Gigachad DM Rulings

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I would personally prefer playing as a dungeon.


I know its not that funny, but the finality with which he said "I'm gonna play a dragon. RED. ADULT."


I will say…I did a Strahd gothic horror campaign where the DM was VERY strict with classes and races, and we all had to play as humans. It ended up being one of the most immersive and coolest campaigns I’ve ever been a part of. Then again I also played another strahd campaign where we were complete wacky weirdos, attended a wedding for rats, had a fashion show in Vallaki, got absolutely blazed on an in game drug and pulled about a dozen cards from the deck of many things, hilarity ensued. so through that I became a fan of both approaches, not just the “anything goes” direction


DND gigachad just sounds like spending an unhealthy amount of time on DND homebrew to give your friends what they want and I already do that.


Jacob (sneak attack) hitting the griddy in excitement for Jacob (Bugbear) big story moment rules, and then hitting that gwiddy even harder at the end rocks.


I love seeing the Wizard's antithesis. This time, we get to see some real DM action from a guy who can make anything work!


DM: "How does everyone feel about Jacob playing an adult red dragon?"
Bard: "..."


There is no way that "Batonk the Bugbear bonk" was a one take line.... I needz the bloopers for this!


Loved that moment when the Gigachad had them roll initiative. One player's roleplaying victory does not have to cancel out the big combat for the rest of the party - you can have both!


I had a player want to play as a snail... After some homebrewing a Escargonian was born


i think the dragon example is a great showcasing of a gigachad dm that shows care for the players concern and tries to accommodate. HOWEVER it's perfectly valid as a DM to say no to something that requires that much prep work and reworking, as the DM you're also a player, your concerns around the narrative matter and if you don't want to run the game with someone playing a character that disrupts that story you're perfectly within your rights to say no to that.


I think the best part is that the player sneaking at the end is the one playing the red dragon


Imagine Gigachad DM being your first DM ever. You'd become a player for life


He would give Wizard an an entire arc focusing on their relationship with the Shadow Wizard Money Gang shadow government


It’s not about giving the players anything they want it’s about making a great story, for them and for you, together, the books and rules are just the tools to help that happen.


I'm a therapist and DM for teen clients, and we're doing homebrew campaigns with therapeutic aspects to them so my focus is on making sure the therapy part of the narrative and world remain intact; anything else is up for grabs. Which means I absolutely feel the first part of this video; A wants to play this D&D meme character, B just wants to be a wizard and doesn't know or care what races are, C wants to play a changeling who randomly cycles through races with each one having their own stats based on what's appropriate for that race, and D wants to play a mech with a dark unicorn animal companion. We'll make it work, you just gotta give me a sec to think real fast.


I have a friend who loves your channel. I introduced him a while back and his fondness for your videos outgrew even mine, which was awesome. I was happy to see him find something he liked so much. He's the DM for our group and lately he's been doing stuff like this. I asked him where he's getting his ideas and he said, "Gigachad Jacob" and I literally laughed so hard. You made him a better GM by literally creating a character.

That's pretty sick man.


I think there is something very important here that could easily be overlooked. Not only is the DM trying to make it possible for one player to play a dragon, BUT the DM is asking the other players what they think about one of the group having such an unusual concept. And that's very important and something I've never seen on a role-playing table before. Often characters are even made secretly (with the DM) and other players don't know who is playing what until you sit at the table for the first session and you realize what a colorful and absurd group this is. And every time I think to myself, "Can't we talk a little bit and roughly agree on a topic?", and when I express these thoughts, I always hear the same answer: "Don't worry, it'll be okay." When I DM a game and we do a session 0, I also make sure that the players know each other who wants to play what and whether everyone is cool with the different concepts


0:03 This clearly takes place after BG3 came out.

Before BG3, no one would've actively wanted to play as a Githyanki.


In 2e there was a setting called Council of Wyrms that came with rules for playing as a real ass dragon. If I remember correctly, the book said “everyone should have a regular character and a dragon character”. Your dragon took forever to level up but I still think it’s cool.
