Yemin 385. Bölüm | The Promise Season 4 Episode 385

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Yemin dizisi son bölümünde; Gülperi kendisine atılan iftiranın altında ezilirken Emir ise öfkesinden deliye döner. Meltem ise şeytani planlarına bir yenisini daha ekler.

Yemin 385. Bölüm Özeti:
Gülperi’ye atılan iftira Emir’in sinirlerini iyice bozar. Bu oyunu kurgulayan Tülay ise Emir’in öfkeli hallerinden gayet memnundur. Gülperi her şeyden habersiz utancından Emir’in yanına dahi yaklaşmaya cesaret edemez.Öte yandan Meltem Münevver’i hasta yatağında rahat bırakmaz. Narin annesinin durumunun aniden kötüleşmesiyle bunalıma girer ve bu durumu istemeden de olsa Kemal’e yansıtır. Tülay, Gülperi’yi Emir’den uzaklaştırmak için son bir hamle daha yapar ve Cavidan’ı oyununa çekmeye karar verir.

Gökberk Demirci
Setenay Süer
Can Verel
Yaghmur Shahbazova
Ahmet Ömer Metiner
Gül Arcan
Büşra Oğur
Nevzat Yılmaz
Melahat Abbsova
Gözde Gündüzlü
Derya Kurtuluş
Esra Çoban
Barış Gürses
Yiğit Arslan
Korkut Çözer
Hatice Öztürk

Yönetmen: Reyhan Pekar
Senarist: Nazmiye Yılmaz
Yapım: Karamel Yapım
Müzik: Minör

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Capítulo 385 Español
Ahmet: Tomé las fotos y luego te las envié. Cuando las veas la pondrás frente a la puerta. Le dije que la llevaría. Pero estas muy enojado con la chica, obviamente la amas mucho. Tülay: Emir déjalo, lo mataras, Emir: ahora vete de aquí ¡inmediatamente! Mira, no te volveré a ver cerca de ella, ¿me escuchaste? Tülay: se va, tranquilo. Por la ira no verás nada más Emir. El reinado de la rata leñera ha llegado a su fin. Gülperi recuerda que trató de explicarle a Emir que las fotografías no muestran le realidad pero no la escuchó. Hasan: Chica, ¿qué estás haciendo? ¿Qué pasó?. Bade: Mert está en problemas. Estábamos caminando, iba a decir algo importante, entonces lo atacaron. No sé que pasó está sentado afuera. No lo golpearon mucho está en la calle. Kemal va a buscarlo. Mert: todos saltaron sobre mi, no comprendo qué paso, protegí a Bade si no. Tülay le paga a Ahmet, está muy enojado porque Emir casi lo mata. Tülay: ganarse el dinero no es fácil. Ahmet: cuando Gülperi se entere que mentí, me odiará. Tülay: ¿Qué vamos a hacer ahora? No hables, vete ahora, no te aparezcas por aquí. Emir recuerda "Gülperi es mi ex novia". Narin: ¿cómo pasó, los conoces? Meltem: Mert, ¿estás bien ? ¿qué te pasó? ¿Te duele mucho? Mert: No es gran cosa. Meltem: ¿quién te hizo esto? Mert: no lo sé, no los conozco. Narin: ¿Hay algo más que tengas miedo de contarnos? Mert: no, todo es como lo dije. Meltem: afortunadamente no pasó nada más. Narin: Por cierto, ¿cómo te enteraste? Meltem: Sheriye me lo dijo. Hasan: Basta niña, no te arruines tanto, los malentendidos se solucionarán pronto. Emir entenderá la verdad. Gülperi: Se enojó mucho después de las fotos. No sé cómo las tomaron. Pensé en explicar pero estaba tan enojado. Hasan: si quieres puedo hablarle. Gülperi: Ahmet se dio cuenta de que me había dejado en una situación difícil, se va a ir de todos modos. Hasan: La gente está herida por los que aman, es bueno que lo valoren, Emir está enojado porque te valora, eres importante para él. No te preocupes, no lo hará más grande, ten un poco de paciencia te escuchará. Narin: no encuentro los vendajes. Meltem: ya me hice cargo, no esperemos estas cosas pequeñas de ti. ¿verdaad? Narin. Mert nunca será poco importante. Mert: tengo un trabajo en la computadora. Bade se va pero Kemal le pide que se quede un rato más, que lo haga por Mert. Melike: te veo muy contenta. Tülay: así es, estoy sana y los que quiero están a mi lado, qué más puedo pedir. Cómo estás? después de lo que pasó con Ahmet. Tu trabajo es difícil Gülperi, Emir te ahogará en una cucharada de agua. Le lleva galletas a Ercan, dice que pronto la rata leñera se irá y ella no puede perderse la oportunidad de ver ese acontecimiento. Le pide a Ercan que se quite el yeso, ya que como no trabaja, es posible que él tenga que irse. Meltem le deja claro a Bade que ella es la responsable de la golpiza que le dieron a Mert, así que si no quiere que pase algo peor deberá estar en silencio. Gülperi: gracias por todo. Necesito ir y hablar lo antes posible. Hasan: De acuerdo, chica, no importa lo desesperada que estés. No dejes de decirle la verdad, pase lo que pase. No te rindas. Tilo, para Emir, le gusta mucho, puedes decirle que se lo envié. Narin prepara la comida de su madre, debe estar bien molida para que pueda tragarla. Kemal : tómalo con calma, tu madre está en la habitación. Narin: lo sé, pero no quiero que este sola. Meltem: la Sra. Narin está corriendo tratando de tener todo al día, quizá es necesario contratar una profesional que se ocupe de ella, sería un poco más cómodo para todos. Mert: por qué mencionaste lo sucedido. Bade: porque tenía miedo por ti. Mert: no era necesario, yo me encargaría. Bade: solo intento estar a tu lado y apoyarte. Mejor me voy después nos vemos. Gülperi: para, no es como crees. Si me escucharas. Yigit le dice a Oya que debe controlar la cantidad de agua que se riega a las plantas, se lo enseño Gülperi. Oya: estas regando las plantas, déjame traer más agua. Yigit: no es necesario, tienen agua suficiente. Papá, dónde esta la chica de las hadas. Emir: en el bosque. YIgit: vienes de bosque, ¿por qué no ha venido? Emir: Así es como se suponía que debía ser. Meltem: yo llevaré el café a Narin. Como no sale de la habitación, pensé en prepararlo y traerlo. Narin: gracias. Meltem: Buen provecho. No te molestaré más. Tülay: viniste, Emir está muy enojado. Después de que te fuiste, discutieron con Ahmet. No sé qué pasó, ahora puedes echar un vistazo en la sala de estudio. Gülperi: el tío Hasan envió tilo. Emir: puedes dejarlo en la cocina. Tengo un trabajo muy importante en este momento y no quiero que me interrumpan. Tülay: ¿Se ha calmado un poco? No entendí lo que pasó ¿dijo algo? Veamos, rata de la leñera. Esto es sólo el comienzo. Dile a Emir Ahmet, a quien conozco, que no le gustará de nuevo. lo que le dijo Ahmet a Emir no es suficiente, de alguna forma te sacaré de acá. Bade: Si no puedo explicarlo, entonces confesarás con tu propia boca todo lo que has hecho. Kemal pide a Narin que vaya a cenar, ella no quiere pero Kemal insiste, Sheriye preparó los platos que a ella le encantan y comerán en el balcón. Kemal: eres fuente de vida, no sólo para mi, si no que para todos. Serás fuerte para todos nosotros. Narin: estoy feliz de tenerte. Mert: vete a casa, ya no tienes que quedarte aquí. Meltem: Si estás bien, ok, me iré entonces. ¿Hay algo sobre las cámaras? le pregunté a un amigo, que entiende estas cosas, y dijo que es imposible recuperar las imágenes. Me iré a despedir. Mert: no están disponibles están cenando a solas. Gülperi: se durmió. Emir: me disculpas. Meltem: Sra. Sheriye, me voy, pero su cocina olía mal, no se olvidó de algo en la estufa, ¿verdad? puedes hecharle un vistazo. Una vez sola le dice a Minuvver que espera que aún esté peor para que ya no sea un problema. Cavidan: dónde está Yigit. Gülperi: se fue dormir temprano, estaba un poco cansado. Pero no te preocupes, comió algo, no se acostó con hambre. Cavidan: Emir, hijo mío, la comida está lista, por favor ven. Emir: Voy a comer en mi habitación. Tengo asuntos urgentes que atender. Buen provecho. Cavidan: Dios, hay algo de nuevo, pero me pregunto si pasó algo. Tülay: Han estado discutiendo así desde la mañana antes de que Ahmet se fuera. Sheriye llega corriendo, Minuvver no puede respirar bien. Melike pide a Gülperi que haga un café para Emir. Melike: Mira esto, no ha tocado la comida, Tülay tiene razón, hay algo que le molesta. Melike: Emir vine a buscar tu café, así que te lo traigo, ahora ha cocinado Gúlperi. Veamos si te gusta, Emir: prefiero el tuyo Melike: Dios algo pasó. Narin: ¡madre! Gülperi: necesitas escuchar, esas fotografías. Emir: Puede que en realidad no estemos casados, pero aunque sea sólo una firma, estás casada conmigo. A pesar de todo, no puedes traer a tu ex novio a esta casa. ¿Cómo puedes traer a tu ex novio? Gülperi: no, no lo fue. Emir: suficiente de mentiras. ¿Entonces no es tu ex? Gülperi: no, lo juro. Emir: tomó las fotos él mismo para que te pusiera en la puerta y el te tomara, me lo confesó el mismo. Gülperi: no, no es así. Emir: si no tu ex, ¿Por qué hizo esto? ¿Cómo lo dejó?. Gülperi:No lo sé. Emir: Por eso insistes tanto en irte ¿eso era lo que querías lograr desde el principio? Gülperi: No, no lo fue. Emir: suficiente, no me digas una palabra más, lo que más me molestas, sabes es que confié en ti. Ahora, cada vez que te miro a la cara, solo ve a un mentiroso frente a mí. Tülay: eso es todo, ha cambiado el viento para la rata de leñera. Narin: por favor no me dejes resiste mamá. Kemal: llamaré la ambulancia. Narin: respira, estoy a tu lado. Kemal: se acerca la ambulancia. Narin: no hay tiempo. Está bien puedes respirar tranquila. Gülperi: Dios ayúdame. ¿Por qué me lanzaste esta calumnia? contesta, vamos contesta. Cómo de deshago de esta calumnia. Narin: su presión arterial ha vuelto a la normalidad ahora puede respirar sin una máscara. Kemal: es mejor llevarla al hospital. Narin: Esto no habría pasado si no me hubiera ido de su lado. Kemal: no puedes estar todo el tiempo a su lado. Narin: tendrá que ser así. No me sentaré a la mesa después de que mi mamá pasó por esto. No te culpo, no me malinterpretes es mi culpa. Kemal: Bueno, lo que quieras, si necesitas algo, estoy dentro, me llamas. Kemal dice a Sheriye que buscará a alguien que ayude a Narin. Gülperi le cuenta a Hasan que Ahmet mintió y que Emir ni siquiera la escuchó, llamó a Ahmet pero tiene el teléfono apagado. Tío Hasan que voy a hacer. Hasan: te dije que debes decir las cosas, a veces uno se equivoca por tener buena voluntad. Gülperi: Nunca le mentí, simplemente no podía decir la verdad, sé lo que es estar en la calle. Hasan: entonces debes confiar en el Señor, eres inocente, fuiste calumniada, mi Señor sabe y se dará la forma de que se descubra la verdad. No conoces a Emir, no sabes que ha pasado por momentos complicado, son caminos muy complicados donde hay grades piedras que cuando las pisas duelen, puede estar enojado contigo, pero su corazón es también tu corazón. Su corazón es puro. Si los caminos vienen delante de ti en la oscuridad, encontrarás la luz al final en tu mano. Confía en tu Señor, paciencia, debes saber que al final de ese camino siempre hay luz, un día brillante te espera, eres un pasajero, un poco más de paciencia Emir, eventualmente te entenderá.


Chapter 385 English
Ahmet: I took the photos and then sent them to you. When you see them you will put it in front of the door. I told him I would take her. But you are very angry with the girl, obviously you love her very much. Tülay: Emir leave him, you will kill him, Emir: now get out of here immediately! Look, I won't see you near her again, did you hear me? Tülay: she leaves, calm down. Out of anger you will see nothing else Emir. The reign of the wood rat has come to an end. Gülperi remembers that she tried to explain to Emir that her photographs do not show reality but she did not listen to her. Hasan: Girl, what are you doing? What happened?. Bade: Mert is in trouble. We were walking, she was going to say something important, then they attacked him. I don't know what happened. He's sitting outside. They didn't beat him much, he's on the street. Kemal goes to find him. Mert: everyone jumped on me, I don't understand what happened, I protected Bade if not. Tülay pays Ahmet, he is very angry that Emir almost killed him. Tülay: earning money is not easy. Ahmet: when Gülperi finds out that I lied, she will hate me. Tülay: What are we going to do now? Don't talk, go now, don't show up around here. Emir remembers "Gülperi is my ex-girlfriend". Narin: how did it happen, do you know them? Meltem: Mert, are you okay? what happened? Does it hurt a lot? Mert: It's not a big deal. Meltem: who did this to you? Mert: I don't know, I don't know them. Narin: Is there anything else you are afraid to tell us? Mert: no, everything is as I said. Meltem: Fortunately nothing else happened. Narin: By the way, how did you find out? Meltem: Sheriye told me. Hasan: Enough girl, don't screw up so much, the misunderstandings will be fixed soon. Emir will understand the truth. Gülperi: He got very angry after the photos. I don't know how they took them. I thought about explaining but he was so mad. Hasan: if you want I can talk to him. Gülperi: Ahmet realized that he had left me in a difficult situation, he is going to leave anyway. Hasan: People are hurt by those they love, it is good that they value it, Emir is angry because he values ​​you, you are important to him. Do not worry, he will not make it bigger, have a little patience he will listen to you. Narin: I can't find the bandages. Meltem: I've already taken care of it, let's not expect these little things from you. Right? Narin. Mert will never be unimportant. Mert: I have a computer job. Bade leaves but Kemal asks him to stay a little longer, to do it for Mert. Melike: I see you very happy. Tülay: that's right, I'm healthy and those I love are by my side, what more can I ask for. How are you? after what happened with Ahmet. Your work is difficult Gülperi, Emir will drown you in a spoonful of water. He brings Ercan cookies, says that soon the wood rat will be gone and she cannot miss the opportunity to see that event. She asks Ercan to remove his cast, since since she doesn't work, he may have to leave. Meltem makes it clear to Bade that she is responsible for the beating they gave Mert, so if she doesn't want something worse to happen she should be silent. Gülperi: thanks for everything. I need to go and talk asap. Hasan: Alright girl, it doesn't matter how desperate you are. Do not stop telling the truth, whatever happens. Do not give up. Tilo, for Emir, he likes it very much, you can tell him I sent it to him. Narin prepares the food for her mother, she must be well ground so that she can swallow it. Kemal: Take it easy, your mother is in the room. Narin: I know, but I don't want her to be alone. Meltem: Mrs. Narin is running trying to keep everything up to date, maybe it is necessary to hire a professional to take care of her, it would be a little more comfortable for everyone. Mert: why did you mention what happened. Bade: because I was scared for you. Mert: it was not necessary, I would take care of it. Bade: I'm just trying to be by your side and support you. I better go later see you. Gülperi: stop, it's not how you think. If you would listen to me. Yigit tells Oya that she must control the amount of water that is watered to the plants, Gülperi taught her. Oya: you are watering the plants, let me get more water. Yigit: not necessary, they have enough water. Dad, where is the fairy girl? Emir: in the forest. YIgit: you come from the forest, why hasn't she come? Emir: This is how it was supposed to be. Meltem: I'll bring the coffee to Narin. Since she does not leave the room, I thought I would prepare it and bring it. Narin: thank you. Meltem: Bon appetit. I wont bother you anymore. Tülay: you came, Emir is very angry. After you left, they argued with Ahmet. I don't know what happened, now you can take a look in the study room. Gülperi: Uncle Hasan sent linden. Emir: you can leave it in the kitchen. I have a very important job at the moment and I don't want to be interrupted. Tülay: Has it calmed down a bit? I didn't understand what happened. Did he say something? Let's see, woodshed rat. This is just the beginning. Tell Emir Ahmet, whom I know, that he won't like him again. what Ahmet said to Emir is not enough, somehow I will get you out of here. Bade: If I cannot explain it, then you will confess with your own mouth everything you have done. Kemal asks Narin to go to dinner, she does not want but Kemal insists, Sheriye prepared the dishes that she loves and they will eat on the balcony. Kemal: you are a source of life, not only for me, but for everyone. You will be strong for all of us. Narin: I am happy to have you. Mert: go home, you don't have to stay here anymore. Meltem: If you're okay, ok, I'll go then. Is there something about the cameras? I asked a friend, who understands these things, and he said that it is impossible to retrieve the images. I'm going to say goodbye. Mert: they are not available they are dining alone. Gülperi: she fell asleep. Emir: Excuse me. Meltem: Ms. Sheriye, I'm leaving, but her kitchen smelled bad, she didn't forget something on the stove, did she? you can take a look at it. She once by herself she tells Minuvver that she hopes he is even worse so that it is no longer a problem. Cavidan: where is Yigit. Gülperi: he went to sleep early, he was a little tired. But don't worry, he ate something, he didn't go to bed hungry. Cavidan: Emir, my son, the food is ready, please come. Emir: I'm going to eat in my room. I have urgent business to attend to. Enjoy your meal. Cavidan: God, there is something new, but I wonder if something happened. Tülay: They have been arguing like this since the morning before Ahmet left. Sheriye comes running, Minuvver can't breathe well. Melike asks Gülperi to make coffee for Emir. Melike: Look at this, he hasn't touched the food, Tülay is right, something is bothering him. Melike: Emir I came to get your coffee, so I'll bring it to you, now Gúlperi has cooked. Let's see if you like it, Emir: I prefer yours Melike: God something happened. Narin: mother! Gülperi: you need to listen, those photographs. Emir: We may not actually be married, but even if it is just a firm, you are married to me. Regardless, you can't bring your ex boyfriend to this house. How can you bring your ex boyfriend? Gülperi: no, it wasn't. Emir: enough of the lies. So he's not your ex? Gülperi: no, I swear. Emir: he took the photos himself so that he would put you at the door and he would take you, he confessed it to me himself. Gülperi: no, it's not like that. Emir: if not your ex, why did he do this? How did he leave it? Gülperi: I don't know. Emir: That's why you insist so much on leaving, was that what you wanted to achieve from the beginning? Gülperi: No, he wasn't. Emir: enough, don't say another word to me, what bothers me the most, you know is that I trusted you. Now every time I look at your face, I only see a liar in front of me. Tülay: that's all, the wind has changed for the wood rat. Narin: please don't let me resist mom. Kemal: I'll call the ambulance. Narin: breathe, I'm by your side. Kemal: The ambulance is approaching. Narin: there is no time. It's okay you can breathe easy. Gülperi: God help me. Why did you slander me? answer, come on answer. How do I get rid of this slander. Narin - His blood pressure has returned to normal now he can breathe without a mask. Kemal: It is better to take her to the hospital. Narin: This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't left her side. Kemal: you can't be by her side all the time. Narin: it will have to be like that. I will not sit at the table after my mom went through this. I don't blame you, don't get me wrong it's my fault. Kemal: Well, whatever you want, if you need anything, I'm inside, call me. Kemal tells Sheriye that he will find someone to help Narin. Gülperi tells Hasan that Ahmet lied and that Emir didn't even listen to her, she called Ahmet but has the phone turned off. Uncle Hasan, what am I going to do? Hasan: I told you that you should say things, sometimes one is wrong for having good will. Gülperi: I never lied to him, I just couldn't tell the truth, I know what it's like to be on the street. Hasan: then you must trust the Lord, you are innocent, you were slandered, my Lord knows and the way will be found that the truth is discovered. You do not know Emir, you do not know that he has gone through difficult times, they are very complicated roads where there are large stones that when you step on them hurt, he may be angry with you, but his heart is also your heart. His heart is pure. If the roads come before you in the dark, you will find the light in the end in your hand. Trust in your Lord, patience, you must know that at the end of that path there is always light, a bright day awaits you, you are a passenger, a little more patience Emir, eventually he will understand you.


You see how Yigit treat her? Why you so surprise Emir? All this while that it's how they banter, spend time together and at story telling time. With her he feels mother love that he never had before. She so patient with him, listen to him one by one, do whatever he asks for. She loves him unconditionally. Even that, you are still important to her. That's why you her first priority compare to your son. You don't see that, right? Because your eyes full of anger. But, Yigit look at her with full of love. How she knows Yigit, that it's how she know you. You and Yigit like two peas in a pot. Brave but afraid.


These last 2 episodes 384 and 385 have been very difficult to enjoy. We move one step forward with Emir and Gülperi's "relationship", only to go back three. I would think if Emir wanted to know the truth about Gülperi and Ahmet's past, he'd go straight to Uncle Hasan's house and ask him. Instead he is driving himself crazy...


Питам продукцију, коме је кобра Тулај са братом, дала обећање?
Исто и кобра Мелтем, шта она тражи у серијалу, шта
желе писац и режија са овим негативностима и
срамотом за људски род?
Штета... Штета за гледаност...


The fairy girl so sad, ashamed and broken. When she's fallen in love for the first time that man look at her as a liar and never give her a chance to explain. Emir, he told she's a liar, mad at her, won't listen to her at the same time he needs her for his son's sake or he scares losing her? She knows he's afraid. Afraid of losing her. So far, she's considering he is brave and hero for her and Yigit. Be like Yigit, he's not afraid, he fights for her. That's why she still there. Emir better do something. She already gives him a hint. Don't be afraid, he will not lose her.


Emir, think Gulperi did not hug him back when he said goodbye, She loves you😊💕Only Turkey and your mom will be happy if Gulperi leaves you and Yeight.


Nie dość ze scenariusz tandetny to jeszcze aktorzy wybrani chyba z lapanki i poziomem gry fatalni oprócz tych z prawdziwego Yemin .. jednym słowem kończcie panowie i panie wstydu oszczędzicie .. a w rezydencjach jak zwykle panują nieznane i obce osoby postacie niczym z, , horroru, , zaklamanie i bezmózgowie kto by uwierzył w takie bajki w dzisiejszych czasach .. kogoś tu ponosi fantazja ..


I ask the channel to delete the offensive comments to the series, please


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 tawang tawa naman ako ni gulpire hindi marunong mag acting parang walang ka buhau buhay


Tulai and Meltem make me sick. But no one understands them. How funny.


I do not understand why every time Emir gets involved with a woman he totally mistrusts and abundant s them…


Tulai stole so much money from the company's locker, no one knows that yet?


I do not understand that a supposed wife can be so naive and not slap the gardener on his face, I do not understand how this series has so many naive and coward women, I do not understand how they make women so powerless and a few evil ones continue to take over. What is this now? Anyway its only a series that has lost a few thousand international viewers. Gulperi is always on the verge of tears and she is so tongued tied. I'm tired


How long this evil ness is going to go on? Never a happy seen, no one is ever happy in this show, is one thing to another, is getting to sad and disappointed


What is this always sad, no happiness why?


I don't understand why Amir and Gulperi still talk and listen to Tulay?? OK she can stay with Malika but they should not believe a word coming from her mouth after her lies were exposed.


Please less escenes from Tulay and Meltem...I am really tired of both of them in every single scene and also keep them out of Kemal's and Emir's mansions, they can still creating their complot, there is no need to stay all the time in someone else's house ufff!


Emir siempre tiene ese pronto es porque la quiere y está celoso y sabiendo que las fotos las echo esa víbora como no la manda a hacer puñetas de la casa y por la experiencia debería tener otro comportamiento y ser más comprensivo sabiendo como es ella y lo que la han maltratado y las fotos no tienen nada de malo que se empiece a aclarar cosas porque no hay quien aguante a todas estas víboras y que no se den cuenta insoportable por cierto para cuando el resto de la traducción gracias


Stop lying. How you took it pictures . Tulay took it pictures of Gulperi. I dont know why Emir kicked out from the house .oh my god.
