PTSD physical symptoms

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There are many physical symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder, also known as PTSD, especially in the operating room for surgery and anesthesia. The physical body and mind are very deeply connected, and that is why there are so many manifestations and physical symptoms in the human body from serious traumas of the past. The medications and substances used by patients suffering from trauma also cause powerful changes in the body. These are observed under anesthesia when patients have higher anesthesia requirements, changes in their heart rate, and other physical symptoms.
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First Responder with PTSD here. PTSD causes physical as well as mental pain. I can attest to that 100%.


I believe my chronic illnesses are deeply connected to my severe anxiety and ptsd that I had prior


as someone with PTSD, I love anesthesia. it's the only sleep that doesn't give me nightmares.


I’m suffering from PSS - post sepsis syndrome and PTSD from being in the hospital for 5.5 weeks last year for full blown septic shock from MRSA-pneumonia because my immunosuppressant was too strong 😢and as you well know MRSA is extremely opportunistic and I’m extremely grateful to be alive and it’s coming up on the year anniversary of when it started on May 25, 2023 and I was discharged from the hospital on end of June 2023, but didn’t get done with the IV antibiotic Vancomycin until July 9, and got done with wound care clinic in December 2023 to deal with the dry gangrene from the 3 different pressors they had to use at the same time to keep me alive 😢 I lost 2 toes and half my left thumb 👍🏽 except not the way most people think, I lost the fat pad I.e. the cushioning of my thumb and it’s painful to grip things with my left thumb anymore. I got to experience my right pinky toe auto amputate and fell into my surgical sock 🧦 while I was napping 😴 it’s difficult for me right now because I’m still freakin anemic and the only thing I can figure is it’s still affecting me this far out because I take supplemental breakfast shake and I take and eat enough iron, I shouldn’t be anemic at all, so more studies and iron infusions are upcoming for me.


Severe neck pain, nausea, migraines, vomiting, potassium levels 2, 80 pound weight loss.
I'm not sick. It CPTSD.


I have huge medical ptsd with 30+ icu admissions- I feel like it’s so rare for doctors to acknowledge it and actually try to help. Some just have no idea… even just getting central lines with no sedation has me a mess


Thank you so much for mentioning the mental trauma from physical trauma! It is far less discussed, and even more so, less understood.
You make the best content! It is informative, educational, and reassuring. It doesn’t hurt that you deliver them with a smile! I am always happy when I find a doctor to help with my cases that does all of those things. A huge thank you!


I was told by counselors and other people I have ptsd years ago when I was court ordered to be evaluated. I was in an accident when I was 18 in 2012 that killed 3 of my best friends as well as another man and crippling his wife. Even when they I guess diagnosed me I didn’t really believe it or take it seriously then. Anymore though from seeing old pictures and videos and shit I kind of believe it now. I use to have so many friends and now I barely talk to anyone. I definitely am depressed, but what kills me the most is I used to have so much charisma and was outgoing and adventurous. Now it’s just weird bc I want to be that person so bad again yet for whatever weird reason I just can’t. I just wish I had my brain back and that shit never happened.


Mental health should have been addressed decades ago!


Thanks for talking about it I have all three I had that when I put on respirator they did not give me enough medication and my body was paralyzed & I feel everything they were doing to me and hear everything and because I couldn't move I felt I was being assault all over again! It was like living in hell for hours!


I chronically vomit and have hives and autoimmune lungs and skin disease that won't stop due to PTSD stress.


Dr.K you explain things so well!!!! Thank you!


Thanks for talking about this. My clients are often floored to know this.


An easy going Dr. explaining to us what some,
including myself, did not know they have PTSD.
This past Jan. of 24 i had 5 operations in 15 days
having my gallbladder removed. A roofing accident
slipped from 25' onto my back in 1993. Broke 9 ribs, broke my pelvic bone, puctured lung and spleen re-
moved. PTSD bloomed, again. Shoots brah. Life is
a struggle.


I would appreciate a video on cptsd + adhd and how we are under anesthesia.


Absolutely fantastic information keep posting please you are all so marvelous to do this and let us know what's going on where our primary doesn't even give us a hint of like will you need to ask so and so well they don't even give us the so and so so thank you so much keep posting


Much ❤️ Dr. Anthony, Mochi and Karma 🤗


Can we have more on this very important subject please!


Hey Doc kaveh this explained my case perfectly. Thank you for doing this it's a difficult subject. Also wanted to say your videos have helped me alot as I recently had orthjo surgery and was pretty anxious however your videos kinda explained what happens, how you closely monitor patients both their cardiac rhythm bp oxygen and C02, I usually have tiva anasethic due to the vaporised causing me to be extremely nauseated.

You should do a video about malignant hyperthermia as I love sciencey stuff like that


I have psychosomatic chronic illness from trauma… C-PTSD… is that why I clinically died during surgery when I went into cardiac arrest?? I also told the nurses when I got wheeled into the OR that I was going to die in surgery and they laughed it off. I had a very clear NDE too and remember the other side. I’ve also had after-effects too, like psychic gifts.
