Does Your Age Matter as an Entrepreneur?

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How big of a role does your age play when it comes to entrepreneurship? This is one of the most common questions I am asked all the time. So in this video I want to us to process if you can be a good, successful entrepreneur at a young age and get into the benefits of being an older entrepreneur vs. a younger entrepreneur. And then at the end I'll give you some of the stereotypes younger entrepreneurs get that are the enemy of younger entrepreneurs.

Paranoia vs. Naivety - 0:55
Wisdom vs. Being a Know-it-All - 1:39
Contacts - 1:50
Logic Vs. Emotion - 1:57
A Lot to Lose (Or Not) - 2:00
Which is Better? - 2:22
Anything is Possible - 2:35
Tip for Younger Entrepreneurs - 4:08
Emotion Sells - 5:15
Nothing to Lose - 6:00
Who's Side Am I On? - 7:08
If You're a Younger Entrepreneur, Here are a Few Principles to Keep in
Mind - 8:48

Valuetainment- The best channel for new, startup and established entrepreneurs.

Schedule: New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday on a broad array of entrepreneurial topics.
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Thank you so much! I'm a young entrepreneur, started at 23.I think being hard working is not really of how old you are.
Sometimes, the past situations in life like extreme poverty, difficulties are also related why some people, younger or older work so hard.
I've experienced so much difficulty at such a young age. And working hard is the only option for a way out..
I just hope in times that will come, I will never forget those difficulties and hardships so that I could always stay on my edge, feet on the ground..


I'm so happy I found your channel! Great stuff.


Someone already have a car buying business and he start it in few countries and its really work. What I want it's a start the same business in Russia and Ukraine but I don't have cash, so I want firstly do a research, teach all thing which I must new for starting this business in this countries and than contact with that man. If he will like that and want start this, how percent from income I can ask? All paper thing, finding a personal etc. will be organized by me. With all respect.


Would books have the same effect of education if one was just watching YouTube videos? (Educational ones)


Hustling has no age, just depends on how hungry you are.


guys age don't matter
im 15 years old and i organise events in belgium.

i make 1500€ a week


I suggest people to start taking notes and taking action using the things we learn from him. He can easily charge us $67 per month on these things while showing us his Lamborghini in his garage, and tbh I actually wouldn't mind.


I'm 14, I want to start a business, but I have no idea what to do :// want to do something online


Age doesn't matter im 25 been an entrepreneur since 18 and i have done business with old people my secret ATTITUDE it doesn't matter your age if you have attitude respect and know what you are doing people listen


I just discovered this channel yesterday and has been watching all of it and taking tons of notes along with it. The value of his content is incredible. He can easily charge hundreds and thousands of dollars for these content but he is giving these for free (for now). I'm 27 and has been working different jobs since I was 21, but only recently decided to do a complete 180 and redirect the course of my life. These are exactly the answers to the questions that I have been having about transitioning from an employee to an entrepreneur. Thank you so much. Really.


Age doesn't matter. I'm 66 and I hire young coaches to help me build my business online.


I’m 37, single mom and constantly feel that I discovered this entrepreneur world too late. I feel overwhelmed thinking that my clock is ticking against me.


im 13 and my friend and i are business partners...this is a great video opened my eyes thank you for the info


Does Your Age Matter as an Entrepreneur?

Key Takeaways (For young entrepreneurs):
1.Be disciplined
2.Deliver on time
3.Know everything about whatever you’re selling
4.Work hard


I needed this video. Great information! All my doubts are gone! Thank you sir! I am definitely going to follow your advices!


As you told Young ENTREPRENEUR thinks i KNOW IT ALL.
I have read about 100 Business/Entrepreneurship Books so far (including the ones you recommended), How much does Reading these kind of books Helps to Enhance my Knowledege?


What do you consider an older entrepreneur? When I was younger, I'm 40 now... a young entrepreneur was 30-35... seems like today it's 18 because of the .com billionaires...


Hey Patrick! Great videos. I heard about your goal reaching 100 000 subs. I think it would be a good idea to look to Tai lopez. He raised many subs/views in short time. I think he payed alot for YouTube advertisement. Maybe you want to have him in your video.


I don't have time to watch the video. But I have some experience here. You can be an entrepreneur at any age. But the older you are the more headwinds you have*. Providing for family, taking care of your elders, physical problems you develop in old age. For example; I can't see out my right eye, and my left is failing. Hopefully cataract operations will fix the problem.
*You have tailwinds too. You might have amassed funds so that you don't have to, at least initially, raise money.


Start early! Go chase your dreams! DON'T WAIT!! Life goes by fast... don't have regrets later in life (coming from a 49 year old with a ton of regrets).
