How often do you think about the Roman Empire? #romanempire #roman

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For those of you who don’t know this is part of the trend that’s taking over the world at the moment. Where women ask men how often they think about the Roman Empire.

So this is my take on the trend, trying to teach people something as I do it


Had Germanicus been let loose on the German tribes and exterminated them as he had planned, it would have certainly changed the course of barbarian invasions. But instead, the emperor Tiberius, jealous of all the victories Germanicus was stacking up against the German tribes, recalled him and sent him off to another part of the empire to get him out of the way. A tragic instance brought about by petty jealousy.


Modern city of Adrianople should be given back to Greece in commémoration of the Roman empire


Given the situation Rome was, one battle wouldn't have changed the outcome of Rome. Since the problem was on a higher level: constant civil wars from usuprers, unstable succession line (most of the time), romano-centric view of the barbarians to a point of Rome ruining its relationship with some tribes with a devastating outcome purely because of "ideological" (closest I could think of word) complex of superiority, and much more. Saying one battle would have saved Rome is a bit of an overstrech. If it wasn't for Adrianople, it would have happened another time.
A more realistic approach to Rome's survival would be for example, succeeding of the Grachi brothers, changing the aristocracy and rulership of Rome to adapt it for the new problems; the plaque not emerging, moderate decentralisation of Rome like the themata system during early middle ages, etc.
One event rarely changes course of history, since for every event, there is a ton of buildup behind it for it to be definitive thus, leaving the whole situation to be triggered at other moment. And in this case it hardly would change anything in Rome's faith..


Honestly out of any of rome’s losses this was the one they deserved the most. Truly happy the nobles were brought away in chains for what they did.


Let's not forget that while generals win a nation battles, politicians make them lose the war


From what I've read, a large number of the Roman's were actually Germania warriors living in the Empire. And the Emporers had destroyed the economy with taxation, many Roman citizens just went over to the Goths.


My wife saw this and asked me without showing the post, she cracked up when I said probably every day at least


Times i think about Roman Empire: Once a day

Times i think about Weimer Republic: Every hour


Yup every day especially whenever I look at all my Roman themed tattoos


I honestly think it was the split of rome.
Rome in italy, and then Constantinople.


If your empire's continued existence depends on just one battle then it's days are plainly numbered.

In its time Rome lost a great many battles. The breath-taking aspect is that they always bounced back.

After suffering a crushing defeat at the battle of Cannae, at the hands of Hannibal - for the next 2 thousand years the worst defeat ever inflicted on any army anywhere in a single day - Hannibal sent an embassy to Rome to dictate peace terms. The Roman Senate refused to even see the embassy unless, the Senate said, the embassy had come to surrender.

To surrender.


It would have slowed the complete collapse but many things needed to change in order to have saved the Empire. It was doomed to fall after Hadrian, and the sporadic arrival of actually competent people to rule delayed its fall more but given how quickly things can fall apart after one person it’s amazing it lasted as long as it did. Personally I think the rise of Diocletian and his tetrarchy helped prolong it further. Sorry I was just rambling there for bit so to sum up Adrianople was perfect example of uncontrolled immigration and abuse by officials leading directly to a massive defeat of the Romans with a dead emperor to boot.


Rome was beyond fucked at that point from the 3rd Century Crisis, Asrianople was just another nail in the coffin


fun fact, the reason the goths invaded the empire to begin with was because they were actually getting pushed out of their own lands and defeated in battle by a different group, you might have heard of em, they were called the huns


I think about it because we're currently doing a rerun of its fall.


People always seem to forget that the eastern Roman Empire continued long after the west had fallen.


Rome enthusiasm is one of those things where its almost impossible to find someone to talk about it with. Because half dont really know anything about it and the other half are practically scholars so you cant have an interesting conversation. Its like football, nothing worse than initiating a football conversation only to find theyre practically a walking football encyclopedia and you cant follow the conversation at all.


Couldn’t have been saved because constant dysgenic political policies (welfare) and constant inflation-building policies (devaluing the coinage and raising taxes on middle class) meant it was going down anyway. Then inviting in the people who would in the end betray it. The same three things we are doing in our civ, which is why this civ is going down too.


Roman empire had two major problems - high taxation and uncontrolled immigration.
