How Often Do Men Think About The Roman Empire?

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The Roman Empire question has taken over the internet. It was all fun and games until the “experts” gave their take on the masculine undertones of the trend. I think I know exactly why guys think about this, and what women’s equivalent answer is, too!

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I've been in construction for 35 years, particularly in the concrete industry for over 20, and you literally cannot discuss anything without acknowledging the Roman's influence in what we do... all the way down to the names of some of the materials that we use.


As a Christian man regularly studying the bible and with an interest in church history, it’s pretty hard for me NOT to think about the Roman Empire at least a few days a week 😅


Marcus Aurelius was a Roman emperor known for being the last of the “four great emperors” a string of incredible emperors that caused Rome to thrive at its peak. During his rule, Aurelius wrote a book called “meditations”. Although it was never meant to be published (the book is more so a collection of personal thoughts than a story) it’s an amazing read for making a man more disciplined of himself but forgiving of others. Beautifully written, almost like poetry.


To be honest, i was never really fixated on the military aspect of the Roman Empire. But i was, and still am obsessed with their construction and engineering skills. I could literally spend days looking at romans ruins, lost in thought. How did they build that, how did they place this there and why, and trying to imagine what would it have looked like back then. So fascinating.


Tbh, the Roman Empire times was the most fun to learn abt in history class


I genuinely don't understand how you can learn about the Roman Empire's influence on our culture, religion, language, etc., watch movies about Rome, see pictures of their buildings, be aware of how long they lasted and how they fell, and just never think about it again. Next you'll be telling me sticks don't look like swords to you.


As a Male Mechanical Engineer, I think about it probably 3-4 time a week. I do think of other empires/civilizations too but probably not as often.


I asked my husband this question (he’s totally unaware of this trend) he said he thinks about it pretty much daily especially since he’s studying the book of Roman’s in his Bible study right now he was confused when I started laughing and began explaining how important and impactful the Roman Empire was to modern society and parallels he sees between the Roman Empire and our society today lol


As an Iranian, on daily basis I think about AT LEAST one of these: Roman, Greek, Russian, Achaemenid, Parthian, Sassanid, Islamic, Mongol, and Ottoman empire. They all had been very influential on Iran, it's hard not to think about them.
And of course world war 1 and 2.


As someone literally born in Rome it's really hard for me not to think of the roman empire often


As one of those men that frequently think about the roman empire, i think one of the reasons its so common is because our current era has a lot of parallels with the fall of rome. Degredation of culture, culture wars, lack of morales, poor leadership, etc...

The world has become weak, so we think about when we were strong in hopes of finding our way back there and avoiding the looming collapse.


As a 50+ female, I became fascinated with the Roman Empire at age 10 when I started reading my grandparents books during 2 weeks of having chickenpox. I read their books Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and the rest is history.


As an Australian male in his early twenties, I think about the Roman Empire several times daily. I think about the governmental and moral failures that led to the fall of the republic and the collapse of the western empire; I think about the bread and circus consumer mentality that is so prevalent in our world today; I think about the interesting stories of individuals (especially of the emperors); and I think about the Latin Language.


Everyday I keep on wondering, how can a country be so far ahead of time, so long lasting, and so influential even thousands of years later even existed. It really is a masterpiece of a nation in nearly every aspect.


I am a woman and I think about the roman empire at least once a month. Feats of engineering, language, art, warfare, philosophy, literature. How can you not think about the impact the roman empire has on western civilization?


As a former soldier, I think about the Roman empire a lot especially the Roman Legions that enabled them to conquer and control one of the largest empires of the ancient world. And above all, I think of Rome's eventual fall and ruin when the empire began to rot from within and the parallels with the movements of the contemporary age.

If I could go back to any time in history my answer would always be that age. I would have liked to have been a soldier serving in one of Caesar’s legions during the Gallic Wars


Honestly as a 20 year old man I think about the Roman Empire at least once a day. I love seeing thinges like Bridges, roads, plumbing and I love to think about just how efficient the Empire really was.


I’m a military geek, and specifically military equipment. The Romans utilized their equipment and tactics so seamlessly that I found it just so interesting to think about how these guys tailored their equipment to their tactics and vice-versa.


I'm in a small country in southern Africa called Zambia, and I think about it at least four times a day. They have the red capes, the conquest of genius, heck, I got a game called Total War Rome recently, where you play as the Roman Empire 😂, defending its land and conquering new cities. Interestingly, the frequency increased the older I got.


For me, I think about the Roman Empire every day because of one person. Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus, on of the greatest Roman Emperor to life. He is very well known for his book "Meditation" and is a crucial actor in Stoicism. How the power he had didn't change him at all. I preach about many things in his books. 1. Only you can create bad thoughts and problems in your mind. 2. Take good things out of a bad situation. 3. Control the things that only you can control. 4. Concentrate on the things that you find important. 5. Never be pushed or persuaded into an opinion that isn't your own. And many more!
