How do I calculate my fertile window?

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A woman is fertile, or able to get pregnant, for 6 days out of each month - 5 days leading up to ovulation and on the day of ovulation. And everyone wants to know "Well, when is my fertile window?" And that's a good question, because if you're trying to conceive, you need to time intercourse with this most fertile window. The time at which you ovulate is largely dependent on your cycle length. So the cycle length is how long it is from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next. And if your cycles are 25 to 35 days on average, then chances are you're ovulating, or releasing an egg that can be fertilized by sperm, about mid-cycle. Now ovulation isn't a perfect science. Some women ovulate a little bit sooner or a little bit later than the norm, but this is typically when it happens. And actually, as mentioned earlier, pregnancy is possible if you have unprotected sex anytime during the 5 days leading up to ovulation because sperm can live inside a woman's reproductive system for up to 5 days.

So step 1 is to find out how long your cycles are on average, and this means that you need to start tracking them. And they can vary a little bit from month to month - like one month may be 27 days long, one might be 29, the next month even 30, and that's okay, as long as it's 25 to 35 days in length, then chances are you're ovulating, and that's good. Once you've figured out how long your cycles are on average, then divide that number by 2. That's the most likely day of your cycle that you're ovulating. And because you can get pregnant for 5 days leading up to that, count backwards 5 days, and that's the first day of your fertile window. The last day is the day of ovulation. For example, let's say that your cycles are 27, 29, and 28 days long respectively. So if you average all of those out, then your cycle length is about 28 days. Divide that by 2, and that gives your 14. So day 14 is the most likely day that you're going to ovulate. And then if you count back 5 days, the fist day of your fertile window is day 9. So if you have unprotected sex anytime between days 9 and 14, then you could definitely get pregnant.

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This video is even more informative than my chat with my doctor on this. Thank you so much. i got married last month and just want to be well informed as to the best time fertilization can occur. Remain blessed .


Ive been fertile for 10 days now how do i kmow when i ovulated if im 10 days and still fertile


can u suggest me some applications are available now to trak fertilising and all thing


Hi my last period was April 24 2017 me and my husband try to conceive last May 7 2017 is it possible that i can get pregnant? Thank you and godbless


hi, my name is marina and I know I may sound ignorant but I really don't know? my period started July 4-8, my husband and I had sex. 13, 15, 17 but I don't know when I ovulate, I have white sticky discharge very small amounts and I'm cramping on my right ovary and my lower middle back is cramping and legs? my husband and I are trying to conceive? HELP idk anything?


On average i have a 31 day cycle...what is my ovulation day?


hi mam I took ovulation test on 27th July it showed two lines I had intercourse on 23 to 29 is that possible to get pregnant


Can you get pregnant a day before fertile? someone please answer it I need an answer


If my wife she pregnant I will give my daughter ur name, thank you 🙏


I have a 29 day cycle when do I ovulation
