How to Make Tallow with Beef Fat

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this is a true prepper video, not the usual fear mongering one's (although they have their place).


FINALLY....somebody has caught on to my trick. It happens to be the only oil that I cook with! It really enhances the flavor of the food AND it helps you to feel satiated so you don't eat as much AND you don't get hungry between meals!


I used to work in a restaurant where we cut all of our own steaks. I would save all of the fat and render it down in a large pot during my shift and then filter it into a large bucket and place in the walk in freezer after it cooled. Once solidified you can run water on the outside of the bucket and slide it out like a large ice cube. The impurities will be left at the bottom as the fat will all float to the top. I would do this about 3 times with the same fat each time getting whiter and more purified. Then I would take the tallow to my mother who made home-made soap with it.


This type of fat makes bomb rice. You just lightly brown your rice in the tallow or lard, throw in some onion and peppers (if you can get peppers) add your normal amount of water in the pot or your rice cooker with some bouillon and boil as normal. You won’t be disappointed. You can do the same with whatever spices suit your pallet. Good video!


Awesome. I want to use more animal fat in my diet and this is exactly what I needed.


One thing I've done: I add a bunch of water, bring up the trimmings and water up to a boil, then drop it to a simmer and just...leave it.I take a spatula and scrape the sides of the stock pot, maybe occasionally adding a bit of water. I do it for 2-3 days and just keep rendering it. Then, I rough strain it to take the big solids (and junks of meat), rack it into another container, clean out the pot, and then render it again. My family is kinda hooked on it.

A friend and former coworker's dad is a cattle farmer. Every eight months or so, we get a half cow from him (cut to whatever thickness we like!). This last time, after using our trimmings as you did on a small basis, we asked for "all the trimmings he would spare". We got three vacuum sealed bags that are 12x18 and about 4-5 inches thick. So...many...trimmings!

After watching this today...I think it's time to get out the big stock pot and get to rendering.


In the story, he drank a pint of tallow. oh my. I made 4 pints of ghee today and the thought of drinking one of those of pure fat is just nauseating! You do what you gotta do to survive, i guess! I will keep drinking tallow in my LAST RESORT file of my prepping journal! I didn't know the other uses for it, so anytime I learn something is a good video. ty for posting this info!


I've rendered tallow in the slow cooker and made soap from it. It sure makes the kitchen smell yummy! 😀 Because the fat was free from the butcher, it's much more cost effective than making Castile.


Living in the arctic I've always made tallow, mostly reindeer, Musk ox and seal - for my dogs.
Tallow of any kind + dried Meat = pemmikan. Longlasting high energy food for humans and dogs for winter. Or just Long trips in the outback.


I own 2 freeze driers. I buy 80/20 ground beef. I cook the ground beef in a bit of water. When it’s cooked, I drain in a colander into a bowl. The ground beef, I rinse the remaining fat off then I freeze dry. I put the broth and fat that’s in the bowl into the fridge. I take off the hard fat and store in the freezer until I have enough to render down. I actually render that beef fat down and pressure can, it has a great shelf life stored in a cool dark place. This fat is the best tasting fat you will ever have. It makes everything taste better.


I so glad the algorithm sent me to you. Or sent you to me. I love what you do, and I'm going to continue watching and sharing!


When I do a brisket I put all the trimmings in a cast iron skillet and throw it on the smoker with the brisket. Smoked tallow is so good. I put a lump on top of my steaks instead of butter.


I raise meat hens, I fry the skin and collect the fat, storing it in a jar in the freezer. Then I render it for use in cooking etc. I do this because earlier this year I saw the price of cooking oils rise and some brands vanish altogether. This is an important video. We need fat in our diet, and often to cook with. When it's no longer available, the knowledge of doing this is valuable. Also, tallow candles and lamps, both things our ancestors used.


I'm loving these cooking videos, keep 'em coming!🙂


Love these videos in the uk we use beef fat as a spread for crusty bread and we call it beef drippping.


I’ve used a pressure cooker for this and put the tallow/ water mixture into a large bowl and when it cooled skimmed the hardened fat off the top of the water then heated it until the water evaporated and it was some of the cleanest tallow I’ve done


Good presentation on Tallow. Can you do one on Pork Lard and Leaf Lard?
I love the rich pure leaf lard for pie crusts.
I use the regular Lard/Bacon drippings for frying Parboiled Sweet Potatoes. One of the best ways to eat orange Sweet Potatoes, they are sweet as candy fried in pork fat/lard.


I have tallow that was rendered 30 years ago, stored unrefrigerated in a tin that is as good as the day it was rendered. Use tallow with dried powdered meat to make pemmican. 50 year shelf life !!


Nice story about the remedy. We've gotten lots of tallow from brisket trimmings prior to smoking. Boiling with a little water seemed to help conduct the heat better, rendering faster. We're making soap with it next.


I save and cook with bacon fats. George foreman grill to help render and Into a sauce pan on low heat to boil off any remaining moisture content.... Then strain into coffee filter over a cleaned glass pickle Place into the fridge to cool and preserve. Your welcome :)
