Best Strategy To Get An Ex Back (From A Psychotherapist)

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Best Strategy to get an ex back . How do I get my ex back? This video explains the best way to get your ex back! Psychotherapist, Breakup Coach and Relationship Coach Craig Kenneth talks about the best strategy to get an ex back. This works for both men and women and people around the world. Pay close attention as this video can truly help you turn your breakup around and get your ex back!

Craig goes into detail to help you truly understand the strategy. You will see Craig explain both how and why it works on a deeper level. When you have had someone break up with you, this is the best way to handle a situation.

Tell Craig your story and get REAL and PROFESSIONAL advice from a therapist who has a Masters Degree in Counseling and been working as a therapist since 2002.
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I pray whoever is reading this gets through the pain of being dumped by someone they truly love. God bless. Thank you Craig for this video


To the ones who got dumped: Don’t be afraid to lose someone who is not afraid to lose you


Well like the saying treat them like a celebrity, they'll treat you like a fan.


“Anxiety leads to the beginning of desire.”
Got it! 👍🏻


I am going to trust in this. I am also praying to God that if it’s meant to be it will be.


Getting off my ex is like getting off a drug.


"She needs to feel separation anxiety from YOU". True words!!!!


I don't know if I ever get my ex back.... but videos like that, makes me feel better every day.


Coach Craig and Margaret has gotten me through the worst time of my life. I've been watching to their videos everyday for the last 5 months and exercising no contact. The heartache has gone away and I feel like I don't want my ex back any longer, I can move on now with confidence. Thank you for all you do for us.


The key is to give space, be respectful and think about their feelings, and not yours. It's actually a good lesson. Sometimes the breakup is 100% due to clingeness. The life is not only relationship. Focus on other parts, and try to balance everything. We normally suffer when we put the relationship in the center of our lives, that also leads to breakup.


After five months apart, I am back together with my ex. To everyone who wants to get back together, don't give up. Coach Craig's advice is so important. For men, not losing emotional self control is critical as is not chasing a woman who has rejected you, and letting her come to you. I had to make some adjustments to the principles because my woman is from SE Asia and her culture is very different from ours in the west. But essentially they do work. I was in a three year LDR before the roof fell in last November much to my surprise of course. Guys rarely see it coming. So thanks Coach Craig. It feels good to feel happy again.


This is by far the most insightful relationship channel on YouTube


So true- as a child I was raised w money but no emotional closeness, so I didn’t care about pursuing money- only intimacy.


Coach Craig's advice was super on point! I did the no contact rule to a T and completely cut off all contact. In 4 months, my ex came back saying he missed me and couldn't bear to be another day without me. This period also helped me improve my self value and made me realize everything Coach Craig said was ideal to get me to this great place. Don't settle for friendship and be disciplined about no contact! It works! It works so good that perhaps when they do come back you might be the one who doesn't even want them back!


My ex finally reached out !!!♥️♥️ We broke up July 16th, 2020 and he reached out, August 16th, 2020!!!! NO CONTACT REALLY WORKS for me!!! 💓💓💓💓💓😍😍😍


That story about the other guy answering the door is brutal.


Craig crushes every break up expert by nobody else is this insightful


I cried when I saw this, because I realized I’ve been doing everything wrong. Now I feel hopeless, because I want my ex back so bad.
But after thinking about what you said, I stopped crying and I felt better.

My bf broke up with me a bit over a week ago and I’ve been trying to get him back by contacting him and promising to make things better and work on myself. But my constant reaching out to him made things worse.

I am taking your advice and I will try to accept the break up even thought it hurts. I hope it is not too late.
I also realized that constantly promising to make things better and work on myself is not going to help. He doesn’t need promises. He wants to SEE the improvement. So I will stop contacting him, use the time to work on myself and hope that he will reach out to me soon.


We want what we can’t have or what is threatened to be taken away- every car salesman knows this truck!!


I watch your videos daily, especially when I get needy, have negative thoughts and bad behavior.
Thanks again for all that you and Margaret do on here. It truly is a blessing to hear and act upon all of what you're talking about. :)
