Where are Ned Stark's bones?

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Before watching I will say with absolute confidence that Ned Starks bones stopped at the neck.


What's crazy is how often something isn't known "Howlan Reed" gets brought up.
What's crazier is how realistic all those chances are.


Ned's Bones are on a luxury cruise through the Stepstones on a well-deserved vacation after such a tumultuous career


A quick summary of crucial plot items or information Howland Reed is (probably) in possession of:

1) Ned’s bones

2) Robb’s will

3) The truth about what happened at the Tower of Joy and Jon’s parentage

4) Ashara Dayne happy, healthy, alive as his wife

He’s hard-carrying the story and hasn’t even appeared on the page yet, what a Chad


Holland Reed watches over the bones of his friend. He sent his kids to guard the Stark boys now he will watch over his friend till he can be returned home.


No wonder Barbrey Dustin hates Ned. Not only did he neglect tonbring back her husband’s remains, but he DID bring back HIS HORSE. Imagine? “Hey Babs, your husband died. Can’t say why. No, I won’t tell you where. Anyway, heres his 2003 Toyota Corolla back. Few extra miles on it … so we good?”


Victarion has them and when he blows the dragon horn Ned Stark's bones will reanimate and do the monster mash in front of the gates of Meereen. It will be such a smash that all sides will put down their arms and join in


I dont think Dustin died at the Tower of Joy, otherwise Ned would have brought his bones


Where are Rob Starks bones, that’s what’s always nagged at my mind


My uncle is GRRM's personal landscaper. He told me the twist ending for Winds of Winter is that Ser Strong gets his helmet taken off in a fight and it is Ned's head sewn on top.


If the King's Justice took Ned Stark's bones to Greywater Watch, however, that would be a Payne in the Neck.


12:09 - "It does rather fit our understanding of this unimaginative but loyal man that when faced with an obstacle preventing him from going on, ...he just stays where he is." - Hal Mollen is A Song of Ice and Fire's Siegmeyer of Catarina.


Everybody asks WHERE are Ned's bones....
Nobody asks HOW are Ned's bones. 😢


The Crannogmen intercepting the Silent Sisters and shepherding them to safety was always where I went when considering Ned's bones. So much has been made throughout the story of Howland Reed and his importance to Ned, the Tower of Joy, and the babe that is certainly Jon Snow, he just has to become involved somewhere, and being revealed as the keeper of Ned's bones until they can be safely interred beneath Winterfell is just too perfect. For the second time, Howland Reed will be the sole reason that Ned Stark returns home....

My personal nagging feeling - and I really have nothing more to back this up with - is that Ned's remains will become tied up with Lady Stoneheart before things are said and done. Ned & Cat both had their lives cut short be treachery, and both had their deaths rites interrupted. It feels right that they would be intertwined somehow as the magic in the world continues to increase.


The "hooded man" encounter is fascinating for several reasons. Theon doesn't see him as a stranger yet doesn't seem to recognise him at the same time. I think at this point, Theon is, like you mentioned, so psychologically warped and lost in his own mind that he might not be fully cognisant of what's going on around him as something of a defence mechanism. His subconcious recall tells Theon the man is not a stranger, yet his mental fog resulting from intense torture is occupying so much of his mind's "processing power" as it were, that he doesn't make the connection. While I tend to think the man was real, I have entertained the notion that he is a "shadow person" of the sort that people in delirious frames of mind have reported seeing for years. The experience is actually quite similar to Theon's confrontation with this man. He wears a dark hood or wide hat, one does not recognise him fully, yet you know deep down that he's somehow familiar. Despite that sense of familiarity, the encounter with hatman is invariably eerie if not totally threatening, with the apparition taunting in ways seemingly designed to cause the most psychological distress. It wouldn't be the first time that trauma or injury has caused a bizarre 'waking dream' or 'vision' for a character in these books.


I have a theory: it is shown throughout the books that it is important that the Stark bones remain in the crypts after their death, and that their respective statues and iron swords keep their souls imprisoned, an ancient tradition. Perhaps the fact that Ned Stark's bones do not reach Winterfell's crypts will release something bad for Winterfell or the entire North. It's an ancient tradition, perhaps from the time of the First Men, and we know that the Starks have First Men blood and a likely connection to the Others. Perhaps the fact that Eddard's bones do not reach Winterfell is the bad omen that will herald the fall of the Boltons and, as is always said, the North remembers.


GRRM had to write the bones out otherwise Ser Jeremy of house Kyle could do a DNA test and find that Jon isn’t Ned’s son at all, and that would throw everything out of wack


Ned’s bones coming home sound like a satisfying quiet moment. I think that’s all they’re for tbh.


Only just started the video, but I'm better the answer is, "No idea, but theres a good case to be made for Howland Reed having intercepted them for safekeeping"


Dude is still alive. Thats why Ned only brought a horse back to Lady Dustin.
