The Art of Strategy

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Strategy is an art that requires not only a different way of thinking but an entirely different approach to life itself. Transform yourself into a strategic warrior in your daily life.

Robert Greene is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of Seduction, The 33 Strategies of War, The 50th Law, Mastery, The Laws of Human Nature, and most recently, The Daily Laws.

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Law #9: Win Through Your Actions, Never Through Argument


key points:
-Being strategic is a way to have power and control in life.
-To be a strategist, you need to change how you look at the world and think about Power, Seduction, and Strategy.
-Most people live in Tactical Hell because they continually react emotionally to what people say and do.
-To get out of Tactical Hell, you need to enter Strategic Heaven by altering how you look at things and responding rationally instead of emotionally.
-Being a strategist in life means considering other ways to respond to somebody's behavior and creating options instead of just reacting. It is a way to have power and control in business and any other setting.


Glad to see Robert in apparent better health. His ideas help lots of people and the world.


The moment you start thinking instead of reacting, you become a strategist in life! what a great advice👌 Thank you, Mr. Robert Greene!


Getting Robert's content in shorter form from himself feels like I'm having a great advantage to 99%.
Always remember to take action Kings.


Thank you very much for existing. I found your book "48 laws of power" in my dad's library when I was a little boy. Opening that book is one of the best decision I have ever made. Thank you very much Sir.


"Taking a step back" and seeing "the big picture" can aid in thinking your own strategies, I agree. But I add: 1) It is important to distinguish between A) immediate battlefield tactics and B) over-arching war strategy. The strategy of the entire war defines the prefered victory conditions, after many battles. The tactics include the chosen actions at each battle. 2) Also, it would be prudent for Robert Greene to point out that if you are just reacting, your “opponent” may already have a hidden strategy (or always have a hidden strategy if they are lying). And you can figure this strategy out so you can play on equal footing. 3) It is a Game Theory secret to know that BEFORE you begin negotiations, you can change the stakes and the rules. Meaning, you don't have to wait to see “what's on the table” to begin playing. You can stop the game and change what's on the table before you play and risk something. Your actions for adding and subtracting what's on the table changes your current leveraging values.


Thank you Mr. Greene. Just an hour ago my brother came back from work and instantly started "jokingly" insulting my weight while I was happily eating cookies ( I'm a woman). Instead of reacting or defending myself, I looked him in the eyes and calmly pointed out he must be miserable right now that's why he's soft-bullying me. He's been doing this for the past few weeks consistently and I've realized it's because he's not happy at work. Hence, him trying to evoke strong reactions in order to gain sense of power.

For the past year, I've been reading your books consistently and they guided me to process people's intentions much more accurately. I now see the hurt behind aggressive masks. This video was a confirmation to what happened. Lol if he doesn't stop, I might have to give him a taste of his own medicine sooner or later 😇.

These "wars" happen on small scales too!


Thanks Robert, right on. When upset about something i say this phrase to myself "I have no opinion about this matter" . It applies to all things, i dont have to search. It instantly releases me - just like Robert said, I never realized how much of our day and time is spent being judge and jury about absolutely everything, things i actually dont even care about. it was exhausting. I use it multiple times a day (in my head of course) regarding my partners habits, and it lets me roll right through without getting upset, the habits even become endearing:)


The best advice I had starting this 2023 with a "strategy approach" with no bias from respectable writer Mr.Robert Greene. Thank You! Happy 2023.


Robert, thank you so much. You are heaven sent. These past 10 years was hell and your book on 48 laws became my guiding light. I read them as free pdfs but I will buy hardbound copies this year.


reading your books certainly changed how i think without even realizing it i found my self acting unlike i would before gaining better understanding of myself thank u for that you are a genius


I've found Robert Greene as the greatest thinker of this time we are living in, he has tremendous impacted my life positively, his speeches are eye opening.


I can't thank you enough Robert for the insights you have given me on understanding and coping with the complex, contradictory and perplexing schema of human interactions. You rock!


As a natural-born strategist who absolutely loves The 33 Strategies of War, I agree with this message 100%. However, it's easier said than done in the long run to just be and act strategically and rationally.

You have to be on top all the time and maintain that position to have that luxury and only a lucky minority succeeds with that. First, they must work hard and smart to get there. Second, they must get lucky because hard and smart work alone is not enough, unfortunately.

And even if you can master yourself 100% with perfect self-control, it really doesn't matter because you always have to deal with other different people and external events in which you have no control over anyway.

But you can reduce these annoyances, noises, and disturbances by focusing on your career and purpose in life which makes the effort and pain worthwhile. By going all in on a specific plan, everything else falls naturally in line with your path whether it's wrong or right.

The thing is, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't anyway and the game is always the same. Or like Jordan Peterson once said: "You're screwed no matter what you do".

This why I want to be alone by myself for the most part with nothing but peace of mind. This world is not worth fighting for, only yourself.


Very good, thank you! A good start I find for myself is to wait after your first impulse rushed through, recognizing it but not reacting to it. Because often it is just a pain reaction, and reacting out of pain is rarely wise.


This is the best practical advice/strategy for emotional intelligence and anger management!


Thank you. Fear of loss of something (love, recognition, sleep, food, safety, money, health ect...) creates anger. Repressing that anger over time creates feelings of hopelessness and depression.


My advice... "Trust no one. Not even yourself."
At any one moment we humans can make a fatal error.


Wisdom takes long time to develop but life teaches you slowly if you have the ability to learn
