Extended fasting can harm the female body!

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Fasting provides many benefits when done the right way and for the right amount of time. In this video, I share why extended fasts can harm the female body and how to fast the right way.

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I think too much fat can harm the female body, particularly mine. I'm 66 so I don't have the monthly problems and I love the extended fasting. So far, I've lost over 100 lbs and still have more to lose. I was losing my hair for a moment but to be perfectly honest, I'm so sick of being fat that I'd rather be bald!!! I know, I know, but I'm just that sick of it and I don't plan to stop unless I end up in the ER or something. I do take vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and eat good food on my eating days...staying strictly away from junk. I'm having such good results that I am not willing to quit right now. Just finished a 131 hr fast and feel great and it was so easy. I have lots of energy and can even work out. Taking mct oil has helped me a lot to stay sated. You may say that having the mct oil is not fasting which may be true but it works for me...like I said, I've lost over 100 lbs so something is working.


This is so fabulous. I need to sign up for the 12 week program!!


Fasting doesn't at all help me! My body just accumulate more fat and thinking I am on hunger strike or smth! Once I am open to eat I crave for everything and eat like if I was hibernating the whole winter not just a couple of hours! I am a Muslim. In ramadan I have to finish it with about 10 kilos extra weight!


I’ve gotten too thin doing intermittent fasting. I was getting all my advice from Dr. Eric Berg. Trying to put healthy weight back on, so I’m really glad I found your channel. I love your energy and how often you get angry about nutritional studies being done on only men😂


Yes so frustrating, especially when you also have women doctors, dr Mindy, Cynthia Thurlow, who believe and suggest long fasts(24 or 36) with no snacks what to believe 😡😡😡 please clarify 😭😭😭😭🙏🙏


Thank you dr. Beth Westie!At 63 I have the best figure ever.Having rejected keto and IF I followed your advice for protein pacing.I got rid of muscle pain after exersice following your advise for protein and carb intake before, during and after exersice.God bless you!


16-8 works best for me and I cheat through my sleep. So 7pm-9am. Ive gotten great results actually, increased energy. I dont feel deprived when I stop eating at night...kinda confused.


so when would you recommend doing 16/8 or 24 fasts in our cycle? thanks dr beth!


I’ve been doing intermittent fasting for 3 months. I feel so good. Less hungry and I get full faster now. I don’t think about food like I used to. My understanding is that eating triggers an insulin response. I believe it’s the best way to reverse insulin resistance.


Have you helped people that has endometriosis with horrendous pain so they can have back their quality life instead of heading to excision gold standard surgery?🙏


This was so helpful! I knew I was overdoing the fasting a few years back when once I just ate on a normal schedule I put on weight. Also can you do a video on (adenomyosis ) what can naturally be done to improve this, what causes it ? Thank you 😊


My dr actually is recommending intermittent fasting, I emotional eat and stress eat I can binge 2-3, 000 calories easily


@Dr. Beth Westie do this apply to all women of color? Because I have seen women in their 30's and 40's fast everyday doing omad an anywhere to 20/4 hrs fast, even around their monthly cycles. What are your thoughts on a fasting schedule for women in their 30's and 40's?


Thank you! Does this apply to post menopausal women also??


When is the best time to do fasting during the month, before the ovulation or after?


She's absolutely hilarious!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Its nice to be able to laugh about all the shenanigans we put ourselves through but hey, we keep trying!!!


This just shows me that I need to get out of my rut. Thank you!!


I really love the fun way you share your knowledge! Thank you ❤️
