Megan's Top 5 Tips for Starting Low-Carb

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In this video, Megan Ramos shares her top 5 tips for starting a low-carb diet.

Planning is key for this way of eating - stick to your meal plan and you'll be successful! Eating healthy fats is important for feeling full. Try swapping out the bread for half an avocado or some nuts.

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Your freezer can be your best friend when intermittent fasting! I always have some veggie stew or light soup portioned out, waiting for that stressful, busy day. So great to have a home-cooked meal that you didn't have to prepare! I always feel so satisfied and proud of myself for resisting temptation, saving money, and taking care of myself.


Great and practical tips. My favorite was the last one - sealing off the hunger with nuts, olives or avocado. Thank you!


Cauliflower roasted/broiled and basted with avocado oil rocks! I always have olives in the fridge, and almost always have avocados on-hand. I have a huge cache of canned sardines for "emergencies, " and a variety of almonds, pistachios (yeah, I know), macadamias, walnuts and pecans.


Megan please make more of these videos!!


Megan, you are a movement for better and I am a part of it. Thank you.


Air fried veggies and salmon Is a good go to.


I am a liver transplant patient, and even though I fast my sugar does not go down, because the anti rejection medication makes my sugar higher
Any suggestions ?


Thanks Megan! I just weighed myself this morning and I'm the heaviest I've ever been. I have PCOS, and suffered 2 miscarriages this year (which I blame for my poor eating choices). I'm familiar with fasting and have dabbled for the past year - but haven't been consistent (for example, if I thought I was pregnant etc). I'm back on the bandwagon, and determined to get back to my healthy weight (need to drop 14kg). Can you share with me your BEST recipe for yummy brussel sprouts? I've never been a fan (as my Mum used to boil them growing up! - ew!). My parents would be pleased as punch to know I've found a way to enjoy them :)


Hi, I just started reading Life in the Fasting Lane. 🤩 I’ve been doing 24 h fasting + keto diet for one month now. My question is: when you talk about the low carb diet, you do not mean necessary keto diet( under 20 gr of carbs) right? Just choosing the high fat food without counting carbs like crazy? When we fast we normally go into ketosis, do we need to be all the time in ketosis even if we are not fasting? I miss having an apple 🍎


I watched another video of yours where you said to your patients that they could begin by eating Bacon, Avacado, Eggs and something else. I have not been able to locate that video since. What is the fourth item to beginning a low carb, moderate protein, and high fat meal?
