Hearing Voices at Work | A Story about Hallucinations

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In this episode of Tales from the Schiz I talk about how a voice in my head became jealous of Siri. Having a hallucination envy a literal artificial intelligence is a very… unique situation, so I think you will really enjoy this schizoaffective storytime.

And if you don’t know what schizoaffective disorder is, it’s a condition where someone experiences both symptoms of schizophrenia—such as delusions and hallucinations—but also symptoms of a mood disorder—either major depression, or in my case, bipolar.

I hear voices as part of my condition, and this story occurred in my last schizoaffective episode, so it is not my normal and you definitely should not romanticize an entire illness based off one funny story.

This is similar to previous Tales From the Schiz where I talked about hallucinating in a grocery store during the same episode I talk about here.

Enjoy :)



Disclaimer: I am not a qualified mental health professional. This channel exists for educational purposes, and I do my best to provide accurate and up-to-date information. In order to create content, I combine scientific resources (peer reviewed studies and easy-to-understand articles) and my own personal experiences/advice. I seek to make complicated topics easy to understand, but I am no substitute for a doctor, therapist, or other qualified mental health professional.

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I talk to myself but I don't hear voices I hear songs non stop in my head. Talking to myself helps me cope and express my emotions


You have a really poetic way of describing your voices. I used to think that voices were all terribly abusive and destructive. That’s just my frame of reference from what people told me. It breaks my heart to hear what some people hear about themselves in the privacy of their psychosis. I’m glad to know that they can sometimes be quirky, funny or even friends. Take care!


That sounds a lot better than my experience with voices at work, the last time I heard a voice at work it was my last day at work as well:( it was my grandmothers voice who is passed on now..she was telling me to stop! I was doing some work stuff and it really scared me…I had to take a break…


Do you ever ask a voice where its from? Like putting it on the spot to explain its purpose and origin.


I have always had a voice in my head he’s a pretty interesting character we have discussed many things over the years from complex strategies and solutions for whatever to philosophical conversation about the universe it’s quite cool sometimes


I just was diagnosed this and man o man the voice is terrible! I've had it all my life and thought it was normal. I hate the voice, I don't even realize I'm talking back to it.


Yay, another tale from the schiz! This one was just as entertaining as the first. I'm glad I'm alone in my house right now watching this, because I also laughed out loud at your voice getting jealous of Siri XD Who would have ever expected that? On a more serious note, it's cool how that voice also helped you practice a similar thing to the way you explain your protocols to grad students, but without the added pressure of having to answer their questions, and instead just being able to say you didn't know. That definitely sounds cathartic. Thank you so much for sharing this story, and I'm looking forward to hearing more!


I'm unmedicated at the moment and the voices get really bad. Honestly they piss me off alot, especially at work. It doesn't help that I've had to quit two jobs over harassment directed at my mental health (gaslighting, people finding out about my psychosis and weoponizing it against me, etc.) I actually just moved to a different state because people spread rumors about me that lead to death threats, I got followed at night a couple of times (and I'm currently not keeping any firearms due to my psychosis, even though a gun would make me feel alot safer) man some people are so ignorant. Luckily the job im at now I'm around alot of incredible women who accept me for who I am, with my psychosis. But it can be terrifying for me, sometimes I catch myself involuntarily talking to them out loud, I hear voices threatening me alot, just alot of bad stuff ya know. Honestly I wish I had more of those funny moments. Idk like I'm sick of hospitals, sick of meds and the side effects. But as much as I hate it, I'm finally able to get proper treatment (hopefully) I have an appointment with a therapist and a psychiatrist later this month. But it is truly terrifying when a psychopath figures out how to weoponize the legal system, social norms, and your personal trauma and psychosis against you. Idk I want everyone to get along and be peaceful, but I'm not about to let someone hurt me. The worst part is knowing ill have to prove to this quack im not this drug addict that psychopath said I am. One lie can destroy someone, and this guy told everyone in the city alot of deeply personal things about me, that directly endangered my safety. (As in gave total strangers my full name and personal details) Literally at one job, people started woeponizing it against me badly. Someone threatened me and I was in an enclosed work area with no escape, so I started hiding knives. That dude was twice my size and as much of a peace lover I am, I'd have stabbed him until he wasn't a threat anymore had he blocked me in there. So I quit the next day, then had to leave that city because they told every business around that I'm crazy. And I am I guess, defending yourself means you're worthless and don't deserve to work. But ya, the voices scare the hell out of me sometimes and sometimes I'm not sure if I'm hearing people or voices, and the doctors won't just treat me as a patient. Because of one little lie. Fucking quacks


I often talk to myself internally, but I control both narratives. It's a format that works for me when I am explaining things to myself.


I love your tales of mental health I always hear bad voices too, thank you for what you do,


What a story Kit! You Look amazing!❤❤❤


I am surprised so many of you work! I've lost my job & ability to engage in "meaningful activities" as my psychiatrist put it because of my voices. I'm currently in 1st round of application for SSDI bc I can barely function & meds make me so sick I have to go to the ER. Truly astounding that sommayall are working!


Are there just portholes to the other side, like in the next room? I hear voices and amongst all the other stuff perceived from my unbalanced rubix cube brain. I get synchronicity, that CAN be witnessed by a third party, however most blind eyed people wouldnt notice or wouldnt want to believe outside their box.


Thanks for giving us examples of your voices both good and bad. I am glad you were alone in the lab though. 😊


That's funny and interesting story, don't know what else to say, video well done, and I love your over-head accessories, don't know how that's called in English but it looks nice :)


I have really annoying auditory hallucinations, but not often. The main one is someone knocking on my door - so I get up and answer and there's no-one there. Sometimes I hear someone else in my bed, coughing, or snoring. I'm used to it now. it doesn't bother me. Michael.


Question for you or any of your viewers: My 12yo daughter’s behaviors have changed drastically in the last few weeks. She already has many diagnosis and when I was talking with the nurse, he wondered if she could possibly be having hallucinations and/or voices. Only problem is I forgot to ask for suggestions on how to talk to her about it to see if I could get any clues of confirmation or something different. I worry that if I ask it in the wrong way, she may be like OH YEAH!!! Just simply to gain attention when it’s not the truth. Same time, if she indeed is - I need to get her in. (I do have an appt next week already, no worries)

I’ve been searching for a way to ask and can’t find any. Does anyone have suggestions on how to proceed, not to say, to say, etc??? 😳


Hey I don't always have voices I have mental illness mostly I have delusional thoughts that can sometimes have voices I've just recently had a stop sign and phone pole calling me to go by them it's kinda funny but I'm able to tell what reality is and able to tell them apart from my life I still walk by on my way to do things just part of life 😊


I gues we all have some funny experiences with voices. The best one I ever had was when I was in the hospita.l I halucinated a nurs standing next to my bed. I could hear her voice inside my head so we started to chat about my conditions and how they affect me. It was a really productive deep conversatio. After a wile I got sleepy from the meds and fell asleep. It took me a view days to realiced it was a halucination that I talked with.


My goodness! Don’t let the voice convince you to switch the labels on the samples. 😉
