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"The INTP is living a life completely baffled by 'Why the hell won't this weird ass tribe ever get on board with me?'" This 112%


God, your videos have helped me so much. Several times as a teen I took the test and got INTP. Then in my 30's I was professionally typed as an INTP, which I thought confirmed it. But it was wrong, I knew it was wrong, though I couldn't figure out why. I decided to change my P to J and it made more sense but still wasn't quite right. Now I totally get it. I'm an ENTJ lol.


It's just cruel to not use dark mode for any INTP comparison


I need a video similar to this but on INTJ/ENTP comparison. Someone who has a perceiving function first rather than a judging one. Please!


Hahaha... ahhh this is my life. All the online tests said ENTJ. Fit in with other "ENTJ's". But was always considerably different.
Did "Insights" for work, came out as what they would call "INTP" (Blue, red, green, yellow).
Wasn't 100% convinced, but the "Spends too much time developing his own ideas" really hit home.


If ENTJ is shadow of INTP, and where we go in times of stress, how do we work out which function our thoughts/behaviours are to be attributed to? I feel like I switch between the 2 almost at will, makes me wonder if I’ve been in INTP mode most of my life because of extreme stress/distress and healthy me is actually ENTJ.


Please do INTJ vs like very much your videos always focus on


I'm an INTP and yeah: "WHY won't this weird-ass tribe ever get on board with me??" Very interesting; I sometimes hear people lament not knowing who they are and very, very frequently witness people not even realizing they don't know (or care?!) who they are. I've always known who I am, what defines me, what I need (and I often know why as well). Relating to and bonding with other humans...not so much ha.


Very helpful, the ENTJ demon bit hit hard.


+DaveSuperPowers INTP here. I don't know who I am. I'm still searching for how I can apply this massive amount of overthinking to the real world. INTPs are notorious for jumping into something quickly only to lose interest later - perfect recipe for identity confusion. We're just like ENTJs unless we get more balanced.


It's massive burden because I just...feel like both.

I work on lots of things to make everyone's life easier(I'm constantly writing books, posts, recording tutorials, making plugins, assets)...but I can mever sit down and do the games I'd always wanted to make(I'm a game developer).

At the same time, I'm always doing my stuff at home and can't careless for other people's problems, at the same time I wish they join me in my journey, be part of my life, follow my ethics, hate government like I do...and from time to time again I just feel like: man, do I really like being a game developer? Why everyone tells me to open a restaurant? I know I cook very well and I love cooking, but I don't want to cook for 600 people and lose the therapeutic aspect of actually cooking for myself...

At the same time, people always look for me to lead them somehow. Lately my family turned me into the patriarch after my grandfather died. Every single family issue is up to me to solve.

I think I act like an ENTJ, but...subcounsciouly I feel confused, I feel like a mix of both. Is weird.


Hahaha I love how you just casually swear!


It’s interesting Bc as a result of not knowing who I am for years, I began to aggressively work on finding myself and have recently found more solid footing for my “identity”...which made me think I have Fi hero or parent Bc clearly ....working through a weakness that’s existed for most of my life and having just recently begun to develop it means that it is now a strength 😂


Now i know why, i kept coming back to youtube, Quora, and any other platform information to gather new information to seek "these guys fit, let's dig them further more" 😆


I'm trying to understand if there's a parallel to INFP vs ENFJ... For example, INTP knows who they are, their reasons etc. but then wonder "does anybody like that?" – is there an equivalent for Fi contra Te?


What about age?
When does an INTP start learning about himself and completely know who they are, for the average INTP is it when they are in their 30s or 40s or is that the time they start using concrete labels, like "I am an architect" to identify who they are?

Also are they rebels, not willing to be part of a group, or independent thinkers when they are in their 20s?


Invite them to dangerous situation they've never known before

Me as an ENTJ,
First situation
Ni: Go on, nothing happened (statement)
Ne: what if you get hurt, how you going back home? (Questioning).
Reality? There is nothing happened.
Second situation
Ni: this ain't good, go back (statement)
Proceed to keep moving forward
Ni: you're going into trouble (statement)
Ne: what if blablabla (Questioning)
Move back, because it's too much noise inside my head
Reality? Earthquake & tsunami at palu, indonesia, September 2018 (Don't mean to offend any victim)


My question is how does one know for certain whether they have transitioned to their shadow when their ego is analyzed. By definition a shadow is in part our blind spot. That is my struggle for now ie which is ego and which is shadow? The results driven person that emerges to save the facility engaging with my region senior management, providing precise and accurate data, and producing what have been called impossible results or the reserved exploration and thinking person who seeks an impossible goal of understanding the entirety of the universe.


I honestly don't see the trouble in telling an INTP apart from an ENTJ. The two are nothing alike. They have literally zero functions in common and their way of living life and handling data is entirely different. Their general assertiveness is also worlds apart. INTPs are nerdy theoretical physicist types. ENTJs are brash business executive types. ENTJs are all about getting their vision created pragmatically in the real world. They want results and will criticize you if you're not as busy as they want you to be. INTPs will spend countless hours researching obscure facts and formulas, learning mountains of conceptual musings just for the sake of learning it.


Does gender play a role in typing?
I'm an ISTP female and I find some of the info regarding istp's doesn't really fit?
