How Often Do YOU Think About The Roman Empire?

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tfw you will never be a roman centurion


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naomi aint beatin the trans allegations with that answer


I think it also is because women are realizing that when men are asked, "What are you thinking about" and they answer, "Nothing, " that doesn't mean they're bereft of thought, just that the answer they're giving is, "Nothing that I feel is necessary or desirable to share at this time."


Alright Dev, but apart from sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, fresh water systems, and public health... what have the Romans ever done for us?


I work in a 100% male workplace. My coworkers were talking recently about making a shank or make shift weapon. 3/5 men present said they had made atleast one shank "just to see if I could" in there life.


Not too long ago I heard a quote that seems quite apt: "We're at an awkward time in history: too late to accomplish anything through the political process, but too early to shoot the bastards."


The fact that it's Rome specifically seems to confuse these women, but what they don't realize is that if they asked how often their boyfriends or husbands think about the Renaissance, the American Revolution or feudal Japan, they'd probably still get interesting answers. The biggest one, definitely would be if they asked how often literally any man thinks about WW2.


Dev really is the Internet Explorer of political YouTube.


I don't specifically think about the Roman Empire all the time. But I do think a fair bit about the fall of civilizations in general. And how we're heading down the same path.


Men = Macro vs Women = Micro

If a pair decides to build a house together, typically; the man will build the foundation, walls and roof after which the woman will deal with the furniture, layout and details like putting up paintings, flowers etc.
Both are needed in order to build a functioning home/civilization.


Zack from Comicsmatter had a very VERY good take on that thing.
He said that men have a deep attachment to "lore".
History is the biggest lore out there, but it doesn't mean all men only think of the Roman Empire, it could be any other big "lore" thing out there, especially fictional ones.

Men love settings, lore deep concepts that have meaning. For some its comics, for some its starwars of warhammer, but very often its also history.
Men have these "mind palaces" they go back to regularly because the concepts interest them deeply, be it for their moral, ethic or just esthetic factors, they do think about it a lot.

Women do not care about lore, because as most people know women care more about "people" while men care more about "things".
Women will focus on the social interaction, their relationship with others rather than the mechanical functionalism of "things" like men do.

You can see it on a daily basis when it comes to the respect of nerd culture and how most "tourists" are women (or very effeminate men). They don't care about the lore and the only thing that they care about is how they can relate on a personal level with the characters (and that's why they often end up demanding changes to have things be more like them, so they can more easily project themselves in it, something men do way less).
You also can see it when it comes to actual culture and history and how most of the movement that aim at destroying the western cultures are often very women centric.


Quite often. Parallel between America’s current state and Rome’s fall, Roman architecture and the lost art of Roman roads, how ancient Rome was quite similar with its culture as Gladiators would boast and advertise businesses, how they had fast food businesses, how they sold carved wooden gladiator figurines as toys for kids, roman cuisine, Rome’s influence on video game and movie factions, etc.


I'm half Italian, so I have to think about the Roman empire.


Originally I thought "Wow, that's a pretty meh meme" until I realized that I think about the Roman Empire at least once a week. My reasoning is that Rome is the most common and easy to understand concept in history to look at when analyzing both building and destroying a great civilization and I'm thinking about civilization all the time either because I'm concerned about real life civilization, or because I'm trying to get ideas for fictional civilizations to use in stories or DnD sessions.


"How many times have you thought of the Roman Empire?"

_"How many slices of bread have you eaten?"_


I’ve got a question for the women, how often do you think about Greek mythology?


Apparently a lot of women think about Regency-era England, or something similar, as their go-to "historical fantasy". Y'know, the Pride and Prejudice sort of society.

It's a world of dresses, finery, and extravagance; it appeals to be female desire to be provided for and beautiful. However, it's also a world of strict behavioural norms, social hierarchies, and reputation, which appeals to the female interest in creating, maintaining, and navigating complex interpersonal systems (indeed, the hosting of private parties for the wealthy was always the business of women, not men, since it was fundamentally domestic).

It also tends to be more localist in its scope. The Roman Empire was widespread and political, but the politics of European nobility around the year 1800 was much narrower in scope, with a focus on social connections with other wealthy families rather than broad, civilisational influence over entire populations.

Interestingly, it's also a world where men are both masculine and feminine in their demeanor. They dominate society, and are generally responsible for most practical happenings, and have legal power where women don't. However, they're also very civilised, courteous, and generally obey the social rules which women have a strong hand in creating. They're also very rich. This apparently creates the sort of man which many women find appealing - powerful, rich, and dominant, but also gentle, restrained, and well-groomed.


Not just the Empire but the Republic too. The fall of the Republic is more important today than the fall of the Empire


Rome lasted for like a thousand years. Just about everything that could happen to a society did. They invented the roots of just about everything.


This trend also reminded me of another meme. It was a video of a guy and his gf. When the video was recording the man, the man thought internally thinking about suspicious looking men, and possible exits points inside the mall they were filming the tik tok in. While the camera was on the girl and her "internal thoughts" were a ear-screeching immitation of a beat of a popular song. Tim Pool even reviewed the meme I believe around 2-3 weeks ago. Tim's comentary was pretty much spot on to what reality is.


Living approximately 50m away from Roman ruins, it's hard not to
