Book of James Summary: A Complete Animated Overview

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Watch our overview video on the book of James, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In this book, James combines the wisdom of his brother Jesus with the book of Proverbs in his own challenging call to live a life wholly devoted to God.

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I go to a Christian school and your videos are part of my homework for 6 grade thanks for making homework fun again 😄


James is one of the most direct and to the point books on godly living in the entire bible. Theres not a single person on the planet that could not learn something applicable from book of James.


I'm consistently mind-blown at how consistent God is. He doesn't EVER contradict Himself. His ways are so perfect!!

Every time I start reading a new book in the Bible I watch one of these videos and they get me SO exciteddd!


You guys have increased my faith. Thank you for serving us so well.


From Uganda with a Muslim background, born again, and now doing theology these videos of Tim and Micky have aided my understanding of the Bible tremendously ...besides I love cartoons. May God bless the work of their hands and continue to use them(Tim and Micky) for the benefit of His Kingdom Amen.


“A beautifully crafted punch in the gut”, perfectly worded, I love it


My faith needs to be stronger. I need to be better, nicer, and stop giving into things that are temporary while God is eternal. I’m almost 19, I pray I have a lot of time to grow as a person and get better!
I pray that the person I love comes to follow Christ as well. They don’t really believe, and they’ve tried— so that makes me really sad.


I’m Greek and the fact that you addressed the Jacob and James situation first thing in the video helped a lot cause I was very confused at first!😅


So far, James is my favourite book in the bible, I appreciate how direct it is.


James is one of my most beloved and favorite books of the Bible. I come to this book a lot.


6:20 you have to CHOOSE between anxiety and trust. That was such an important statement that goes beyond the teaching of this video.


The book of James is in my face and punches me in the gut. It’s one of the checks and balances book that straightens me up in my walk with Jesus!


James 2:26 "..the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also."

One of my favourite books in the Bible, praise God!


For years I have been struggling with consistent bible studying. There are particular scriptures I love to read including James, but I generally don't do wide reading of other books. I've prayed several times for a passion to be more consistent and excited about bible study. Bible Project is an answer to my prayers. The bible just make so much literary sense to me now. I was searching for something completely different on YouTube when I stumbled upon this channel. Thank you to everyone on this amazing Spirit inspired team!


My names is Matthew James, I never read these passages as an adult but, now that I have, I've actually personally experienced everyone of these concepts (not saying I'm perfect lol at all). These are truly invaluable lessons & ways of viewing life. It brought me to tears to finally understand & see the purpose in my past suffering. Ty so much for making these in such a clear, accurate, & understandable, way


I started reading the Bible last year, When I began re-reading it I discovered Bible Project. It clears things up for me as I'm not always able to de cipher everything. For me you are a literal GOD send. Thank you for this. Jesus' blessings on everybody and here's an early Merry Christmas


The letter of St. James is my favorite place in scripture, and that’s tough to claim as there is so much to love. But James - Jacob - is a great floor plan for living a Christian life. I know it by heart because I read it everyday before my evening reading of the Holy Bible (wherever I am at the time) and it’s always uplifting. Before my morning reading I always latch onto a Psalm. Is not our Lord God magnificent? This presentation of St. James is a delight and I’m glad you made it. Peace to you.


I wish I could like this more than once. perfect way to start my morning. thank you for all the work you put into these videos.
