Computer, build me an app - Rich Harris - JSConf EU 2018

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Frameworks exist because writing maintainable apps in vanilla JavaScript is hard. But frameworks aren’t free: downloading and parsing those extra bytes slows things up, just when your users are deciding whether to stick around.
Instead of choosing between bulky frameworks and maintainability nightmares, what if we could tell the computer ‘here are the blueprints, now you write the code’? In this talk we’ll discover a new breed of tools, such as Svelte, that let you do exactly that.
Instead of choosing between bulky frameworks and maintainability nightmares, what if we could tell the computer ‘here are the blueprints, now you write the code’? In this talk we’ll discover a new breed of tools, such as Svelte, that let you do exactly that.
Computer, build me an app - Rich Harris - JSConf EU 2018
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