1080p & 1440p on a 4K monitor looks like?

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How does 1080p or 1440p look on a 4K monitor someone asked me.
Well this is the best way to show it off I guess im not 100% sure if you see any big difference on a 1080p minitor for example but sure you can see difference. Alot more on 4K monitor though. What I found out when i bought my 4K monitor at first I noticed lower res textures become really clear. Its kinda like running 4K on Skyrim, it looks like shit on rocks and stones etc. Higher textures kits would solve that yes. But this guy asked how the key difference was and I feel when playing on lower res than the monitor makes it blurry, atleast on ur long distance view. For example when you look back in the distance on a 1080p monitor you can only see so far, 4K actually allow you to see clearly further away in the distance, so running 1080p for example in the distance view will look alot blurry on a 4K monitor. Is it a gamechanger, well not really. It depends if it would bother you. Like me I bought my 4K monitor in the wait of a newer better graphics card. So if you have similar plan I dont see why not. I have played alot at 1440p on my 4K monitor maxed out with AA settings, then it looks really good actually, without AA though on lower res on 4K monitor it kinda makes the blurry parts choppyblurry at the same time. Hope this video kinda explains it,.

PC Specs:
CPU Intel i7 3770K @ 4.6GHz
Ram 16GB 1600MHz
MB Asus P8 Z77-V Pro
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I made a new video with still pictures that might help you see the difference in several games easier and why I prefer higher resolution over hz. Yes you wont see as it looks on a 4K but you can still see the clarity difference on different resolutions. 4K is super smooth compared on how it looks at a 1080p thanks to missing those pixels, but it shows how 4K looks at a 1080p monitor. If you have Nvidia you can test this using DSR, but still difference shows. So the problem is it might look more edgy at 4K but thats the missing pixels on lower res monitors that create that effect.


I used to browse these videos a lot for answers and after I bought a 4K TV, I understood this with experience: 1080p gaming on my 4K 55" TV looks good not as bad as I had set the worst case scenario bar, but definitely not as good as 4K settings do, or how it looked on my 1080p 43" TV. But yeah, 1080P on a 4K TV looks very acceptable at a 12 feet distance to me


Could you please use a more darker scene?


I did do some research on it and 1080p infamously known to look significantly worse on 4k monitors than on native 1080p monitors. First 4k monitors are usually 32 inches, while for 1080p optimized length is 24. Pixels per inch on 24 at 1080 is 91 while on 32 is much less at 68. 1080p stretches on that 32 making it look really bad. In addition the amount of pixels is much larger on 4k. 1080p has just over 2million pixels while 4k has 8 million. This staggering increase of pixels introduces a lot of unused area on 1080p on 4k display, further making the image look fussy and blurry. Basically it's the same thing as last gen 4:3 monitors that looked much better at 1280x720 than the same resolution looks on a 1080p monitor.


its cool how the softening of your reducing resolutions can be seen in the rendered video even in a small window on a native 1080p display


I think It should be fine If its on a 4k tv, since you're not gonna be that close.


This entire problem could be fixed if Nvidia would just implement integer scaling in their drivers. It's hard to believe its 2018 and this is still an issue.


I think people just buy em to fit in and because theyre cheap. Most people are still using low rez media on a 4k panel and it looks horrible. Had a dude with a switch and a wii on a 4k and it look so terrible yet he says it looks amazing. People rather have a 50 inch 4k tv than a 43 inch 1080p 120hz tv with a proper color engine. Same goes for monitors. Most people are dumb tho I guess.


me tryna see some difference with my U$50, 00 screen


Since 1080p is half the width and height of 4K, you'd expect the pixels to line up decently. Does it look that bad? Does it look better to run 1080p on a 1080p monitor than on a 4K monitor? If so, how much better?


4K without HDR is a gimmick. It's not worth the extra hardware cost. I rather 1080p @ 60 FPS than 4K at 30 frames. HDR is way better than 4K. I would argue if you had 1080p with HDR, that people would rather that over 4K with no HDR.


I wonder why not more people doing this kind of comparison, and you put a lot of effort it into it, thank you! Now I wonder how 720p would look on these tvs/monitors. I have some 7th gen consoles and a ps5 so i want to use those on the same tv.


Thanks! This is a video where I'm acually locking for... in 2020 ^^


Thanks for the video. People saying it'll look terrible not running a native resolution to a monitor obviously haven't tried it.


Appreciate the great game as I play this a lot as well.


There are still questions that haven't answered on the internet. Isn't the size of a monitor play a huge role? To make it less confusing I will put it this way, you have 27" 1080p monitor, 27" 1440p monitor and 27" 2160p monitor, if you watch a 1080p video on these three monitors, is there gonna be any difference in the quality of the video in each monitor or is it gonna be the same in all the three monitors?


same reason 720p on a native 1080p monitor looks blurry. Common sense lads....


On a 4K FHD and QHD are integer scaled perfectly!


I want to get a 1440p monitor, but I also have a switch. Can you adjust the settings for 1080p to look good on a 1440p monitor?


nice work bro.. likewise it would be nice if 1080p gaming footage demo avail on 1440p monitor...!
