Signs of High Functioning PTSD

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Do you have suspicions that you are suffering from PTSD, but are not exactly sure? Maybe you are unsure if what you went through qualifies as traumatic, or perhaps you have doubts as to whether you have PTSD because you are still able to go throughout your day and fulfil tasks and responsibilities. Perhaps you have seen cases of PTSD in others (whether in person or in media), and have thought that what you go through is not as severe, invalidating your own feelings. Here are a few signs of high functioning PTSD.

Please reach out to a qualified healthcare provider or mental health professional if you are struggling. Videos are not to be substituted for professional help or advice.

Writer: Paula C.
Script Editor: Vanessa Tao
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Animator: Chantal Van Rensburg
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM-5. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing; 2013.​
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After surviving a traumatic event, many people have PTSD-like symptoms at first, such as being unable to stop thinking about what's happened. Fear, anxiety, anger, depression, guilt — all are common reactions to trauma. However, the majority of people exposed to trauma do not develop long-term post-traumatic stress disorder. Getting timely help and support may prevent normal stress reactions from getting worse and developing into PTSD. This may mean turning to family and friends who will listen and offer comfort.


Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.


Those who haven't suffered through trauma are so lucky or blessed. The pain of trying to heal is truly exhausting. Big love to any survivors of any kind <3


I grew up in a domestic violence home and still, 40 yrs later, go into defense mode and high alert when I hear people talking loudly, laughing loudly, or yelling if I can't understand what they're saying right away.


1:01 Extreme Emotional Reactions
1:51 Negative Changes in thoughts and mood
2:29 Avoidance
3:20 Physical Problems
3:53 Reliving The Trauma

Hope this helps!


Another form or type of PTSD that I have not seen addressed are the symptoms developed after being in an emotional/mentally abusive relationship for many years, such as from a constant gaslighting NPD or socio-psychopath. Years of being gaslit, then finally leaving the person can result in symptoms such as being fearful and non-trusting of everyone who wants to befriend you.


I was severely traumatized years ago as a teenage, got diagnosed with cptsd. Spent my whole life fighting cptsd. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my wife recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.


I was diagnosed with Post Childhood trauma PTSD. I'm always on alert. I make scenarios in my mind where I could be in danger any moment so I can be ready for them.
I also have very little memory of my childhood and suffer from nightmares my whole life. At the point where it's my day to day life. Anxiety is a problem too and fear of relationships too


I’ve struggled with this longer than I knew. It’s hard to heal from trauma when you’re getting hurt over and over again


I hate how much I’ve related to this in the past. I had a very difficult childhood and I didn’t realize how much traumatic experiences can follow you l. It’s weird feeling comfortable sharing this on this channel but I always feel like it’s a welcoming community. I’m praying for others who have similar experiences. It does get better 💛


My knowledge on mental illness was so very low. I went to a psychologist when I was 18 thinking i had some form of depression. Due to my ignorance, I never attributed my trauma to give me PTSD. So when my doctor diagnosed me with clinical depression and PTSD, I was taken aback.

I remember one day when I was 20 and at work, over 11 years since i had any contact with my abuser, i was busy when I looked up to the next customer and my body stiffened. The man in front of me looked exactly like my abuser. The sight made me weak and scared and I went silent. I wanted to cry, the shock was so painful alongside the flashback and memories. It revealed to me just how bad my issues were.


I find myself invalidating my feelings and incidents often. I think growing up and being told my problems aren’t “real” or “I should be appreciative because I have x, y, z” Really affected how I deal with my emotions I find myself just always being in a state of shut down if that makes sense it’s so hard to explain it but I don’t sit with my emotions or let myself feel them. I just push them away until I kind of forget about them. It’s a daily fight too I guess fix the mindset that has been taught to you but it’s worth it because I see the change in myself and I encourage anyone to look into counseling and learning how to cope with their emotions and their trauma.


I'm always scanning the environment for danger, always looking at people or doors or Windows or animals or anything to make sure nothing bad happens. Always emotionless and at different times emotional. Making predictions of people and things, those things that I predict usually happen, makes it a whole lot worse. I hate this, I hate it all.


Wow, I just broke in tears bc I realized that I was recognizing myself in this...

Really, fighting to all the people that are suffering from PTSD, I love y'all ❤❤


As someone with recently diagnosed PTSD I related to this a lot when I was considering getting help (which is a privilege in itself and I know that!). It’s completely normal to feel these symptoms after any trauma! Especially social avoidance and flashbacks, it can be terrifying and exhausting. Any sign is worth talking to someone about, friend or professional. It saved me and I hope, if any one sees this, you can find something or someone to confide it <3


I always find the most supporting group of people here on this channel. Thank you to all of you, I feel more confident about myself. Have a good day to anyone who reads this message☀


I was graraped by a female baby sitter of mine when I was 5. It absolutely ruined my relationships, work, school etc. I never understood why I always had trouble with women, constantly in and out of relationships and in conflict, same at work, always with women as well. I had bits and pieces of the graraped until I took some psychedelics and the FULL PICTURE and the entire scene played out for me, that it all came out. I finally told my mother and she was so hurt/upset and angry about it and that she wasn't there. Crazy how long I held on to that secret.


hello to everyone that suspects they have high functioning or low functioning PTSD. whatever brought you here, it is possible to heal from your pain. sending positive, healing love 💜


1. Extreme emotional reactions
2. Negative changes in thoughts and mood
3. Avoidance
4. Physical Problems
5. Reliving the trauma


I used to think that I just had a school phobia but I recently got diagnosed with ptsd. The school I went was extremely traumatic and because of that I avoided school like it was the plague, I suffered from horrible anxiety, nightmares of school and just talking about it to my parents would make me nervous. I’m now in a school made for people like me and it extremely helpful
