The SECRET Sage You Should Get Right NOW in Tears Of The Kingdom

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Get Mineru Early in Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom. Secret 5th sage Mineru & Spirit Temple Location revealed after clearing the thunderhead sky island. You can bypass the The ring ruin quest in order to get the sage summon Mineru

Guidance of Ages Past, we find Mineru, the hidden Sage of Spirit. After taming a lightning storm, we go into the Depths, where we must confront a formidable boss lurking within the Spirit Temple.
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I mispronounced so many things because I was recording this LATE. Enjoy roasting my pronunciation .


This sage is so secret that you'll get a main quest to find her.


try to avoid giving it a frost emitter it will find every chance to freeze you mid bossfight


I stumbled upon this sage while chasing shrines on my pad alert. I floated into the thunderstorm and next thing i knew im opening a door with hearts. I had 2 sages.


Small tip for people using stamina potions to reach the island: make potions that give you extra stamina instead of regular stamina potions, they refil the whole gauge + the extra, its much better than a lot of regular potions


Canonically Mineru is found during a Main Quest after saving Gerudo Town, Zora's Domain, Goron City and Rito Village. However, I found her first BEFORE saving any of the other regions.


I bet the bokoblins hear the guardian theme playing once I raid their camp with Mineru.
It is quite fun to fight a flux construct with mineru, just upgrade her with sage orbs if you want to fight a flux construct III.


There's sky rubble near the Dodongo farm in Faron that if you use recall on, will fly up and take you straight to the temple. A lot faster and uses little to no stamina.


I got her right after the rito village quest because a rock fell from the sky right above the cloud and I used recall on it to see if it'd get me anywhere, found the door and what I thought was a side quest to get some zonai equipment turned into me at 4 am wondering how I hadn't noticed it'd been so long (but now I have a mech!!)


I recommend doing all the tears first because you get some pretty big story movies and details from this


You do not need stamina and you do not need ten hearts. Just ascend up from below the pedestal with a balloon dirigible at lat and long 1363, -3259. You skip all story part, fog, and you skip the big door that requires ten hearts


In addition to the 10 hearts, you have to have started the "Regional Phenomena" quest or you can't take the mask. That just requires you to unlock the Lookout Landing tower and report back to Purah.


Didn't know the game stopped you normally from getting this one. I had this sage done second because I was doing more sky exploring with the help from the wind sage. I noticed the temple and dropped right next to it. I haven't explored the rest of that area though even yet.


I have never been more pleased with my decision to not go immediately to fight Ganondorf once I got all four sages.


Quick tip if you don’t have enough height you can stop on the islands to it’s right and use a wing with fans to get to the bottom revers pillar thing and use ascend to get up


Fantastic video guide! I just got 10 hearts and found this, so good timing. Monster parts and grasshoppers for stamina elixirs already on me from going to the castle for gear.

Just got to ground and hit the root for light.

I just want to say for upcoming guides that “depot” is pronounced *Dee-poh* for future reference. This guide is extremely helpful and a fun follow to get this relatively early in the game!


Found this by total accident while exploring the thunderhead isles. I figures this was where we get the master sword, i grinded so hard but i found out it was the sage. Thought this was way cooler


Fire emitter works pretty good on the boss for initial stun. Then any blunt force object will work. Does not necessarily need to be spike ball. I used a spring, because I was hoping it would knock back harder...didn't work that way, was no different than using a spike ball.


This was the first sage I got and it was by accident cause I wanted to explore there with the lightening proof helm.


For the electric one use the lightning helm and just ultrahand the arm across
