Long term effects of PTSD

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In this video, Mindful Space host Michelle discusses post-traumatic stress disorder, also known as PTSD. This is a mental disorder that can form when a person experiences a distressing or traumatic event. PTSD is known as a long-term effect of traumatic experiences resulting in major depression, anxiety, helplessness, and terror.

Michelle explains the common causes of post-traumatic stress disorder as well as the uncomfortable symptoms that come with it. There are a variety of treatment options available to those who are suffering from PTSD. Therapies, medication, and medical support can change an individual’s life for the better.

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Posttraumatic stress disorder is a mental condition that can form after exposure to a traumatic event. In this video, we explore different types of trauma that could develop into PTSD. We also discuss some of the most common symptoms of PTSD and treatment options helping people overcome past traumas, heal wounds, and live satisfied lives free of automatic, trigger responses. Learn what PTSD is, what causes it, and how you can overcome its symptoms through this video.

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This hits really close. My PTSD is from being in the Marines. In Iraq I seen many horrible things and was almost killed by an incoming rocket. 9 years I’ve been struggling. Even working overseas as a private contractor. Constantly chasing the feeling of war.

It wasn’t until both my grandparents (who mainly raised me) died from Covid, that I fully understood the impact and I was extremely triggered. I wasn’t able to go to their funeral because I was working in Afghanistan. I started having panic attacks and my work performance was affected. I eventually lost that job and went through a very dark spot.

I am now able to stay at home with my family and take care of my kids full-time. After many years of battling the VA, they finally listened and understood.

I understand the importance of being proud of your past. This is essential to being happy with who you are. Understanding and accepting your past and present will help you become successful in your future.


I was assaulted by multiple attackers, i thought i was going to die. But i survived. Its little things like always being on edge in public places, always being pissed off in public because you get feelings of the event. Anxiety in intimacy moments. Sucks.


I'm only 13. I lost both of my parents at 11 just 1 week apart, I can't even look at pictures of them anymore, see ambulances or stuff like that because it sends me into anxiety attacks and flashbacks


Rape PTSD since 5 - 23 nosebleeds happen so often know from stress. Chronic vomiting. Stress hives. Extra infections from lowered immune system from chronic crying.


My husband was murdered 51yrs ago. Some professionals dismissed PTSD "because I didn't witness it" 🤯 They told me to "just go on with my life"??
WORST ANSWER EVER!!! Thankfully, 30yrs later- my boyfriend-a Vietnam Vet recognized that I had PTSD. Guess there's some truth in "it takes one to know one"
He made my life so much better ❤


I have ptsd because of Name bullying...when people call my name my mind will fully become stress and anxiety 😢


Mine was triggered by some events that happened in school


I have PTSD. I liken it to a slow descent into madness and despair. Mine developed after over 40 years of unresolved trauma. As a man, I am not allowed to talk about pain, suffering, or sadness. I used all the classic “macho” ways of addressing my trauma like sleeping with dozens of women, drowning myself in alcohol and drugs, burying myself in work, stuffing it all down, etc…..eventually, my nervous system just cracked. PTSD is a brain injury that actually changes the structure of your brain (reduction in hippocampus volume, enlargement of the amygdala, reduced gray matter volume). It’s a nightmare. Depression and suicidal ideation are common. This is an injury that extends beyond people in the military (my own time in law enforcement certainly was a contributing factor). There is a great deal of shame for me as a man when I say that I was abused by both parents, raped at 16 by a man (never disclosed that one as I blamed myself), abused by my former wife, and a litany of girlfriends after that first abusive romantic relationship. It’s like I got “wired” for the abuse after my traumatic marriage. Had my head split open once when an intoxicated ex-girlfriend grabbed me by the hair and drove her knee into my head. More than one ex has brandished a knife at me. It’s been tough finding treatment with limited resources. Both men and women tend to disparage men when they reveal abuse of any kind…..we just aren’t allowed to talk about it. Even amongst professionals we approach for treatment, we often are met with negativity. The drug abuse almost killed me. You are beyond desperation when you will turn to intravenous drugs to stop the pain……it’s insanity but you don’t want to feel the pain or think about it. When I was a child, I dreamt of being a police officer. I never dreamed back then that I would be raped, abused by women that said they loved me, would become an alcoholic/addict, and develop PTSD. If you have PTSD, I truly hope you are able to find help, support, and healing. Recovery is a war for inches…..you desperately want to smile and feel joy again but you feel like a wounded and caged animal. There aren’t many clinicians that specialize in dealing with trauma. It’s a niche expertise and not every therapist, psychiatrist, or psychologist is qualified to treat it or should treat it. I wouldn’t wish PTSD or CPTSD on anyone (unfortunately, CPTSD isn’t recognized as an injury or illness within North America but many clinicians will still use the term…..this just makes things harder for sufferers to find/receive adequate treatment). We too often associate PTSD with military service only or a singular major event. I would argue that with most sufferers, it is brought on after a series of traumatic events. Unbeknownst to me, I was displaying dissociative symptoms for years before my PTSD became obvious (when I began becoming triggered so badly that it was impairing my ability to function).


I have ptsd from abusive upbringing by caregivers and parents. Saw lots of violence from father to mother and experienced violence at the hands of parents and caregivers. I grew up, got back in touch with estranged father and then he was violent, attacked me and rendered me homeless. More attacks during that vulnerable time. In years after I experienced abusive relationships.. and was the victim of police brutality despite not doing anything wrong - knocking on the wrong door in a neighborhood when I was tried after work, looking for my pass and not touching it for travel fast enough & more recently I was brutalised despite them walking in on me being attacked.. I’m beginning to wonder if I am cursed .. I just want this done and healed and for the pain and darkness to stop…


I am a nurse and had a man die in my arms (Technically over the course of my career 3 people died in my arms), I definitely had PTSD afterwards for about 2 months and then it would come back for 2 years after when the subject of death was brought up, I would get flashbacks and just start crying even at random times like in the store. When I left nursing the stress went away and so did my PTSD. I thought nurses don't suffer PTSD, it was a soldier's illness but looking back I think it's a major issue in nursing and the medical community as whole but no one talks about it, medical staff also witness horrible suffering.
The suicide rates for Paramedics is particularly and I wonder if a lot of that is PTSD. If someone can get PTSD from being in a car crash then I am sure the people that have to visit multiple car crashes every day at work can get PTSD also.


So what are the long term effects? You didn't touch on that at all


A year ago my father randomly collapsed in the middle of the night, I woke up due to my mom screaming, even tho he woke up a few minutes later. This incident really scared me. I can't sleep well at night anymore and keep hearing my mother screaming my dad's name at night.


I have ptsd attack right now.. God help us please


If you are the person who has complex PTSD You may he offered therapies used to treat PTSD such as trauma-cognitve behavioral therapy (CBT) or eye movement desensitisation reprocessing (EDMR)


I always think something else is going on...and I haven't been able to get a grip on my EMOTIONS AND HOW OTHER SEEM TO BE MAKING ME FEEL!!!


Idk if its ptsd or trauma after Narcissistic abuse can you please help because I don't feel negative about myself anymore but I sometimes miss his facade version and then I become strong out of the blues. Is it ptsd or trauma bond? Are they both can be cured?


I’ve been getting over PTSD myself, very hard but doable


I think the problem is with mental health professionals, there isn’t enough (in my opinion) trying to work out what the problem is, and too much time aimlessly flailing around in the dark hoping to hit something.
My last therapist wasted seven sessions going on about self-esteem whilst I explained repeatedly that I don’t have any issues with self-esteem. 🤦‍♀️


i have ptsd from a roller coaster yet alone war


Is it possible to link a person to a traumatic effect?
