7 Warning Signs of an IODINE Deficiency

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Find out what the 7 warning signs of an iodine deficiency are!

More videos on Iodine:

Cruciferous Vegetables:

0:00 Introduction: Iodine deficiency
0:10 Symptoms of hypothyroidism
2:05 7 warning signs of an iodine deficiency
6:13 #1 cause of an iodine deficiency
9:20 The best source of iodine
10:10 Learn more about why you're deficient in iodine!

In this video, we’re going to talk about iodine deficiency.

Low iodine can create a slow thyroid or hypothyroid condition. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include:
• Hair loss and thinning of the hair
• Lethargy
• Depression
• Dry hair and skin
• Weight gain
• Cold intolerance

Hypothyroidism affects 10 million people in the United States and 40 million people in Europe. Globally, 1.88 billion people have an iodine deficiency.

One of the best ways to know if you have low iodine is to measure your thyroid stimulating hormone. If you are deficient in iodine, you will have higher levels of thyroid stimulating hormone.

Here are the 7 warning signs of an iodine deficiency:
1. Intellectual disability
2. Infertility
3. Hearing loss
4. Fibrocystic breast
5. Heavy periods
6. Reduced productivity
7. Brain damage

Iodine is important in regulating excess amounts of estrogen. If you have too much estrogen and not enough iodine, you can develop small cysts in your breast tissue and ovaries. Excess estrogen can cause heavy menstrual cycles as well.

Iodine is essential for the creation and repair of brain tissue. Iodine deficiency is actually the number one cause of brain damage in children.

Consuming iodine in your diet may not be enough to prevent iodine deficiency symptoms. It is important to avoid goitrogenic foods because they deplete iodine and could cause a goiter. Cassava can be especially problematic because it contains hydrocyanic acid and thiocyanate which bind to and block iodine.

Foods high in iodine include:
• Shellfish
• Fish
• Sea kelp
• Eggs
• Organ meats
• Nuts

Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, age 57, is a chiropractor who specializes in Healthy Ketosis & Intermittent Fasting. He is the author of the best-selling book The Healthy Keto Plan, and is the Director of Dr. Berg Nutritionals. He no longer practices, but focuses on health education through social media.

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Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients so he can focus on educating people as a full time activity, yet he maintains an active license. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

#keto #ketodiet #weightloss #ketolifestyle

Thanks for watching. I hope this video makes you aware of the 7 warning signs of an iodine deficiency. I’ll see you in the next video.
Рекомендации по теме

Low iodine can create a slow thyroid or hypothyroid condition. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include:
• Hair loss and thinning of the hair
• Lethargy
• Depression
• Dry hair and skin
• Weight gain
• Cold intolerance

Here are the 7 warning signs of an iodine deficiency:
1. Intellectual disability
2. Infertility
3. Hearing loss
4. Fibrocystic breast
5. Heavy periods
6. Reduced productivity
7. Brain damage

Foods high in iodine include:
• Shellfish
• Fish
• Sea kelp
• Eggs
• Organ meats
• Nuts

Thank you Dr Berg!! 🐱👍🏿


I only wish I knew this years ago. I had loads of cysts & some were very large & painful. I had to get some aspirated when all they had to do was tell me to buy a little bottle of orange stuff. When I finally started taking it for other things, I noticed they disappeared ! Thesedoctors aren't helping us - we don't want to manage our symptoms, we want to be cured


I use to be cold constantly since I was a child. Then I started getting enough sleep. Since then the cold disappeared. When others were cold I wasn't cold at all. Sleep is amazing!


Dr. Berg understands that repetition is the best way to help retain information :) But with a different angle each time. Thank you, Dr. Berg -- it's working!


My grandmother died at the age of 27. She was pregnant and died from uremic poisoning. She had a very large goiter for many years of her life even up to death. My mother used to suffer a lot from anemia. Both my oldest sister and myself were born with hearing only in one ear. Things that make you 🤔


I’ve had fibrocystic breast and extremely heavy periods for years. Since learning from Dr Berg, I’ve been taking 7 capsules of sea kelp supplement everyday and holy smokes, it works! Thank u, Dr. Berg! God bless u.


Be careful of overdosing as well. Recently, my husband had a heart procedure (ablation), after which he was prescribed the drug AMIODERONE for a time. The Heart Dr never asked if he was taking any supplements and we didn't have a clue what was in the drug. He had been taking a multi-vitamin/mineral as well as Lugol's iodine drops daily so was already at peak iodine supplementation. After he was having severe constipation, our family Dr did a routine blood test showing that his thyroid gland had completely 'tanked' from the iodine overload from the Amioderone which by then he was no longer taking, so he had to go on prescription synthroid for some time. After a year, he weaned off of it and was tested to see if his own thyroid gland was able to function and luckily it returned to normal production. The amioderone almost killed him and I think it should be banned completely.


Dr Berg, I attended a wedding last night and an old friend aka “Maga” recognized how much weight that I have lost. I told him that I have been watching Dr. Berg on YouTube, he laughed and said to tell Malarkey (Malarkey is not Dr Berg but he knows him) that Maga said hello. My weight loss journey started this past June I have gone from 198 down to 157, mostly from scheduled eating and fasting. Thank you Dr Berg!


Interesting that my mom has some of these symptoms, but she also has most mid-stage Alzheimer's symptoms. So I wonder if there's a relationship between iodine deficiency and cognitive decline. I know that lots of things can contribute to that, but sounds like low iodine could be one, too. Fish, seafood and eggs are great for the brain. And as it happens, they're good sources of omega 3s, choline, iodine, and essential minerals.


Dr. Berg, I have been watching all your videos on iodine, and started your regimen. I also apply a few drops of potassium iodine on my skin to help with texture and scarring, as well as clear up some random acne cysts that appeared on my forehead recently. Within a couple of DAYS I could see a HUGE difference in my skin! The cysts went away and barely left a trace! No redness, no scarring or marks after them. The texture from fine lines, scars, oil glands and pores, as well as frown lines and the line between my brows have improved SIGNIFICANTLY! I’ve been using Tretinoin on my skin for almost three years, and it did barely anything to treat these issues. All it does is giving me a nice glow and a bit of plumpness in the skin thanks to the collagen boost, but it hasn’t “removed” any of the issues I mentioned. Iodine also seems to even out my overall skin tone (I have mild rosacea). I have so much gratitude and respect for your work and the information you share here. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


I’m curious about the symptoms of excess of Iodine, I read that it’s harmful. How much can we take and remain safe? Thank you


Wow, sadly I'm thinking both me and my 7yr old are iodine deficient. I wonder how long it takes to start seeing your hair grow back after moderate thinning? Thanks Dr Berg, you're so wonderful for teaching us all so much and for free 🤗


wow came here 2 mins after uploading and I only discovered you about 5 mins ago!! Im glad I did, looks like this could really help my health - many thanks!!


Dr Berg, please can you explain the difference between Lugol’s iodine, Nascent, and Povidone iodine? Also, Lugol’s for instance, comes in different percentage strengths, and seems to evaporate into the lid over time. So does that mean it loses strength?


I have Hashimotos Thyroiditis. My Dr has prescribed me levothyroxine 75mcg and 88mcg every other day. 7 months ago it was 125mcg and had been for years. Still my thyroid is off. I have been doing research on how I can make my symptoms better. I stumbled on your videos. I have clusters in my left breast. Had it 6 months ago and had to get a biopsy. I have to get another biopsy on my left breast Wednesday. I had to get a hysterectomy at 30, hemorrhaged and almost died. So, I ask my Dr about iodine supplements and she said that there's no iodine deficiency in America. She works for the VA so I don't believe her. We have discussed in length that I want to be as natural as possible. Yet she can't explain why I am not getting better. I do intermittent fasting and eat pescatarian diet. Help! Tired of being tired. Tired of chest pain. Tired of dealing with doctors who are not looking out for my health.


So annoying! I have obviously been deficient for most of my life and NEVER had a doctor suggest this, why? Because they are only taught to be glorified pharma reps.


Gosh yes. Cold hands arms seriously feeling the cold, brain fog, dry skin, thinning hair, weight loss? Unable to gain it back thus far . Lethargy, anxiety, sleeplessness.. oh dear. Need to rectify this.


Wow! The way you list out the things impresses me always.


Thank you very much for the important information Dr.Eric Berg!🙌❤️


I’m so glad that you always explain why. Nursing school didn’t always tell us why. I watch your videos to help me understand. I have most of the symptoms that you describe. 😢
