A taboo-free way to talk about periods | Aditi Gupta | TEDxGatewayWomen

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Aditi is a social entrepreneur and Co-founder of Menstrupedia, working towards spreading awareness about menstruation.

Aditi is a social entrepreneur and Co-founder of Menstrupedia, working towards spreading awareness about menstruation. As a Ford Foundation research Scholar she has conducted extensive research in understanding the scenario of menstrual unawareness in India and its impact on a girl’s life. Aditi along with her husband Tuhin Paul has designed effective educational tools for girls and schools using storytelling and sequential art for educating young girls about menstruation in a society where the subject is a major taboo. Menstrupedia’s website receives 200,000 visitors per month. The comic book designed by them is available in Hindi and English now and 15 schools across India and using the books to educate school girls about periods. The books have been shipping to Uruguy, US, Uk, Sweden, Philippines, Nepal, Pakistan and Nigeria.They are working on Nepali and Spanish translation of the book which would be ready to be printed and distributed locally in Nepal and South America.

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fortunately l learnt about menstrual cycle by my dad . I am so lucky, He told me everything about female body because i dont have mother to tell all these . Thanks Dad


We shouldn't laugh at boys being interested in the book. It's important for them to know, too.


this video is for everyone. I hope every single Indian whether male or female watch it.


Here's my two cents; this unspoken rule of not talking about your period is actually a major hindrance in day-to-day life. I remember being in class and starting my period, and not being excused to go to the bathroom because I was told to hold it. But you can't hold in a period, so I was sitting there, too embarrassed and basically unable to communicate what was really happening to my male teacher, and having my underwear spotted with blood by the time class was over. I don't just want periods to be talking about, I want them to a part of absolute normalcy. When I'm in a meeting, I want to be able to say that I just need to go get a tampon really quick as easily as saying that I've got a nosebleed and need to run and grab some tissues. No shame, no embarrassment, no period jokes, because when half of the population experiences this every month, it should not be such a big deal.


2 minutes silence for the people who unliked it. What's wrong in speaking about the truths. People are uselessly disliking a social awareness initiative.


An admirable and innovative way to teach about menstruation. But why should girls only learn about period? Why not the boys alike? After all it is a natural process that creates life.


Its so nice some people are working so hard to change our society for good....very good work Aditi


I'm proud of the boys that wanted to learn... it shows empathy and compassion.


I appretiate the initiative that you took but in addition to that i want to suggest u that u should also teach boys about periods. This thing will help alot in removing this taboo... And everyone will be comfortable in talking about periods.


She left an impact worth a million or a billion. well done. may the force be with you and rest of the people of the organization. (Y)


Absolutely disgusting for this day and age. These poor girls, it's just not fair. Should not be demonised for what is absolutely normal.


Both boys and girls should learn about periods when they're ten, before even the majority of early bloomers start getting them. That way girls aren't terrified that they're dying, and both genders are educated.
Men need to interact with women and the overwhelming majority will have a sexual relationship with a woman at some point. They should be informed, both so they understand women better (and don't think women become irrational monsters on their periods, as some seem to think) and so they can educate female partners who don't know much about periods.


Periods r not bad
Ur thinking is.

YOU ARE ALIVE BECAUSE OF PERIODS. Then why do people make fun of it.


Some things are important regardless of gender..!!


urgent topic to talk?yess...Aditi is 100% right about low level of awareness related to menstruation. In Delhi along with seven other metro cities, SHARP NGO is running this initiative with the help of Unicharm India.


My grandmother sometimes asks me about my period like this: 'When you'll get sick this month?'. It's wierd, at first I didn't understand her, but now I undertand that in the past you just could say you were sick so anyone else would know about your period. Now that is changing.
(Sorry for my bad english)


thank you for spreading awareness! we need to talk about this more naturally.

also men need to know about it too. there's literally married men with four kids who have no idea what a period is.


i think every single girl should be taught about periods and about its whole process .
they should be make aware that it is not a curse
i think that it should be shown to older women first because they are the ones who taught the young girls about it and the restrictions during their periods, not to eat pickle or not to go to the temple or not to touch religious plants and many many more things .
but with girls boys should also be taught about it to broke the mith
but ya salute to aditi for doing all these things just amazing👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


I grew up in the Netherlands, a pretty open country, but I only found out about periods from a book I read. The girl in it said something about 'menstruation' so I looked it up. My parents never told me anything, and school told me 'girls get periods', but nothing more. When I finally did learn more about it in school, I'd already been having my period for over a year.


When I was in 10th class I gave a speech on menstruation for my english elocution competition. My teachers, friends and students were surprised by my also some of my female friends asked me not to give a speech on menstruation. Atlast when it was time of prize distribution everyone was screaming my name but I didn't won because of my accent maybe but my principal and teachers appreciated me on stage for being confident and spoke about a taboo topic. Later my juniors, seniors, friends everyone appreciated me.
