Best Easy Cheap and Durable Portable Fire Pit

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Best Easy Durable Fire Pit

Sadly, nothing is made to last is a phrase we say to ourselves all too often but it really is a truism. When it comes to something as simple and basic as a portable fire pit, you wouldn't think it would require much thought or effort. However, you'd be wrong because so many portable fire pits are made of very thin, flimsy metal that easily rusts and bends. Ironically, they're not inexpensive either. Many still cost nearly $100 but are very thin and not very durable. I personally can't bring myself to keep repeating the same purchase over and over. The one I last purchased is five years old but it's been in poor condition for at least a good half of it's sad life. Yes, I should have brought it into the garage instead of keeping it outside during Winter but it is something you'd like to use outdoors those few nights you'd like to simply start a fire and pull up a chair. I even covered with a black tarp for a few of it's years but still, it fell apart.

I found I had a galvanized tub from my kids' high school graduations which had been used to serve cold beverages on ice. I decided to give it a shot as my new fire pit and have been very happy with how it's worked out. It's been exposed to multiple Winters, filled with sloppy Winter melted snow mixed with old ashes and it still hasn't rusted out. I think it's the perfect fire pit with its handles made to carry the tub makes emptying its ashes super easy and without a mess. I simple add an old brake rotor to the bottom to add a bit of metal mass to help absorb the fire heat and it helps hold it down in strong winds. I throw another old brake rotor on top of the old one inverted and it offers a nice platform on which to place the branches and wood being burned. These are easy to come by and are usually available at farm and tractor supply retailers all year round and come in a variety of sizes and shapes.

For me, the price is right since it was already sitting in my garage and if this one wears out...though, it's showing no signs of doing so, I think I'll just buy another one as it's been the perfect fire bit in my backyard. Steel anything isn't cheap these days but these galvanized steel tubs are never super-expensive and are usually under $50 which is saying something when the flimsy, poorly-constructed fire pits at the big box home improvement stores are nearly $100 on-sale and well over $100 for many models, I really think the simplicity of using these galvanized steel tubs as portable fire pits just can't be beat.

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Рекомендации по теме

This is a great idea. I've been searching firepit bowls for months. They are all cheap, thin metal. This is a winner. Thanks!!


Before consumer fire pits this is what my dad used. He even used an old wheel barrel tub. Little did he know he had something he could market and sell.


You do NOT want to use any galvanized container. The zinc can burn off. Well ventilated area you can away with it, but why chance it. See quote: " zinc coating on galvanized metal will burn off and release zinc-oxide when exposed to high heat. People who breathe in this zinc-oxide can experience flu-like sickness sometimes referred to as “Metal Fume Fever.” ". This mostly impacts welders, but why chance it.


I saw a DIY project similar to this. I think it works well in that one. They put a few galvanize screws drilled in from the outside with a washer to hold up a old grill rack for air, flow and ash drop and also put a few quarter inch holes near the bottom under the grate for airflow Works very well and is movable. I know that they use it for winter and fall outdoor get together’s. Same concept. They just added a great and airflow holes. That way they can put larger wood in the fire pit. I believe their wash tub was rectangular.


Awesome Good way to keep the ash for my raised beds.


Just fyi galvanized metal when heated like that gives off poison gas


Burning galvanized metal fumes can make you sick
