hospital for 15days with hardly anyone to care for her. We were unable to go as we had covid too & were at home. The only relief was the mb by which she used to call or we could comfort her. But later on we mostly received distress calls from her. She asked me to take her back home 2 days before she passed away. I was very close to her. Last 2 days she was on ventilator. No one could see her, comfort her or love her in her last time. Thats the most painful, tragic time of my life which deeply hurts me till today. I couldn't accept it . Last rites were done by my elder brother thats the only one thing that comforts us. I prayed to Bholenath ( my isht) to give her peace & take her with HIM🙏🙏 I somehow feel now that she's at peace & happy wherever she is. Thank you Bhaveshji 🙏😇for taking us to the actual reality of our life as we forget why we are here & keep living our mundane, meaningless lives. Thanks a lot 🙏


We must try to fuel our soul with good karmas.... And stop running behind Unwanted desires....


Don't know why, but after hearing this I got a tears and goosebumps simultaneously.


After Sadhguru's book on Death, this is by far the most beautifully explained process of death. Something we fear but it's as natural as janm, jaraa & Vyaadhi. 🙏🏼


I have no fear of death, I'm looking forward to it. But I feel God still wants me in this body, so I stay out of duty to Him.
I was there the last final hours and the exact moment my mother died. It was a beautiful process. I meditated with her and blessed her journey before she departed. There is nothing to fear, the soul will go on.


I love this man... he doesn't tell us petty wishful superstition based on hope, he is guiding us through through a reasonable and logical process of how we live our own cycle of life. He's cutthroat and doesn't wish to make people cope with the struggles of life but to challenge them so we can truly continue efficently. Hats off to this explanation, sir!


Thank you Bhavesh, you do a favour to humanity by remembering this sacred knowledge! May Ishwara enlighten us on the path. Once again thank you 🕉️


Thank you bhai . I was crying at the end. I am soul who is working for moksham. I don't want to be born again. This really helped me. When you said our guru will be waiting for us, I remembered sadhguru's words. He also said the same thing. 🙏🙏🙏


This knowledge is what every human has to know and understand. Then living life consciously will create a beautiful world to live in. Let this happen sooner…


So deep and intense. I had goosebumps throughout watching this video. I even had tears.
Hari Aum Tat Sat! 🙌🏼🙏🏼


Be Good & Do Good to all. That goodness is the only thing you take with you when you die 🙏🏼


What a mind blowing explanation to the one and only truth in life, death… I am in awe at the level of knowledge imparted by our ancient Rishis and needless to say the way you have imparted it in this video… didn’t feel like you are saying it… felt like someone is reaching out through you.
Hari Aum Tat Sat 🙏🕉️🔱


Thankyou for sharing with us, Buddhist teaching explains the same thing. love from Sri Lankan Buddhist🇱🇰


The most precise way of explaining where any normal soul can understand what happens when somebody dies! Thank you so much for this explanation. May Lord Mahadev bless all!


One of the most beautiful videos I've ever watched. Thank you Guruji 🙏🕉🔱👣Hari Aum Tat Sat


When i was in class 8 my mother took me to an astrologer and she told me to chant maha mrityunjay mantra everyday whenever i get time that time i didn't use to believe in all this things but back in 2019 when i went through health anxiety after a year later i start chanting the Maha Mrityunjay mantra and n how don't know mahadev became very important in my life whenever i think of him i find peace 🥹😌🔱🕉️ i became so emotional reading and learning about him and Shakti 😌 Sometimes i think Mahadev and Mahadevi is there for me everytime and blessing me 😌🙏


It amazes me how you explain such complex phenomenon in such a simple manner! Thanks a lot for spreading spiritual awareness! Hari Om Tat Sat🙏


Mind-boggling! Beyond words.. Literally can't explain it. 🙏


This video is so well explained. Having experienced the sudden loss of my mom last year, I found myself grappling with questions about death and life after death.The way this video addresses these complex topics at a foundational level not only provided answers but also ignited a desire to delve deeper into these existential mysteries. And living abroad has brought to light how many of us Indians, follow Hinduism as a cultural tradition, often lack deeper understanding of its essence.Your videos have been a beacon of knowledge, shedding light on the richness and depth of Hindu philosophy and practices. I’ve personally benefited greatly from this newfound understanding and have been able to share this knowledge with my foreign friends, thanks to your informative content.Your commitment to educating and enlightening your audience is truly commendable. Keep up the excellent work, and thank you for being a guiding light in our quest for knowledge about Hinduism.
HariAum TatSat 🙏
