How to teach kids to talk about taboo topics | Liz Kleinrock

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When one of Liz Kleinrock's fourth-grade students said the unthinkable at the start of a class on race, she knew it was far too important a teachable moment to miss. But where to start? Learn how Kleinrock teaches kids to discuss taboo topics without fear -- because the best way to start solving social problems is to talk about them.

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It's like she was destined to be a teacher. I wish there were more like her.


Discuss EVERYTHING with your kids, or else the internet will discuss it with them..


She makes too much sense!
Schools teaching about social and emotional intelligence? Skills that will actually help them become balanced people in the future?
Outrageous!! More standardized tests please!


Parents should be more open and appreciative of their kids so that they could trust them and tell them anything!


Talking about taboo topics does indeed bring certain topics into light so they can be explored and debated.

The thing i found about racism as a topic is that, for me, it's most effective solution seems to be information, symphaty\empathy, civilized dialog, avoiding labels and overgeneralization so that in the end skin color stops being the main focus point of our perception and we start judging people more objectively.

Also, even thou i'm an Atheist, i still aknowledge the golden rule (The principle of treating others as one's self would wish to be treated) as something that must be teached to all kids.


If more teachers like Ms. Kleinrock existed, and weren't silenced by close minded parents/governments, we would have less of what just occurred in New Zealand. And oppressive parents who shelter their children who then grow up to rebel, would also be less of an issue. Our planet would benefit greatly. Somebody give this woman a medal, and more platforms to speak on. She is wonderful for teaching young children this way, and other teachers of all levels need to take a lesson from her.


Thank you, I told my ex and her family to treat my son as an adult. Not because of his age (5), but his level of understanding. I (myself) knew at a very early age things. I explained that he was more capable of understanding things if explained in the proper manner. I so far have a better relationship with him because, I still talk to him like an equal. He understands that I'm his father and knows that I will still discipline as needed. Overall he knows that he can talk to me, and that is the most important thing.


Omg this made me cry. In my view bringing a human to this world is a huge responsibility and the most important job for that individual once the little one is here. To guide a child to be part of a new world where their happiness comes from inside and they see everyone as their own is massive. One can only do their best but this I will do if the path to care for a little human is ever handed to me....


What a smart teacher she is, wish there were more like her but that was not my experience as a child.


She was my 4 grade teacher. Miss you ms.


Thank you Ms. Liz, for having the courage to speak. Also i miss you❤❤❤


The world needs more teachers like her


You have great views and you sure understand your importance and influence as a teacher which a lot of people don't.


This Ted Talk had me on the fence through that really specific event and solution. Although that summary at the end earns some merit.


Imagine how wonderful the world would be if all the parents are willing to teach their kids these things


Good story. It’s important to intelligently talk about all topics that make up life so we can also live intelligently. Thank you!


I find it funny because in Eastern Europe its the opposite.. how to stop your kids from talking about "taboo" topics. I felt it was kind of suffocating while I was studying in Britain because there was very little to talk about as most topics I'm used to were taboo, they literally kept quiet, just awkward silence. However, around here its mostly expressing uneducated opinions about important (taboo) issues which isnt really contributing anyhow, in fact, often things go south. Its not good to avoid a topic just because it can hurt somebody's feelings.. those feelings are hurt when you express opinion without having read more on that particular matter. Which is why the people concerned avoid talking about it. Prejudice is one of the biggest problems in our society


Q. What is a stereotype? Can you give an example?
A. Phillips, Magnavox, Sony, or JBL


I take issue that some topics have been arbitrarily defined as "taboo" - let's get rid of the concept of "taboo" and have an open marketplace of thought and ideas


Awareness is key to change. You can't initiate change without talking about the things society wants to ignore. Speak up and speak out. There is no topic that should be taboo.
