Dating mistake women make with new guys

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Dating mistake women make with new guys. Women often think they have gotten closer to a guy when they haven’t actually made any relationship progress. They think every little thing a guy does or every time they communicate anything progress is being made. That’s not true. Quality of interaction is more important than quantity or length if time you’ve know a guy. Don’t confuse movement for progress in a relationship. It’s dangerous because it makes you feel more connected to a guy than you actually are. Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re more important to a guy than you are. Activity isn’t growth. Movement isn’t progress when dating. This a huge dating mistake women make with guys. Thrr wet think that low effort interactions are s sign that a guy likes them. They start giving too much to someone who doesn’t even want them. They are often surprised and devastated when the “what are we” talk leads to them realizing they’ve over invested after confusing movement for progress. Signs to tell a if a guy likes you are progress and increased connection and vulnerability. Not just dry text messages and random sexual contact or flirting.
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He calls his wife "pretty girl" my heart 😭😭😭😍😍😍


I just walked away from a dude that wasn’t opening up, putting all responsibility of entertainment on me by telling me let me know where to be and I’ll be there like it was a booty call/ situationship. Didn’t really waste my time because I never stopped what I was doing. 🤷🏽‍♀️ moving on.


Perfect timing! I just got done cutting off a dude who hasnt been doing anything but sending me bs text messages and barely spending any time with me. He tried to make excuses but i know better, snip snip🙅🏾✌🏾✂


That ending said it all.. "not just poke at you til sex happens". That hit! Lol


Yes! My cutoff game is now on point. Three red flags and I’m out. I’m not going to look for green flags to hide the red ones.


Just called someone out for this over the weekend. Dude is about as deep as a puddle. His heart is so closed off it’s disturbing. He wasn’t capable of giving this a real chance. Or maybe he just didn’t want to. :-(


Exactly what I needed to hear. Weekly dates with no real conversation in between is just entertainment.


Wow.... I totally agree with SO many of the points Kev just spoke about... 👏 I am the type of woman who really enjoys the "getting to know you" stage & learning more about a new man by talking & sharing, but in my GUT I can always tell & feel the disappointment when I realize that the man is NOT reciprocating those types of feelings & truly "investing" in me... 😔😔😔 For example, at first, the "Good Morning" texts are really cute & will make me smile, but if I'm not feeling any REAL progress- then that kind of stuff will start to become annoying to me, instead of cute!!! 😕


I love how as soon as you mentioned your wife, seconds later she calls you. It’s like she sensed you were talking about her.👌🏽🤣♥️✨


Yep. Just made it clear with the Virgo i was talking to that the connection is not deep enough for me. Found him online still looking for someone else....I called him out as he said he's not ready to get deep. I interpret that as he doesn't want to get deep with ME. Moving on.


Wow... I didn’t know the difference between movement & progress this information is vital🔥


Omgoodness I know this is a real thing but did he Kev just say poke at you til sex happen I was lmao when Kev said that but I definitely get what Kev is saying I love the way he acknowledged to his wife when she called and asked her very politely to hold on and also told her exactly what he was doing at that moment and why he requesting her to hold on the respect is real


Exactly what’s happening rn, strictly movement. I’m definitely about to cut things off, because all I feel is poking


Exactly, movement is a waste of LIFE. And as far as I know, I only get or have one life. As a result, I'm not wasting MY LIFE on movement so please move out of my way. I have progress to make.


So timely. I walked away from a guy who just wasn't moving along. I stopped repeating myself and have gone silent. He's texted me saying that I've "been quiet and wanted to check in on you". Dude, you're not my fitness accountability buddy.


that was so sweet
He said "Hold on Pretty Girl I'm doing a video" ❤❤😭😭


Thanks for opening my eyes to the dating mistakes that I’ve done before.


...Not just poke at you until sex happens.” ROTFL 🤣


They are there but you can still feel the distance even with their constant calls n chat, there is no sense of belonging, of building together, of assurance, everything is just shallow. You sleep with them in hopes that you could bond better but afterwards you still feel this emptiness. Pls run. It never ends unless you end it. Take it from me. Bn there, done that. Never again.


Amazing the timing of this video. Just spoke to a blast from the past and by the third phrase, recognized for myself that it was nice to hear from him but it was all movement. No wonder its been two years since. Dude picked up right where I left him
