9 Signs of Low Iodine (Weight Gain, Fatigue, ...)

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Millions of people are deficient in iodine and they have no idea. Low iodine is something many doctors forget to check for. Here are 9 signs of low iodine you need to know because it is important.

Every cell in your body needs iodine for proper function. Look for the signs I talk about in this video and make sure you're getting enough iodine in your diet.

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician with 20 years of clinical practice.
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Dr. Berry, Thank you for your guidance with getting me on the right path for a healthier life. Since Jan. 1, I’ve lost 48 pounds, feeling great! My goal is 100 pounds. Keep up the great work, you’re a great American!


1. Fatigue, chronic tiredness 2:13
2. Unexplained weight gain 2:26
3. Carbohydrate carvings 2:45
4. Hair loss 3:04
5. Chronically cold hands and feet 3:28
6. Depressed mood 3:44
7. Dry skin 3:59
8. Brain fog or memory trouble 4:13
9. Goiter 4:39


I have an interesting story to tell about the use of iodine. In its day you bought a small bottle and used it as an antiseptic for a small wound. I recall my parents applying it many times during the course of my outside playing. On one occasion I had a sore throat. My father took a look and said in was red, swollen, and looked as if there was pus. It hurt a lot. Well he took a long swab dipped it in the iodine and very quickly coated the back of my throat. Immediately it cleared up! No pain, no redness, no pus. And no doctor visit.


I had cysts since I was a child, heavy periods yielding huge clots, nodules, cystic breasts, dry, thin hair that got to a point where I didn't cut my hair for two decades and there was no obvious growth. I know it did grow, but was falling out and thinning at the same time. I had digestive problems from childhood and had to study constantly to pass tests then walked away forgetting it all. No taste buds, brittle nails, dry skin; overweight. I started using the iodine in the form of kelp time's one week. I noticed my thinking is more clear. I give all the Glory to God for pointing me to this video teaching and for creating these elements for supplement and for guiding you in this revelation.


I started taking sea kelp and it saved my fat ass. I was napping every day after work, craving carbs, hungry a lot, I gained 40 lbs in a month. 4 years later I'm down 65 lbs with a low carb diet, sea kelp, and magnesium.


I started to cry as I watched this video! No one seem to know what was wrong with me. No matter how well prepared my foods were I gained weight. My brain was scrambled eggs and only I saw the goiter! I had to show it to my doctor. I had EVERY symptom! Nothing is worse than being sick and not knowing what is wrong with you!


Cold hands and feet, depression&anxiety, hair loss, cannot lose weight even on keto brain fog, I cannot remember words, I’m going to start taking iodine now!!


I started on iodine for a low thyroid. I've finally lost weight after years of trying !


Iodine deficiency Symptoms :

1-Fatigue, chronic tiredness
2-Unexplained weight gain
3-Carbohydrate Cravings
4-Hair loss
5-Chronically cold hands and feet
6-Depressed mood
7-Dry Skin
8-Brain Fog or memory trouble
9-Goiter (enlarged thyroid/ neck fullness)


I had 6 out of 9 symptoms. 2 years ago. Got laid off from work because of it. Went to dr tests showed everything was ok. Did a search on fatigue and found iodine as 1 reason. Went back to dr and asked about it and a test for it. Showed iodine was low. Started taking iodine and was greatly improved in a few days.


I believe iodine deficiency also plays a major role in uterine fibroids. And iodine is one of the most important nutrients for avoiding and helping to reduce breast cancer.


Ohhhh my goodness, I'm a senior widow and you hit on every symptom I've been having. Dr said it's all due to diabetes but you've given me much hope 🙏 God bless you 👑🙏


I have Autism, ADHD, and untreated Type 2 Diabetes (no insurance, therefore no doctors and no medicine), so when I started feeling a lot of these symptoms you just described I just brushed it off as related to those medical issues and the depression associated with it. However, at the start of this year the symptoms started getting much worse, to the point that I could barely function. I stumbled across these videos about Iodine and Vitamin D deficiency and remembered that I had once been put on a high dose of Vit D because of deficiency in the past, so decided to start taking a 10, 000IU Vit D3 supplement and a supplement that has a good source of Iodine, as well as B12 and several other minerals.

Within just a few days the difference was like night and day. Fatigue and brain fog eased up to a point that I was finally able to function as an adult again after not being able to for several months. After just a few weeks, my dry skin is starting to clear up and the unexplained cold feet has disappeared. I had also been having difficulty swallowing, and that has gotten much easier, so it wouldn't surprise me if I had a hidden goiter that is starting to go away.

I'm now working on adjusting my diet, as much as our very limited income will allow, but just having the knowledge that many of my worst issues were due to nutrient deficiencies has been a real life saver. So thank you!!


I had 3 growths on my thyroid. The doctors said they weren’t big enough to treat. The largest was 11mm. They wanted to send me on my way and rescan in 12 months. I researched home remedies, thyroid illnesses and came across iodine.

I started taking daily oral iodine. I lost 20kg within two months and on my 12 month rescan the nodule’s had completely disappeared. No sign of them. They’ve never came back.


The simple test for iodine deficiency is to put a drop on your wrist and rub the iodine into the skin with your other wrist. Leave overnight while the iodine is absorbed easily into the body. If your skin clears of the yellow colour very quickly you have an iodine deficiency so keep putting a couple of iodine drops rubbed into your wrists every night until you wake in the morning with yellow still there, then you will have sufficient iodine.
Iodine lack causes cysts and you can topically add iodine to those to remove them along with warts and skin tags and psoriasis.


Dr. Berry, at this moment I feel like my life has been changed. I am 25 years with RA and had Covid 8/2020. I have been trying to recover for 6 months. I lost all my hair. I listened to your talk on Iodine the other day and ordered some. I have been taking it for almost a week, 3 drops in a small glass of water daily. I also cut my 88 mcg Synthroid in half and have not felt this good in over 6 months. My energy is coming back and I do not have my all day long fatigue and dark mood. I am going to continue to monitor my blood work with my doctor to make sure my thyroid is functioning properly. Thank you for changing lives!


My period was always late. I thought I was pregnant every month for over a year, but then I did some research and realized iodine deficiency can cause ovulation problems. I started eating more fish and after a couple of months my period normalized.


I read how women who suffer from uterine issues like fibroids, pcos, etc. found relief and healing with upping their iodine.


Very interesting. My wife has all of the symptoms you just explained. I have several ! Thank you so much for your knowledge.


Thank you. I swear, I have EVERY SINGLE symptom. I have subscribed and will anxiously watch other videos
