How Did Baron Harkonnen Survive Duke Leto's Poison Tooth? | Dune Lore

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An examination of Duke Leto's poison attack on Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, how the Baron survived this assault, how this altered the course of House Harkonnen's future and how this scene has been depicted in Dune 1984, the Dune Miniseries and Denis Villeneuve's Dune 2021.

Spoiler Warning if you’re unfamiliar with the story of Frank Herbert's Dune as I will be discussing significant plot details.

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Background Music: Marion - Nostalgia

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Information sources:
Frank Herbert’s Dune Novels

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his own body odor is so noxious it neutralized the poison


I interpreted Leto's nudity in the assassination scene as just another attempt by the Baron to humiliate his enemy as much as possible one last time before he has him tortured and executed. Stripped of Arrakis, of his family and even his dignity.


I love that subtle shield activation by the Baron. That little gesture conveys that he is a character that is smart, and cautious. It was that gesture that made this Baron not a clown like the other adaptations, but someone who is in a position of power with years of wisdom from that position would react.

The scene was smartly done and having Duke Leto naked not only added to the Baron's caution, but exemplified the humiliation that the Baron wanted to bestow upon the former Duke.

Danny's creative choices here paid off.


This scene in the new Dune also shows how grotesquely sexual the Harkonnens were, particularly Vlad. If you read the book (again) you'll be reminded quite often of how he so casually refers to Piter and even Feyd as pretty little things with pretty little bodies or something like that. He is after all described as a "sadistic pedophile." This scene gave me very real chills that Vlad was going to reveal some sinister plan to humiliate Leto in his final moments all game of thrones style but Denis stayed pretty much on par with the book thankfully. Leto being naked wasn't in the book but it certainly could have been given the way the Harkonnens are and it worked at building to Vladimirs villainous arc. Who eats a freakin meal with their nemesis at the other end of the table naked??? A psychopath that's who.


In the movie, it was partly his shield (though it turned red, indicating some got through), partly his immense size, and partly him levitating to the ceiling, while the gas seemed to be heavier than air.

And it still messed the Baron up. (Minor spoiler of Dune 2) In the second movie, the Baron is connected to levitating life-support machinery. Looks like Leto's Mentos moment had some lingering effects...


Leto was unaware that the Baron had been inoculated by his time at Chernobyl. 😉😁


If memory serves, part of the reason for the Baron's fear of being seen as weak was the death of the Sardaukar masquerading as Harkonnen troops who were also present. Explaining their deaths to the Emperor _after_ the victory would be somewhat difficult, especially under such conditions.


There are minor deviations between the book and Villeneuve's film, in that it is Baron Harkonnen, and not Piter de Vries who deals Yueh his death blow, another is that, just before he is killed, Yueh knows his wife has died and is finally beyond further Harkonnen troment. In fact, if it weren't for Vladimir wearing an active shield, even hiding in his cubby hole wouldn't have saved him. In the film, you see him activating it just as he gets close to Leto, despite the fact his enemy is stripped naked and tied down. His cautiousness in turning his shield on thwarted Yueh's carefully thought out and crafted vengeance


It has been a while, but my** understanding was that his shield was able to slow down the poison mist molecules to the point that he did not end up breathing any of it in.


Another good explanation for the Barons survival is his immense size, presumable takes a larger dose of any poison to kill him, aided by his quick retreat he was minimal exposed


This Baron is more the type of character I imagined - smart and controlled is more frightening that crazy.


As a "slow" moving mass, the shield wouldn't have done anything to stop the gas---this is reflected in the fact the shield flashes red rather than blue as the molecules contact the field. He was simply able to float above where the gas settled into the room before he got a full dose.
I think Villeneuve's version is generally my preferred version, but I loved the Sci-Fi version where the Baron turns and addresses the audience in the form of a Shakesperian "aside".


Villeneue's decision of stripping Leto had two purposes to punctuate just how ruthless the Baron was. The first being the obvious means of his own safety to have Leto completely exposed and defenseless without a weapon (or so they expected). The second is to completely humiliate House Atreides, with him sitting naked and immobilized at the head of the table, surrounded by enemies. While being smart enough to activate his shield unit, despite being exposed to the particles of poison blown directly at him, this was the first of the Baron's strategic failures as the story moved forward. It cost him his most cunning and intelligent agents as they were killed by the poison as it filled the air around him on the ground. You could say the films making him into the "floating fatman" curled into the fetal position on the ceiling was the only way he could survive.


The shield blocking gas is dumb, it means while inside the shield you're basically in a plastic bubble soon to suffocate.


Having read the series multiple times, I find your breakdowns to be both simple to understand and at the same time insightful. Excellent work


My initial favorite was the SyFy miniseries version. However, I did appreciate the new version since it showed that while Duke Leto did not (unfortunately) kill the Baron, he did get a piece of him. And, I think, this probably heightened his paranoia.


This version appears to be more loyal to the book's. And this version of the Baron appears to be more realistic and frightening. Great video.


How he survived? Easy answer:

Leto Atreides: Desert power
Vladimir Harkonen: Dessert power

So he had enough Vladimirs inside him like a multy layered harkonen onion protective armor.

PD thanks for the new lore vid dune girl!


I liked the more serious portrayal of both the baron and Piter in the new movie. The cautious use of his shield saves his life, despite the mistake his ego forces, in leaning close. Piter's shocked gasp likely killed him quicker, as had he held his breath he might have been able to run to a corner or something and have survived only injured, as the baron did. This is an excellent detail, as it shows a certain lack of mindfulness and impulse control, the very thing Paul was tested for, and as Mother Helen Mohiam said, it was indeed fatal. Piter's role in the murder of Yueh could have been preserved, though I would personally have abbreviated his dying words, as the ones from the book are a bit much. Just, "You think you've beaten me?" is enough to make the point, and in fact perhaps sabotage to some degree his planned assassination attempt, by inciting the Baron's caution, encouraging the activation of his shield. Again, drives home the problem of ego, suffered by many of the characters. Really this is the only improvement I think could have been made to this excellent adaptation of this scene. Dune part 1 is probably the best science fiction film I've seen in 10 years, and I cant wait to see the sequel.


I felt Denis' version of the assassination attempt was the best version. It was the most likely set of events that would play out given the Baron's animosity to his cousin. Having him wounded in the attack was a nice touch.
