24 Things Frugal People Do (How FRUGAL Are You?) | Money Article Monday | JENNIFER COOK

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Hello there! My name is Jennifer! Follow along on our journey to paying off our mortgage by 2024. Along the way I will share my dumbest money mistakes, how we save money and our progress towards our goals. I hope that my journey will provide inspiration towards your own pursuit of financial independence.

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My parents grew up in the depression. I didn't realize we were poor. My mom was very thriftyand I learned a lot from her. Being thrifty is a way of life, plus, I absolutely hate to waste anything.


I have always made my own disinfect wipes. I cup up old T-shirt in 10inch squares and use them as dusters, dish cloths and disinfectant wipes.
Get a plastic container with a tight lid ( mine is a 1 kilo honey tub) put 3 caps full of disinfectant, top with water put 4 of your T-shirt squares and seal, when I need to wipe down I take one of my squares, wipe my benches down, give the square a quick was with soap rinse and put it back in the tub. After a week the squares go in the washing machine with tea towel and so forth, the water in the tub goes down the toilet and I start all over again. I have priced disinfectant wipes at our supermarket they are $10AUD, The pack hold 120 wipes which come to 0.08333 cents each, money that is literally thrown away. Not in this household it doesn’t.


It's amazing how many young people drop change on the ground rather than 'weigh down pockets'! I'll weigh down my pockets with their money anytime lol


My Mother died when I was young and I was out on my own at 17 so I had to be frugal because I was poor. Later when I had money I continued to be frugal because I never wanted to be poor again. We retired early and have a good income and we are still frugal because we like it. I do almost all these things. I think too frugal is when you deny yourself or family something you really want, need and can afford. When we take trips we spend money and I buy expensive shoes because my feet hurt and I wan to keep moving. Buying good quality food or other things that are good for your health saves you money on medicine and medical bills in the long run. Re trading services, my close friend was a barber and she cut our hair for free and I did all her family's sewing or mending for 20 years until we moved.


Hubby and I both wanted to retire "early" and so we became very frugal and saved every penny possible toward that goal. We retired at 55 and 57 years old and have plenty of money to see us through the end of our lives.


Keep a list Jen and go by it daily! The night before go over things you need and have to do. If you do t get to it, add it to the next day. You’ll get everything done, I promise!! You’ll never forget anything and you’ll feel so organize


"Some people like to eat cold pizza" - it's me, I'm some people! 😁


Jennifer I am 75 years old i thought I was living a frugal life. Thank you for always giving me great new ideas.


Frugal started as a necessity when our children were very young. It worked so well and eased our stress. We learnt good money skills. The joy of getting a great deal or making do, changed my life for the better. Frugal is Fun.


I was raised in a lower midddle class and I rebelled and got into debt in my 20's and early 30's. I became frugal when I set the goal of buying a house by 35, which I did. The last few years of working I was saving almost half my income as I saw my parents live on only social security in retirement. At 51, I was layed off from a company I had worked at for almost 35 years. A few months later I had a major stroke and had to take disability. I am trying very hard to get by on my disability. Fortunately my mortgage was paid off shortly after my stroke (thank goodness give years into owning my house I refinanced to a 15 year mortgage).


I'm frugal.I do what you say.We are having leftovers today for supper.Were eating leftovers tomorrow.Not only does it save on groceries but I don't have to cook so much .


Though I'm older than you we have similar stories. I was raised poor and very frugal and rebelled against frugality in my 20s and 30s. Finally came to my senses mostly out of necessity. Proudly frugal and debt free once again in my 50s😁.


Being frugal to me is a sign that we are a responsible citizens. Being grateful for what you already own and enjoying what you own is a state, a state I hope everyone would someday want to achieve. Being happy with what you have a good feeling. Our world is hurting so many people across the world do not have enough to eat or enough clothes to wear or even enough water to drink… Let’s enjoy what we have and be satisfied!


I'm frugal because my parents were born and raised during the Great Depression. It just gets in your blood!


People go nuts over plastic straws but do not complain or change the waste from boxes and packing materials, or throw away appliances, like toasters, even large ones. Crazy times.


When Ron & I got married, he was in the USAF & our income was miniscule. We became extremely frugal out of necessity.
In our 30's, our income was substantially more & a friend said we needed to loosen up & enjoy it. They knew we'd been living tightly a long time. Well, we loosened up. We didn't go overboard....but looking back, I wish we'd saved more.
We still have a landline. We're old school. We think of our cell phones as private phones & just for close friends & relatives to use to get in touch w/us. Our landline is the number we give everybody else.
Before I forget, I've noticed how long & graceful your hands are !
I have always told my little sister (who does not enjoy cooking), to cook too much when she does so that she has some left over. It can go in the freezer for a future meal.
We have most bills on auto-pay & the way we check up on them monthly is thru our bank statement.


Love the idea of using the grocery list as a maximum guide rather than a minimum. I definitely have been using it as a minimum guide, I am going to shift my mindset. Thank you!


Two reasons for me, for being thrifty and the first one might sound weird - I didn't feel I deserved better than the least expensive option. And the second was out of necessity. Fast forward to now, much later in life. We are debt free and for the most part frugal. Sometimes I don't feel like being frugal and so I'm not. But the majority of time it makes more sense and is more natural for me to be frugal. The difference is now I do not beat myself up and berate myself when I'm less than frugal. We have no debt and have a very strong aversion to credit and loans. That mentality makes it easier to operate from a frugal mind-set.


I was raised frugally as part of a farm family, also rebelled against it. My husband got me back on the wagon 38 yrs ago and we are still on it.


You may not think you trade or barter but carpooling kids to games and practices is just that! Saves time, money and often sanity.
