Who Were the 12 Disciples of Jesus? | Know the Apostles of Christ

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Who were the 12 disciples of Jesus, and what was their role in the early Christian church? In this video, we talked about the lives of the twelve apostles, their unique characteristics, and how they followed Jesus during His ministry. Learn about Peter, John, James, and the other apostles who helped spread the gospel and changed the course of history. Whether you're new to Christianity or deepening your faith, this breakdown of the 12 disciples will give you insight into their journeys and significance in the Bible.

00.00 Introduction
02:13 Simon Peter
10:26 James and John The sons of Zebedee
20:40 Andrew (Brother of Peter)
27:32 Philip and Bartholomew (Nathaniel)
32:26 Matthew the Tax Collector
36:14 Thomas, the Doubter
40:25 Thaddeus (Jude)
46:49 James the Less and Simon the Zealot
51:35 Judas Iscariot
57:04 Summary

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Thank you for revealing to us the lives and death of each of the disciples of Jesus Christ of their doubts and weaknesses before the resurrection of Jesus Christ from death but was restored when Jesus Christ was raised to life again and they no longer afraid to die and they remain loyal and faithful to Jesus Christ. Each of us people in this world have our weakness but in our weakness, God is our strength.


Thank you holy spirit 🙏 for leading me to your teachings of wisdom & insight. Thank you for providing me the messages through these teachings.


I really enjoyed hearing about our Lord Jesus Christ ❤❤❤❤❤❤🙏🏻✝️


These apostles established the early Catholic and apostolic true church that Jesus established on earth. God bless!!


Dear holy spirt. I call upon your majesty and powerful name. I invite you to come into my life. Work through me. Teach me and billed my faith. And spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. Lord Jesus Christ I believe that you will guide me. Teach me respect and be faithful to your words. Filled me with your spirit. To live and touch those by your words. And change lives of people and draw them closer to you Lord. Lord teach me to live my life for you. Bring right people along my path. I give everything in your hand. I ask you to lead me. Dear Lord. Amen 🙏


Romans 10:17

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Romans 3:24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:

25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;

26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.

Believe in Jesus and have faith in his blood.

 Romans 1-4 KJB


Thank you.! 🎉 who ever is responsible, for this marvelous & amazing collection of valuable insight into the Gospel. May God bless you & your families for your generous contribution 🙏 towards proclaiming the word of God.


They were wonderfully human and students of our Lord Jesus Christ first and foremost and often misunderstood His words as when He tried to make them understand that His death was imminent but He would rise again in three days. We all buckle with fear and doubt. It’s why we need to pray constantly 🫤


12. Mathias: Seth Rogen

11. Thadeus: George Carlin

10. Simon: Robert Zimmerman

4. John: Bill Burr

1. Peters: Edward Thomas Hardy

2. Andrew: Michael Myers

6. Bartholemeew: Louis Szekely

5. Philip: Zach Galafianakis

9. James, the Elder: Bill Hicks

8. Thomas: Noam Chomsky

7. Mathew: Donald Trump

3. James, the Younger: Angus Young


There is some important apocryphal literature that tells of another “disciple, ” named Teddy. Teddy spread the message of happiness and celebration. He hosted keggers, and he encouraged the faithful to seek pleasure and provide pleasure to others. Teddy, in many respects, was the greatest of the disciples. Though Peter was “the Rock” upon which Jesus built his church, Teddy was the party bus upon which Jesus made his church accessible. Party on, Teddy. Party on.




Yet another computer-generated, AI "narrator". This one mispronounces names & places and frequently slips in & out of Standard American, Australian and British dialects. Kuh-reepee!


You're wrong... Simon isn't the rock, foundation of the church...but his testimony about Jesus.

This is probably a catholic channel...😅


Thank You for this video, I am only concerned that you state Jesus said to several disciples that he would make them 'Fishers of People' instead of Fishers of Men? Dont change wording based on you offending any woke or feminist people. You also incorrectly state that James (The brother of John)was the first to be martyred, when it was James (Jesus' brother) the first to be martyred.


Twelve Apostles, not disciples. Apostles were chosen by Jesus to spread the gospel, while disciples were followers of Jesus who learned from him.


Thought the writer of Jude was the brother of Jesus


When the Greeks conquered Kemet which they called Egypt. They created a hybrid parental deity in order to combine Egyptian mythology with Greek mythology. So they combined the Egyptian God Thoth with the Greek God Hermes. 

They called him Hermes Trismegistus III. Who was known as… “The Thrice Great.” He was famous for triumphing over the season of death. Which is what the number 3 almost always symbolizes in World Mythology. 

Isn't this what the Flavian Dynasty did after conquering the Jews? Didn't they create a new hybrid form of Greco-Roman Judaism? To integrate Jewish mythology with Greco-Roman mythology?

Calling him… “Jesus The Christ.” Who is also famous for triumphing over the season of death. As represented by… “The Trinity.” Isn't this a better explanation for the origins of Christianity rather than Harry Houdini magic?

Wasn't Paul secretly working for the Flavian Dynasty? 

Weren't all of the original Roman Catholic Saints' members of the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't all of the original symbols used by the earliest Christians identical to those of the Flavian Dynasty? And wasn't the earliest iconographic image of Jesus The Christ, in a catacomb, under the city of Rome, which was owned by a Flavian Princess?

Weren't all of the original Jesus cult texts produced under the oversight of the Flavian Dynasty? Didn't the Flavian Dynasty posses the only remaining copy of the Hebrew Tanakh other than the Greek Septuagint translation? Isn't there Flavian typology in the Gospels?

Weren't the canonical texts all back dated like the historical fiction of Gone With The Wind? Wasn't Emperor Vespasian known as the Jewish Messiah? Wasn’t Pope Clement of Rome a Flavian? Wasn't Josephus a temple whore for the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't the Flavian’s, as well as Paul, descended from King Herod?

There was no separation of Church and State in the Roman Empire. And Christianity is clearly a Greco-Roman hybrid form of Judaism created by the Flavian Dynasty. As an attempt to adapt, pacify, and integrate the rebellious and defiant Jews into the rest of the Greco-Roman Empire. Just like the Greeks created Hermes Trismegistus to integrate Egyptian mythology with Greek mythology. 

Then finally Neo-Flavian Constantine chose the Flavian family religion to be the official religion of the entire Roman Empire. In order to consolidate power in his fractured Empire. And then Eusebius edited and rewrote the history of the previous 3OO years. Destroying all contradictory evidence. Such as all of the non-canonical Jesus cult texts. It isn't history it is all simply Greco-Roman mythopoetic literature. Today it is known as Historical Fiction.

“What profit hath not this fable of Christ brought us.”

Pope Leo X 💙


Apostles are.chosen by Christ Himself...Disciples were not usually named in Gospels.


Fish for people? How about fishers of men


I'm listening. Stephen was based for calling out the evil-doers about their tabernacle of Moloch and the Star of Remphan. Wish I was there to see it, irl. Our world would be a much better more peaceful place if we all agreed to tell the troublemakers, no. No more. Enough with you. Go away!
