I’m fit and healthy and got gestational diabetes | Trying For Baby: My Journey

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“You think with gestational diabetes it happens to women who are inactive, overweight or don’t eat well but I eat healthy and I still had it.”

In partnership with First Response

The road to baby number two wasn't easy for Trisha Enriquez of No Tummy Mommy. She encountered many obstacles along the way, including gestational diabetes—something she never imagined she would go through.

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I had gestational diabetes with my 1st pregnancy and I was so frustrated because I was healthy and fit. I finally found a natural doctor and am taking Chromium (just a mineral supplement) and I have had no problems with it this time around. Get the natural Chromium GTF, but it has been a miracle for me! Not about genetics just a mineral deficiency. I wish more doctors learned about solutions like this.


Aweee.. every pregnancy is different. I'm glad you recognized it sooner than later. God bless


I was the same for me. First child I just had to watch what I ate but my sugar was good. Next child I had to take insulin and it sucked! Genetics and how your body’s hormones balance it all is what nobody has control over.


fit and healthy often doesn't mean anything, mostly
it's genetics!!!!
