How To Aim The Golf Club Perfectly Every Time & Build A Repetitive Routine | TrottieGolf

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Aiming, be it on the golf course or the practice area can be tough & the impact poor alignment can have on your game is significant.

In this video I go through the correct way to grip the golf club, the sequence you should consider in order to align perpendicular to your target & how you can recreate "perfect" on the golf course EVERY TIME.

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All fantastic info take this on to a course and show us all the NONE flat lies...hence, down hill lie, into an uphill/down hill green; uphill lie into to and uphill/downhill green; sidehill lies into an downhill/uphill green...hell why not even into a healthy position etc..etc. In short, getting one's allayment addressed when your stands to the ball is NOT FLAT. Lastly, the right clubs to use, given its loft/bounce... in hitting a shot given once proper alignment.


Trottie these videos are just so incredibly technical and helpful but not overly complicated that we can manage to get this setup working for us without the need to spend money on a half ass coach trying to fix our swing or improve little things in our game. We don't have a golf season here in Australia, we pretty much play all year round which is great and I am constantly working on things and trying to learn as much as possible please keep up this great work!


Would be great for you to go through the takeaway specifically focused on what you do with your hands and arms. I’m really struggling with what I think is not enough hand, wrist and arm rotation back and through the ball. Means my backswing is stiff and the hands come inside and I get super flat. Only way to mechanically hit the ball then is to come over the top. So Trottie, you legend, is how do you think about and use your hands, wrists and arms in the takeaway and backswing?


Used your advice from this video and finally broke 90. Keep up the great content.


Very interesting, very informative. Learnt a lot that was relevant to me. Thank you.


This content is pure gold...thank you. Great for the off season


Love the video Trotti, for a none PGA professional golfer you have fantastic video sessions that inspire. To the last post, of course during a practice session your lies will be even, but what he is showing us is the process of aligning yourselves to a target. After having learned that then you can take that to the course. So, if it’s an uneven lie account for it. Moving the ball either up or back in your stance. But the process will always remain the same of aligning yourself to your target. Trotti, keep doing these videos brother! I’ve been playing golf for 20yrs and still learn new things. Golf is an unmastered sport but if you remain steadfast to this process and again this is not his new information what he is telling us has been around for years. Congratulate the brother and wish him well. Take what he’s sharing with us an shoot better scores. 💯


Legend mate, exactly what I try to do every single shot. Repeatable set up and let my body free from there


Dude I love your videos and watching them I did that try before you buy for the stealth and it has made a huge difference in my game. Wow I love this driver so Thank you so much.


Chest towards the coffee cup is very Moe Norman-esque and a thought that helps me tremendously whenever I get off track.


Clear, concise nuggets Chris… like your swing now 👌🏻🤩🏌️‍♂️ #GWOAT


Notes taken. All simple and makes sense. Your instruction is GOLD.! Thx


Hey Trotti… can you please make a video of some 2 iron shots how to hit, where should I set up, and what are they supposed to look like please and thanks. Love your video and your detail is impeccable


I’ve recently just been gaming a 58* MG4 but now you got me interested in a 52*Trottie. I need to stop practicing all the time on mats. I feel it messes up your low point and on course ball striking. Completely different!


brilliant Chris, cant get enough of your content


Why you do not advocate addressing the club face using the right hand?. I used to address using the left hand cos I am left hander playing right hander clubs. I was asked to address using my right hand by an ex-Tour player because using the left hand to address, my left shoulder is already "closed". I then observed all the players on TV, they all setup with the club in their right hand or they never and already have the clubs on both hands, ready to hit.


What are you measuring the feral to here? Not clear and just seemed to be some way down the shaft? Really appreciate this as actually understanding where I'm aiming & hitting it there is the hardest aspect for me at the moment!


This was exactly me… started lessons and only took whole damn year of this for my shoulders to actually be square and grip of right hand to be correct to start to fill comfortable in that position…. Damn it….


Can’t even tell you how good this video is. I have always struggled with alignment and the routine you gave with aligning club with and keeping trail hand behind to align shoulders was absolutely what I needed. Thank you for this.


Well done mate. Simple to do, simple to get wrong. Got a little gem there myself with the chest pointing. Cheers
