Finding the 5th Sage and Master Sword early in front of Purah and the other Sages...

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►Game Information:
▪ Title: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
▪ Developer: Nintendo
▪ Publisher: Nintendo
▪ Platform: Switch
▪ Genre: Adventure
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I’m not surprised that there’s alternate dialogue, because of TotK’s open world design, but it’s nice to know the Zelda Team didn’t forget you can do things out of order a bit.


I'll be honest, I found all 5 sages and beat Ganondorf before I realized the "Crisis at Hyrule Castle" quest wanted me to actually explore Hyrule castle and not just dive in to the depths towards the end game. I was surprised by how much story I accidently skipped. I mean, why should I have to do the whole Yiga Questline to figure out where Ganondorf is? It's pretty obvious its the giant chasm where all the Evil ooze is pouring out of


I got this dialogue and it’s the funniest thing ever. They tell me to go do things and link is like
👁️ 👄 👁️


I found mineru just by wondering what was in the storm clouds, and riding a piece of rewound island debris up to the head island. I had no clue I was going to find another sage there


Found Mineru by complete chance. I decided to see what was in the big storm cloud above Faron after my 3rd temple, saw my shrine sensor start beeping, did the shrine, and then found the heart door right next to it. You can only imagine my complete shock and bewilderment when I realized, “Wait, this is a MAIN quest?”

I felt so accomplished when I got to this point and everyone was shocked I already found her. I love all the alternate dialogue they put in this game.


5th Sage was accidentally my first lol. Stumbled on the quest just because I was getting so distracted.


Wait. Link has the master sword in the cutscene. Shouldnt they all know by now that Zelda is actually there flying above all their heads as a dragon? Id think that Link would share that kind of info with everyone.



I wish they had special dialogue for when you completed the memory tears and already knew zelda was a dragon before finding out the other zelda was an imposter.


I finished the Rito and the Zora temples first, messed around a *lot* in the Depths and Sky doing the completionist thing, and then randomly decided "You know, I've pretty much finished the sky for every other region, but I haven't even looked at Faron's sky..." and promptly stumbled upon the story-important island there. I didn't even use a flying machine, just airgusts and a launch from a tower. The main island up there is low enough that you can easily land while it's still stormy, even if visibility is garbage.
So I had done 3 questlines before I even finished the Gerudo one.


I actually stumbled upon Mineru by accident as my 3rd sage. I was trying to explore the storm cloud and landed at the bottom of one of the islands in the storm and used ascend and got into the building where a shrine was which lead me to the door where you begin the quest to find her. I was just exploring lol. So funny. As for the master sword I did all the tears before going to the deku tree and got the sword before I finished the 4 main sages as well.


Purah: everyone let’s find tear sage!

Link: WELL excuse me! I got tear sage and I already had master sword. 😏

Everyone: WHAT!?


I did this completely by accident. I brute forced my way through the Thunder Isle or whatever it was called and didn't even realize there was a way to actually get rid of the thunder. Hell, I got the Master Sword directly after getting the 11th dragon tear because I went to get the tower by the lost woods after getting it.


I did this by complete accident. Got Mineru before Yunobo and did the dragon tears before getting all the sages. I climbed yp with Zonai devices to get on Zelda and had no idea the Master Sword would be there. I took on Ganon instead of going to the Deku tree 😅


Part of me was expecting Link to tell them that he already defeated Ganon too.


There’s also one for having already visited the area underneath Hyrule Castle


“And you have the Master Sword already?!”
Well I’m not carrying a glorified stick on my back!


Sidon is casually towering above all of the rest i mean how tall is he


I really appreciate that you put 5th sage and not Mineru in the title, so that people that don't want to get spoiled can scroll by!


I've not only found mineru and the master sword just before the hyrule castle quest but I also managed to find every single lightroot and defeated every single Kohga boss as well.

What happens is that there's added dialogue of Purah commending you traversing throughout of the depths and deeply thanks you for your efforts (albeit, makes me sad since I cant confide in Josha anymore) on top of praising you for finding Ganondorf's whereabouts as well


Accidentally found the Master Sword while screwing around in the sky islands and just happen to have enough stamina, lol. I love this open world design.
