The Secret To Remembering New VOCABULARY | 8 Tips for English Learners

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Would you like to easily memorize new words? In this lesson, we will look at the secret to remembering vocabulary through 8 recommendations that have helped me learn 6 different languages!

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Listening and reading is the key to learn any language


A) Use an SRS application: engrave. Anxi
B) Learn only the Essential: active(3000words)>passive
C) Be Immersed: TV series(e.g. FRIENDS, ER), podcasts(e.g. real life English💕)
D) Don't translate
E) Discover your process: effective way~
a. photographic memory
b. visual learner
c. aural learner
d. Kinesthetic learner
F) Get creative(e.g. Buzz=bee drinks coffee)
G) Use it immediately
a. sneak it
b. Create example sentences
H) Don't get stressed


Hello Ethan again! For me today’s lesson was so marvelous, fascinating one. Literally I am using theses one of methods that you’ve mentioned by your lesson everyday for expanding my vocabulary. Moreover I used to practice English expressions, phrasal verbs by reading news papers. And write down some essential words to me on a paper. Thank ya very much!!!! Let’s meet up again with a new lesson immediately!


Thank you Ethan it gives me a lot of confidence to learn English❤️


This man is so good..His knowledge helped me a lot


This is amazing! I just discovered it today!
I am a native English speaker, trying to learn Burmese, it is my 4th language, after French & Finnish. Finnish is the most difficult of the 4, & your tips have really helped me improve my method of learning Finnish, even though I originally watched this to help me improve my Burmese. You have shown me a way to describe my way of learning, Kinesthetically, which I didn't even know !!!

You have become my Lockdown, goto language teacher, for advice, whatever language I am learning. Thank you, much impressed!


This is the most useful tips for remembering vocabulary I’ve ever watched. I’m genuinely grateful. Thank you so much 😘


I remember when I wanted to learn what means "to drag your feet" and the dictionary said = to be deliberately slow or reluctant to do it. I never knew what "deliberatery" and "reluctant" meant, but when I somewhere hear them now I always think of dragging the feet. Somehow the hardest way (learning 3 new words/phrases) thought me much more because of associations


Ethan, you're excellent coach. Your YT channels always help me to improve every aspects of english understanding. I learn this language on my own and you're the best way to develop myself. I've already improved my listening(I watched your lessons only with captions a couple months ago, but now I can do it without ones and understand almost everything).
I don't know how to thank you enough. I adore you and Andrea. ❤️
Best wishes, May Faustin. (hello from Russia 🙃).


I have to honest this man is hands down the best.


I am a really forgetful person, this video very helpful. ♥♥♥


Listening, reading and writing without caring much about grammar is hands down the best method to learning any language, if you do this you will also learn grammar automatically through observation and recognition of language structures, I speak from my own experience with French which I’ve been learning for about two years now, a language in which I can currently have full conversations while keeping my mistakes at a minimum, if you hear, read and write it right, you’ll definitely say it right.
Good luck everyone with your English learning and never give up! By the way, English is my second language ! Stay motivated


Thank you so much. Your tips are really helpful.


I’m in shock I said to myself why can I understand you perfectly is course I’m using CC but why can I understand you perfectly.

I don’t know what happening to me but all this is wonderful.

I new in this channel I was thinking in practice my listening skills but it’s like a bomb into my brain I don’t even words to explain it.

I don’t know what to say I’m so wonderful it’s like an impact with my comprehension.

I’m just gonna say thank you for being alive, thank you for existing God bless you alway 😍😍😍

I fall in love with this wonderful and amazing channel 😍 I don’t have even words to explain my felling about.


-" could imagine a bee drinking a coffee"
- Crap ! 😂😂


When I knew new words and applied in my online class. Some students angred with me. Because they didn't know new vocabulary words. I really thank to you. Always I see your video and know new word in English .your video helps me for better knowledge . Again I really thankful to you. Make more videos .Love from india.


I love all of you man! My english is improving so much since I discovered Real Life Global!!! Thanks a lot!


Thank you, Ethan! Superb work, as always! 🙂


Hi Ethan. I liked so much this video because I understood and I think that the most important for advance in the English isn't translate the new word to my own language (Spanish in my case) I need look for its meaning in English... YOU GOT IT!! This makes my vocabulary and I'm thinking in English. That recommendation brings me to my GOAL!! Thanks a jillion.


Love from india 💖you are really helping us as our primary language is hindi
