Iodine Deficiency | Causes, Symptoms & Tips for Iodine Deficiency | Dr. J9 Live

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Iodine Deficiency | Causes, Symptoms & Tips for Iodine Deficiency | Dr. J9 Live

In this episode of the Dr. Janine show Dr. Janine will discuss iodine deficiency and the causes, sypmtoms and tips for iodine deficiency. She will explain what an iodine deficiency is and share regions of the world where it is common. She talks about the benefits of iodine, for detox, thyroid function and to help kill infections. She shares the recommend daily allowances for all ages, as well as the best food sources or iodine. She talks about symptoms of iodine deficiency and the different tests available determine if you are iodine deficient. She explains who could be at risk of an iodine deficiency. Lastly, Dr. Janine shares her 9 tips to improve iodine deficiency.

Links to supplements mentioned in this episode

Links to studies mentioned in this episode

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Рекомендации по теме

Thank you so much for making this video! After decades of an extremely limited diet I was convinced to stop eating one of two things that contain iodine that I eat, being potatoes... And I had come across some information of the benefits of Himalayan pink salts over table salt so for the last year and a half to two years I not only almost fully cut out potatoes but also table salt... I had never been overweight or even chubby in my life before but for the first time now I've actually got a gut I was trying to figure out what it was that changed.. I assumed the loss of my job and not working since mid 2020 had to be the reasoning, but with the information presented in your video here I have reason enough to consider the possibility that me almost completely eliminating iodine from my diet and living just north of the goiter Belt in Ontario Canada, could be the culprit, and honestly makes a lot more sense than not having been working. Thank you thank you thank you!!


What is your opinion of Violet Iodine which is 3000 mcg plus selenium. People who take it rave about it.


Iodized doesn’t give you much iodine if any at all.


Can you have iodine on blood pressure medication medication


Does low iodine cause pcos
Fm SheriD South Africa 🇿🇦


Hi Dr Bowring; What is best test for iodine, urine or blood tests


Does low iodine also cause u to have thyroid nodules


Cold hands feet. Brain slowness and fog. Dry feet elbows and large goiter ( also, vitamin d is below normal levels even though I supplement like crazy


Hello Dr. Bowring, i have all symptoms of a hypothyriod, and was diagnose with it in my 20tys. Now the t3 t4 is always ok, but i am extremly tiered, often cold, swollen ankles, cysts in my breasts, now energy and so on, but my heart races the minute i move my body and the muscles hurt and feel very weak and i feel i don´t want to move at all. I am really concerned and confused. hashimoto was tested and i don´t have it. How can i have an Iodine deficiency with normal T3, T4 and a high pulse rate? thank you for your time to answer. Greetings from Germany


Chocolate covered Brazil nuts !?
That's not fair !


I have a very high calsium in my blood. Will iodine help to bring the calcium down.


I have tried copying the transcript and can’t


I had to respond. I suffer from hypothyroidism. For the last two days my thyroid gland was inflamed pressure in my neck, trouble breathing all those symptoms.

I needed a quick fix. Knowing what can increase my thyroid function.. Im still blown away how immediately that pressure pain went away and feel myself again in such a short period of time.

I went to the store. Bought some green apples, 2 bags of pitted dates, vit d3 as i was out.

I got home and immediately ate:

- 6 dates right away with 1 green apple sliced with sprinkled cinnamon on top of each slice.
- 1 cup of freshly ginger root tea (sipped it)
- ate another 6 dates
- ate another green apple with cinnamon
- 2 tbsp of saurkraut raw
Waited two hours then all of a sudden had this immediate major craving for bacon. Like my body needed right now now. So ran downstairs and made about 6 slices with 2 egg yolks. Took vitD3 supplement.

Waited a bit about an hour. Could feel my legs getting inflamed again from the bacon so i ate the rest of thr bag of dates. Didnt feel good for about 20 minutes. But then all of a sudden started to get my energy back, my pressure in my throat that was really bad went away and some swelling in my legs went down. Still retaining water but dont feel miserable. Writing this comment at 2am because i feel amazing..

Am stunned on how quickly that worked. And my energy is back and feel myself again in just the matter of about 10 hours of eating all that stuff.

Thank you Jesus. Now i can continue to stay on track again. Sure was scary there for a bit. God bless. Hope this info was of help to someone.
