When Trans People Regret Transitioning (Heartbreaking)

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Our culture has been proudly touting gender transitioning as a solution, when it’s actually the problem. As medical gender transitions become more common, so too have been regrets for undergoing them. In this video, Bryan Osborne views several clips of trans people expressing their fears and regrets for what they’ve done, and then points us to the only solution: finding our ultimate identity in Christ.

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I regret my first tattoo. I can only imagine what these people are going through.


My oldest daughter told us she was trans when she was 15. We basically told her no, she’s not. She’s just confused. We got her in to counseling with a non-gender affirming counselor and after several months, got to the root of the trauma that was causing this confusion.

She’s 25 now. She never transitioned because through therapy she realized that she wasn’t actually trans, she was just hurting.

I praise God that she saw the light before she could do anything drastic.


When I was going through puberty, there was a time I wanted to be a boy because I was a tomboy growing up. I hated the changes that were happening to my body because it meant that I had to act differently than I did as a child. I hated my heavy monthly cycles and all the baggage that came with it. I hated that my chest developed before the other girls in my class and not being able to run anymore. Luckily, I had (and still do) a very observant mother who was able to see that I was experiencing distress. She apologized to me like it was her fault that my puberty was so bad and explained the whole puberty process to me. She told me it was normal to have uneasy feelings about puberty and that there was nothing wrong me. She said that I was becoming the woman God wants me to be. Despite still hating puberty, I didn’t wish to be a boy anymore. These poor kids have been sold lies and it’s heartbreaking.


I’m a 52 year old woman that got breast implants when I was 23. I’ve had 9 operations because of complications. I can’t imagine the complications that go with something like this.


1970 - "Don't get a tattoo you might regret it"
2022 - This video


I’m a woman who, at one time, wanted to be a boy. I was very young and didn’t really understand why I felt that way. Now that I’m older, I’m so happy that I’m a woman. I truly feel like a woman. I’m so happy that this wasn’t a huge thing in the 90s or I would be a man today.


When I was a little boy, I loved dressing in princess outfits, playing with barbie dolls, makeup and wigs but I never once thought I was a girl, I just simply enjoyed playing with girl stuff. Eventually I grew out of it and I’m now a gay adult man. I’d hate to think where I’d be if my parents affirmed me as a trans person


There are things I regret when I was a teenager. I cannot imagine the people are going through.


My neighbor, a 15 year old girl, is beginning to undergo a gender transition. Her parents have put her on male hormones, and will be legally changing her name from a female to a male name. Please pray for her and for her family who have been supporting this.


It's amazing how these individuals are promised unconditional love by their peers and the vast majority of people online to make the transition, and unending judgement by those same people if they decide they made a mistake and want to return to reality. In a lot of ways it follows the same steps that cults use to entrap and retain members.


I started calling myself trans when I was 13 after being in an abusive relationship and bad living situation. I think my mind thought that it would protect me and make me happier and stronger. I used to be so pretty, but now I’m just a mess of a person. I guess I’m lucky, because I was only on testosterone for six months before I stopped. But now I permanently sound like both a woman and a man. If I try, I can still kinda sound like a woman. But I wish I could just have my real voice back. And I have no one to talk to about this. I just don’t know what to do.


Confusion is common in puberty, it usually goes away by itself. Mental illness is treatable, it takes therapy and sometimes medication. Treating this as something physical is insane.


I was a tomboy growing up and the majority of my friends were men. I was bullied by women, yet never felt truly a part of the guys group. Throughout elementary school and middle school I was often gender dysphoric because I felt as though I was never fully accepted by my male counterparts or by the members of my sex. I felt this way due to relational issues and normal pubescent insecurity. The world we live in hurts my heart so much because if I did not live in the Christian household and I did not have a relationship with Christ I may have transitioned and I wouldn't have had what I do now. I am happily married to my husband of two years and I enjoy being feminine! God has given me a husband that compliments me perfectly and enjoys the tomboy aspects of me as well as the feminine ones. God is good and I know this hurts him even more. I pray changes are made and that trans people, those detransitioning or thinking about transitioning get the help they truly need.


As a Democrat, I am absolutely appalled by my party's willful ignorance on this topic. In order to be an effective decision maker, you MUST weigh the pros and cons of EVERY issue. We can not continue to ignore the cons of transitioning in the name of " inclusivity." It's absurd and I am genuinely concerned about society.


Thanks for bringing this to your platform.
This is not about politics it is about truth and humanity.
We can not be silenced.


It's better to embrace what you are than what you aren't.


I’m 18 yr old girl and I would never done this horrible things to my body. Love your body, it loves you more than anything.


This is truly heartbreaking. Seeing their pain. I’m disgusted that the group that’s supposed to be soooo accepting and soooo loving; shows the most hate to people who de-transition. Like they committed some atrocity. Prayers, wishes and love to those who are suffering.


Born as a woman, always will be woman. No matter what you cut off or add on.


My cousin is female and her mom began male hormones for her years ago as a young teen. And her sister is non binary. My aunt had four girls and had wanted a boy so I wonder if that’s involved. I have four sons, and it enrages me honestly that my aunt is doing this and that some of my younger cousins are supporting it.
