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Can I get a thumbs up for this horrible thumbnail? It was complete accident that this face popped up on my screen but I decided to use it.Today I am going over the actual way of how I got to move to Germany.

This is one of the most cost effective ways to move to a foreign country but it can be one of the hardest and least rewarding ways (in my humble opinion). Granted if you are lucky and meet an amazing family being an au pair can turn into an amazing cultural experience :)

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older than you think

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Munich, Germany

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Happy sunny Monday ☀️I hope this video helps anyone thinking of becoming an au pair. I have deleted most of my au pair videos and probably won't talk about being an au pair on my channel that often. It was an interesting opportunity for me and it got me to Germany but I feel like that chapter of my life is over ❤️


The golden hoops look so chique, lovin them on you


I was an au pair in Austria and exploited like crazy. working 45 hour weeks instead of the 18 required, but was way too scared to quit, especially because they made me believe it was my fault that my working hours were so long (the parents lived in a different city so I was alone with the three kids, driivng 2 hours a day, cooking, cleaning, laundry and ironing the linens for their vacation homes). I WISH I HAD LEFT - I still feel like I am damaged from the way they made me feel.

One of the things that hurt the relationship early on was knowing the laws in Austria. Au pairs in Austria are supposed to get 15 pay checks per year - a double in December and a double in June and a double in August. My family, who had 4 cars and 5 homes only gave me 12. In December, I tried to bring it up and the mom made it seem like I had misunderstood the laws. Found out way later that some of her previous aupairs had gotten the urlaubsgeld and some hadn't - it seemed random. I wish I had known how to stand up for myself - ended up having to go to the Arbeiterkammer at the very end for this money and the family made my final month a living hell


A very interesting video.
In my opinion leaving your home country, your family and friends is a very brave and hard decision. There are so many things that could go so terrible wrong during this process. I'm really glad that you managed all this problems and that you are happy hear in Germany.


That woman with the 3 kids sounded like nearly every (pre-pandemic) family in a particular Brooklyn neighborhood I worked in. While I wasn't an Au pair or nanny, I'd hear mind boggling stories during my lunch break.

One women wanted time off to see her kids only to be told that she'd used her vacation time.

She unknowingly used her time when she went away with the family to watch the kids on the FAMILY vacation so mommy & daddy could "relax".


I was an Au-Pair in Starnberg just south of Munich from 2018-2019. And it was the best experience of my life. But, my experience was much different than most of my au-pair friends' experience there. My host family Was a mutual friend of mine so I didn't go through a website at all. My family really made me feel like I was part of their family! We still talk and I'm planning to visit them once travel is allowed. I had a friend though who was completely exploited the parents just like went on a trip for 2 weeks with only a few days notice and told her she had to take care of the kids by herself for that whole time and rarely gave her time off.


Same as the airport thing. Ryanair:"Frankfurt-Hahn"😂


Thank you Hayley for the high quality advice and the deep insight into this topic. This is one of your best videos since the viewer can tell that this advice comes from your heart!


everything you said is truthful and realistic. I am currently an au pair here in Germany and struggling with 3 kids which is very young. I am working longer hours than the usual. I am getting tired hoping this is just an adjustment period. I had a lot of mistakes with my decision coming here.


I'm shocked that the au pair salary in Europe is 200-260€ a MONTH!
I'm from Austria and I've been an Au Pair in the US from 2018 to 2020. I loved the experience and I wish the pandemic would slow down so I could visit my hostfamily again ❤ Anyhow I went with the agency "aifs/ au pair in america" and got paid 250$ a week! I was considered a professional Au Pair since I'm a qualified pre school teacher here in Austria. Even a 'normal' Au pair got a little less than 200$ a week. The au pair salary is considered very low in the States and many hostfamilies pay their Au Pairs more. If I compare it to european Au Pairs I was "rich" with getting 1000$ a month without spending money on rent, food or electricity. All these living costs are covered by yout hostfamily. You literally get 1000$ to spend only for traveling, shopping, your hobbies...


I’m an au pair in Germany and this whole video is so useful and truthful


You look beautiful Hayley, love your hair 🙋🏼‍♀️:)) another great vlog...thank you for the entertainment! Wishing you and Mike a fantastic blessed week ahead, looking forward to your next video, God bless you🥰


Wish I'd known about au pairs 10 years ago. Sounds like a great experience


I was an au pair for a short time in France in a wonderful family living in Nice. A time I would not want to miss!


GM ☕️☕️Thankyou for the information It is very refreshing how you updated your growth and knowledge since the beginning of your journey. You and your hubby stay safe❤️❤️💃🏽🕺


Hello 👋 I totally agree the point about AGE. I was 17 when I was an aupair for the first time and it’s not ideal to be so young for this experience. I can’t stress it enough when I give advice on becoming aupair. It is really way too soon.

The points with saying no and having respect were very well said. Great video, thanks :)


Ich war 2009 mit 19 Jahren Au Pair in Chicago. Das war so eine tolle Zeit. Ich bin super froh das gemacht zu haben und bereue es ein wenig nicht noch das 2. Jahr angehängt zu haben.
Habe damals auf zwei Jungs (2 und 6 Jahre) aufgepasst. Der kleine war super, der große leider schon etwas verzogen. Glücklicherweise war er aber die meiste Zeit in der Schule.
Wenn ich könnte, würde ich es glaube ich tatsächlich nochmal machen. Leider bin ich jetzt zu alt lol.


Wenn ich in Chicago lebe, kann es auch 45 min brauchen um in die Innenstadt zu kommen. Also eigentlich ist Rosenheim doch ein Vorort von München... ;)


Haha omg the distance thin is real !! my hostmom on Long Island was like "Oh its 30 minutes by train into the city (NY). no mam it is not! 15-20 min walk to the trainstation, 40 minutes till Penn Station :D she just didnt know because she always took the care everywhere, no walking, no public transport. At some point during the year, I did correct her. And when it was my time too leave she was having these call with new potentiual au pairs and, with the american walls being as thin as they are, I could here every word and she was still stickung to her version of the story :DD same with her "well behaved kids" ...
And i totally agree about the age! I went when I was 23-25 and I feel I was so much more confident and could advocate better for myself, but I was also able to just sit some things out and grow with that. I migth have given up when I was 18....


The making you work more hours than you're supposed to work sounds like what my internship tried to do to me. In the US it's illegal for interns to work more than 40 hours a week and they can work 5 days a week. Some jobs can get around the law by giving you time off of your choosing or you were ok with working more than 45 hours a week and or more than 5 days a week. My internship didn't have to honor the law while you were on land (I was a counselor for an at risk youth organization. We took kids out for a month on a canoe in the Everglades). The interns on land didn't get the respect they needed. They had me working 70 hours a week 7 days a week. After the 2nd week of this garbage I called my school advisor to see what I could do. The younger interns said "you can't do that. You're going to get us in trouble and then we will have to work harder." I ignored them and continued on with the phone call. My school had a conversation with my employer and magically us (on land) interns didnt have to work more than 45 hours a week 5 days a week. If we did have to work one extra day or an hour or 2 longer we got the time off. Youngsters just dont know when to stick up for themselves.
