Top 10 ETFs Every Investor Owns | Do YOU?

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Investors love ETF investing and poured over $900 billion into funds last year, a record amount. Exchange traded funds are an easy, stress-free way to invest but do you know which to choose?

In this video, I’ll reveal the top 20 ETFs investors are buying and what each fund holds. I’ll show you the pros and cons of ETF investing and share my favorite fund strategy for stress-free returns.

Want more ETF Investing? Check out these other videos for investing in exchange traded funds!

Why is that trend to index investing gaining speed? First, is that it’s a great way to invest. Since Bogle popularized the Vanguard funds, investors have loved that one-stop for investing and I think over the last year as so many new investors got started, they put much of their money into index funds while they were learning how to invest in individual stocks.

Also though, when stocks get expensive and uncertainty rises like it has over the past year…investors just don’t know what to buy. So getting a little bit of everything in an exchange traded fund just makes sense. Why risk picking stocks if you don’t have to?

Pros of ETF investing are that it’s a stress-free way to make your money work for you. You don’t have to worry about any individual stock crashing and burning your portfolio because it’s just one of hundreds or even thousands of stocks you own.

You get smoother market returns or the returns to a specific area of the market and fewer of the ups and downs you see in stocks.

It’s also a faster, easier way to invest. You don’t need to spend hours finding the perfect stock to buy. You might spend an hour or two finding the best ETF with the lowest cost but these are long-term investments you’ll hold for decades.

The downside to ETF investing is that investing broadly across the entire market or an index means you do give up that chance to earn higher returns . Investing in the total market fund, you’re going to get the return on the total market…no more and no less.

There’s also the cost to ETF investing, the expense ratio taken out of your investment regularly to pay management . It’s not much in the popular Vanguard or Fidelity funds but can get expensive in niche funds.

And finally, some of the theme ETFs like those around growth stocks or special types of funds might not provide the same level of diversification you think. If a fund is only investing in fifty stocks within a very narrow theme, you’re still going to see a lot of the ups and downs around those stocks.

0:00 Top ETFs to Buy
1:18 An ETF to Invest in the Stock Market
2:05 The Most Popular Index Funds in the Market
3:10 Why are Exchange Traded Funds so Popular?
3:50 An ETF for Easy Bond Investing
4:30 The Top Tech Stock ETF
5:20 Pros and Cons of Investing in Exchange Traded Funds
6:42 Warren Buffett's Favorite Value ETF
7:35 An ETF to Invest in International Stocks
8:50 The Best Bond ETF to Buy Now
10:23 An ETF Investing Strategy for Stress-Free Investing

My Investing Recommendations 📈

Joseph Hogue, CFA spent nearly a decade as an investment analyst for institutional firms and banks. He now helps people understand their financial lives through debt payoff strategies, investing and ways to save more money. He has appeared on Bloomberg and on sites like CNBC and Morningstar. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and is a veteran of the Marine Corps.
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Fantastic! I love dividend earning ETFs that hold their value the best but yours does give you a well rounded no brainer, set it and forget it option for those of us who are too busy to sit behind a computer all day. Thank you so much for putting your cards on the table for us ETF play it safe Investors. 👍


I currently have my portfolio set up as :
20% VXUS

Set it and forget it. I sleep good at night


another excellent video Jospeh. I appreciate your hard work and efforts. QUESTION: Which one of these ETF's would you hold in a TAXABLE ACCOUNT as my tax deferred arena is complete. Thank you again.


This is just what I needed. Thanks Joseph!


I like VXUS for my international play.


Thank you Joe for sharing this content, good stuff love it!


Likely the most important video for most investors.


Value and low volatility etfs are my go to for the coming turbulance


For international I prefer VIGI. Better historical return


Another great video Joe! What funds do you recommend investing in a Roth IRA?


Joseph, on the satellite portfolio, QQQ could be an alternative for MGK?


Yea...thanks for the recommendations. Need to do my homework on these ltr cause I'm splurging on lunch. Lychee martinis, dumplings, and hot & sour soup. Yum yum on martinis 😁🤩


Thanks bow tie. These would be good for a roth. Im a high yielder tho for brokerage. QYLD RYLD GOF RA. Should i dump the closed end funds? I want income only in the brokerage. Just nervous they may delist one day.


ETF's and Mutual Funds (even ones supposedly targeted at what i want) don't fulfill my investing goals so i have decided i would rather build my own ETF/Fund that pays me more than 3-4% dividend returns.


Thank for sharing and great video.
Since we are in a high inflation environment, will VTIP or STIP a better alternative to BSV or BND?
I hold cash in the form of bond as cash reserve to buy more stock/etf during a crash.
What's your thought on inflation-linked bond?


Great video...any room for index funds tracking the s&p 50p?


What do you think about schwab etfs? Like fndx, fnda, schx, scha, schf, schd, schh, schv, schg....


Nope, not one but I do have more than a dozen handpicked ETFs, some for growth, some for income. No Blackrock ever, no matter what they earn, and no straight S&P for me. Some companies in it I don't want to touch.


How much money one should start to not rich


What are your thoughts on exposure to volatility?
