Все публикации

Why You Are Not SUCCESSFUL Yet — Podcast for English Learners

Why It's So Hard to Express Yourself in English — PODCAST for Learners

How I Stopped Being AFRAID of Making Mistakes in English — PODCAST

How I Understand Natives When They SPEAK FAST — in Music, Movies, etc

How BUSY PEOPLE Become Fluent in English with 10-MINUTE HABITS

How I Stopped Being SHY and Learned 6 LANGUAGES — Podcast for English Learners

5 Exercises to Improve Your English Speaking ALONE — Podcast for Learners

Why WRITING in English is Easy for You, But SPEAKING is Hard — Podcast

How to Talk About Food in ENGLISH — Podcast for Advanced English Learners

How I PRACTICE Using My English Every Day by MAKING NEW FRIENDS — Podcast

How He Started to Speak English Like a Native Without Studying — Real-Life Conversation

15 Strange Things Only Americans Do — Real-Life English Conversation

Why Natives Speak English SO FAST (to Your Ears) — You can speak fast too!

How I Stopped Translating in My Head and Started to THINK in English

Understand EXACTLY How Native Speakers Use Vocabulary (You can do the same!)

If I wanted to get a new job in ENGLISH this year, I'd do THIS

What’s YOUR English Level? — What Should Be Your Goal? | PODCAST for Learners

Pro Tip for Learning Phrasal Verbs

You are fluent in English if you can do THIS — The Number 1 Skill You Need

That Was Embarrassing...

15 Advanced Expressions You Need for EVERYDAY Conversations in ENGLISH

Talking About Levels of PAIN 😣

10 Common English Phrases with 'BREAK' for Daily Conversation

Two Birds with 'a Stone Only'?